Alright, here's a quick update to the Target price match deal scenario I posted below. There have been quite a lot of questions regarding being able to use a Target coupon on a price match item. Well, according to reader, Nicole , this can be done. She emailed Target corporate directly about this issue and this was their reply back:
Thanks for taking the time to ask us about using coupons with the Low Price Promise.
We do accept the manufacturer and Target coupon to be used with the Low Price Promise Ad Match for a further price reduction. The coupon would need to be presented at time of check out at the register/POS and not given at the Guest Service counter.
We look forward to showing you what's new at Target.
She also converted the email above it to a PDF file here. I would suggest printing this off and bringing it with you every time you shop at Target. This should come in hand if you have issues price matching and using a Target and/or manufacturer coupon.
(Thanks so much, Nicole!)
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
But another question you need to ask is...will Target price-match for door buster sales? I've heard that they do not.
and bringing original ads...
my target only lets you price match at customer service- so should I go through the checkout with a coupon and then to customer service to fix the price? not sure that will work.
I'm with Hope. I think the Target pricematching policy states to go to the CS to pricematch...so how would we present the coupons to the POS if we were matching at the CS desk?
I have not tried price matching a doorbuster deal, but can imagine it would be not be easy. They are so strict sometimes with their normal price matching/coupon policies. The doorbuster sale at Toys R Us starts at 3pm right? So would Target make you wait until 3pm? It will interesting to hear about everyone's experience. Good luck to anyone who tries! I'm anxious to go tomorrow and see if my Target will price match Best Buy for the movie deals.
just go to your store and ask them!
It's worked for me. Going through the regular line with the item and the Target (or MQ) coupon and paying.
Then go to Customer Service to get the retail price adjusted. They ignore the coupon. I don't know what would happen with overage though.
I ran into a LOT of hassle doing it this way!!!
The 1st week Target offered price match I did it. They rang the cereal up at the checkout & scanned my coupons. I ran into trouble when the customer service desk tried to do the price change. (The target price minus the coupon was lower than the price I was trying to match!!!) 3 of them could not figure out how to do it.
In the end they still did not ring the items up correctly. I would say, be very careful & make sure they ring them up correct.
Some stores will say YES, others will say NO.... If you want this deal go TRY it out at your store... It usually depends on the CSR you get to if you will get the deal or not!
GL to everyone!
I called my local target store (Hillsboro Oregon) and they do NOT price match door buster adds.
Is there a place where we can see and print off the Walmart coupon policy?
Thank you for the post. I had just reserved Up and Monsters, Inc. and will be going this afternoon to Target to see how it'll work out. Please call your Target or check online before going to make sure they have it in stock. I know most Targets are out of Monsters, Inc.
I tried price matching for the Clue game this week with a Kmart add. I had the first section of the add which listed the store, price, and dates for the add. They could not use the add, because their price matching guidelines state that you must bring in the entire add for price matching. Just be aware of this if you go in to price match. They were super nice about it, and I will be going back in with the whole add on Saturday.
Anyone heard or called to see if TRU will take targets coupon????
I've also read they won't price match with doorbuster's. Is this true HIp2Save?????
I've emailed Target to ask about the doorbuster situation - this'll be important for black friday too, I'm guessing! I'll let you know as soon as I hear back!
So, am I reading this correctly:
You take your items to the register; they price match and then take your manufacturer and then store Q's
TRU will not accept Target coupons.
I was just told Target will not price match Door Buster deals - is this correct?
I was at Target last night to buy 2Clue Spy games. I had to price match another ad, used 2 Target coupons and 2 Mfg coupons. I did this at the customer service desk and absolutely no problems. I went back and found the items first and then went to customer service to pay. All was wonderfully pleasant.
I also had the problem of price-matching with only one page from the Walgreen's add. Although it showed it was current, Nov 8-14, they told me I had to have the entire ad. As rediculous as it seems, she showed me where it was written in their policy and on a small sign at the customer service desk.
wow thanks so much
Even though this seemed to raise even more questions than it answered (!), thank you so much for the info Collin. And thank you Nicole for putting the e-mail into a pdf that can be easily saved and printed out. This is a huge help!
I've had great luck with my Target price matching and using Target coupons as well as Mfr coupons. During the cereal sale (my local Albertons had Kellogg cereal for $1.88 a box). I took in the ad to Customer Service, along with my 8 boxes of cereal.. I used the Mfr $1/2 coupon along with the Target $1/1 coupon and ended up paying around $2.50 for all 8 boxes :)
i've only PM at the CS desk. but they always took my Qs. never had to give it to the register first then price adjust at the CS desk.
For what it's worth, I called my local Target, and they said they would price match on a door buster sale, as long as I purchased the item during the stated time of the sale on the ad. They also said I could use a Target coupon, as long as the coupon didn't exceed the amount of the item. Woot!
Forgot to mention that they said the transaction would need to be done at the customer service desk (which is great, so I don't have to hold up the regular line!).
I did the Hasbor game price match (Kmart ad) at my local Target. I had to do the entire transaction at customer service and paid for them there. It took a while for the guest service clerk to realize that the names on the coupons matched the games EXACTLY! I got 2 Pictureka Flipper and one Clue game for $4.99 each. You do need to have the whole competitors store ad with you.
I am pretty ticked b/c I drove across town (I made it a trip to the children's museum so that I could kill two birds with one stone) to get the last copy of Monster's Inc. in the entire city and the Target people told me that they won't price match with Best Buy b/c it isn't close enough! Are you kidding me?! They told me I had to go to the closest Target to that store in order to price match with that store. Whatever. I just bought it and will price match at my local store.
I have always just taken all my price match stuff up to customer service and it has gone well. I usually buy my "regular" stuff first and then head on over the the Guest Services with my price match items.
I did the Barbie movies deal on Tuesday. I price matched w/ the TRU ad to get them for $9.99 each and used $5 off Target coupon and used $5 mgr peelie on the movie to get both for $10! I did it at the customer service desk w/o any problems - since I've had so many problems in the past purchasing first and then trying to price match/use coupons, also have had problems doing price adjustments (bought item w/ a Target coupon and then just a few days later item is on sale and they won't let me do an adjustment since the register thinks you bought it for less than sale price, even though you would have paid less if it was on sale w/ target coupon...UGH!) still need to work on that issue w/ corporate!
I dont have a toys or us near by Can i just go tothe ad online and print it out.. or is there someother way I can score this ABC toy for this price?
Oh and just so you know. My target did not have the monsters Inc dvd in so i walked down to best buy (i had reward zone credits anyway) The people at Best Buy were trying to tell me you could not use a Manfactor coupon with a sale.. I said (this youung manager) honey you need to think again.. a MC is not coming out of your pocket.. it is legal.. I was looked at like an alien, but eventually got him to understand.. They did not take the targe coupon but i did have 15.oo in best buy rewards still made a sweet deal got monsters 4 disc set and Up 4 disc set plus the talking DUG dog...16.47!
Our Target had me go to customer service and they price matched there and then took off the coupons there at CS as well.
I just want to thank you again for your deal alert on Up and Monsters, Inc. I printed the letter that Nicole received from Target - for security measure - along with Best Buy ad to get a price match on those 2 movies. The cashier specified that the deal would only be valid if the same exact items are bought as per Best Buy ad; they had to be the combo 4 disk pack. The transaction went smoothly. Thanks again!
Collin, you rock. I am sorry it's taking so long for Adobe Acrobat to load..... I am not sure what the deal is there, but I promise you that the PDF file exists. Thanks again Collin for all you do.
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for this post! I have prioced matched a couple of times at Target. I was told that next time Ineed to bring the ad & my coupons to the guest service to check out because they cannot figure out how to do the price match with the coupons lowering the purchase price (Target coupons usually do this). I am so happy to have a printed copy that states you CAN use both & to go throughthe normal line for the coupons- then I can use more Target coupons. ;)
From my Target inquiry:
"We're able to match the advertised prices from any qualifying competitor with a store in your market/area. Please bring in the local competitor’s entire current ad. The advertised price must be valid at the competitor the day the price match is requested. And as a reminder this service isn't available on partial ads or pages cut from ads, computer printouts or even those advertising in-store prices."
Target will price match for 2 day sales ads but not for door busters such as early bird specials or limited stocked items.i.e 200 tvs per store. I am a superviser at Target and we just recieved an email about that. Also, I know one reader emailed corperate about the coupons and price matching, however it does save time if you have coupons and want to match a price to just bring it to Guest Service. It is just easier and quicker.
www.commonsensewithmoney.com has the price match policy up on her site!
I emailed Target concerning their corp policy on door buster ads and they said as long as you have the ad in hand and it's during the same hours advertised with the competitor that they would price match to that deal.
Target in Twin Cities MN (where Target is HQ'd) declined to match for a 2 day sale. They would have given me the deal if it was Toys r us's weekly ad, but they do not do Doorbusters.
I gave the coupon to the clerk at checkout and then went to guest services. Of course a manager had to help because the lady thought, 1: I was trying to get it for free when it would have been $.49, and even if it was free that shouldn't matter....and 2. The picture looked different in the Toys r us ad, it was an older model of the toy. But then when I told her it was the same thing, and asked for a manager, they still declined b/c of their policy to not match doorbusters. So I just returned it and left. They were very polite, nonetheless.
TRY YOUR ATRGET - I went in this morning with the door buster paper, kinda played it off as a two day sale.. Was super smiley and nice to the CSR and she let me price match, no problem... She even let me PM on some other items in the paper! AWESOME - TRY IT the worst they can say is NO!
Target in Utah would not price match without the entire add, also would not allow you to use a coupon with a price match. Didn't matter anyway because they didn't have the movie, the candles, or the toy!
Just got back from Target. Price matched and coupon worked, so I got 2 for .49 each! Thanks so much. One for my son, and one for toys for tots!
I have had the hardest time at Target recently. They wouldn't let me stack manufacturers coupons with Target coupons - "you can't do that" and when I tried to explain I had done it in the past she said that previous cashier had made a mistake. Tried today to price match - no luck. I'm getting extremely frustrated with Target and think I may be done shopping there... my time and energy is just too valuable!
I went to get the Alphabet pal toy and they had to pull some from the back because the shelf was empty...so I'm thinking this deal must be working. But my cashier said they wouldn't take doorbusters. I asked to talk to a mgr and she said I just need to go to customer service and the cashier was like "but we don't take doorbusters!" Well, my friend went through a different line with no problem. So I went in her line and got 2 for $.49 each! Yeah! Just depends on the person. I really hate inconsistancy!
I emailed Target and they said that they DO NOT price match, although the other night when I was there they did it with no problems, I think they need to get their story straight!
I just got an email from Target that said they DO NOT price match, when the other day when I was there, they did with no problems. They need to get their stories straight!
Sorry to inform everyone...
I called corporate and spoke with a supervisor. She informed me that Target will not price match a 2 day sale, because it is not a "typical sale."
I called corporate and spoke to a supervisor. They DO NOT "price match" 2-day sales. Why?.. "because it's not a typical run of the mill sale"
I called my Target today and they stated that they have new updates everyday regarding price matching and said that they do not honor "time sensitive" ads or items. (Ex. a 2 day sale or a sale for certain times) They only honor items with the original ad and on an item that is on sale for an entire week (from Sun.-Sat.)
Hope this helps some of you!
~Katie R.
I got my movies!! after days of Target being sold out of Monsters Inc i was First in line thismorning to get it! they priced matched Best Buy just fine and took my coupons! I paid total $1.83 for Both movies!! Thanks so much for sharing Deals with us! I Love a Great deal! our friday night plans are to watch Up!~Serena
If I'm reading this right...go thru the line, use coupon, pay. It takes $10 off your order. Go to CS, they'll price match and pay no attention that a $10 coupon was used (if they'll do door buster) and it should be that simple? I'll let ya know. My Target is HORRIBLE!
Heads up folks! Just when I thought I had the cashiers down and things were going smoothly at my Target...along comes Temporary Seasonal Workers! Last night I had a newbee read every single coupon with a fine tooth comb. I guess we'll all have to be patient and have our Target policies in hand...
Well its a "no - go " here in Orem, UT after spending 20 min arguing with the manager over a $.49 alphabet worm I decided to give up and call headquarters... I even had the "Our Low Price Policy" on my netbook computer in hand for them to see... they still wouldn't give it to me... I then called HQ and they gave me this site http://sites.target.com/site/en/company/page.jsp?contentId=WCMP04-040400 which lists things that are not on the other policy such as
Timed events (e.g., early bird, doorbusters) I then demanded that they need to update the policy they put online (highly doubt they will) I now hate target.. humpf
Target must have got a little upset about all the Alphabet Pals they gave away yesterday. Check out their price matching policy now — those of you who printed it before last night will note that the wording has changed:
Other price matching exclusions include:
Online retail promotions or products advertised on another company’s web or mobile sites, even those advertising in-store prices.
Competitor’s free product, bundled offers, or special purchases
Gift cards and coupon-required offers
Sales tax promotions
Timed events (e.g., early bird, doorbusters) [emphasis added]
Limited time or quantity items
Damaged product or opened packaging
Clearance or closeout items
Prices advertised only as a percent off or $ off
Mail in offers or instant rebates
Product services (warranties, assembly, etc.)
Going-out-of-business liquidations
Special financing
Used or previously owned items
Display merchandise
Pricing or typographical errors
Club or loyalty programs [emphasis added]
Owned brands (i.e., Home, Merona, Circo, Market Pantry and Archer Farms)
Mobile coupons
Target Portrait Studio, Optical, and Clinic offers
That “club or loyalty programs” exclusion is also interesting, because it sounds like they wouldn’t price match, say, CVS (your preferred card is a loyalty card). Which makes the “we match local retailer competitor things” meaningless in a lot of cases, but…
I can see them not appreciating things like Alphabet Pal (that was a Target coupon we all used, so they didn’t get manufacturer reimbursement for that $10.00 discount). However, this will also make it much more difficult to match food prices when, say, CVSl has a sale.
I went to Target today and purchased: Up and Monsters Inc, Pictureka Flipper, Clue Secrets and Spies, and a LeapFrog Alphabet Pal. I paid and used my coupons at the cash register and then headed to customer service. What a disaster. I was there for no less than 45 minutes. Because of the way the receipt prints when you use a Target coupon, some of he price matches didn't want to work. I had printed an email from Target saying that you can price match with a Target and manufacturer coupon, so that helped. They were polite and helpful, they just couldn't figure out what to do. I just got home and checked me receipts and realized that there was a big mistake somewhere. At the cash register I paid $64. When I went to CS they refunded my order and put $89 on my card. ???? Then they rerung the things and I paid $23. I am still so confused. What a mess. They really need to do something so that the associates know what to do.
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