Save A Lot has quite a few new printable coupons available here! The best part is that these are manufacturer coupons and can be used at ANY retailer! Only one coupon specifies Save A Lot.
Coupons available:
* FREE Pink Reusable Bag with 2 Banquet Family Dinners
* FREE Pink Reusable Bag with 10 Banquet Pot Pies
* $1 off Kellogg's or Keebler Products (specifies at Save A Lot)
* $2 off Bertolli Frozen Meals, 24 oz, any variety
* $1 off (2) Breyers Ice Cream, 48 oz, any variety
* $1 off (2) Hellman's and/or Best Foods Mayonnaise
* $1 off (3) Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides
* $1 off (2) Ragu Pasta Sauce
* $2/2 Orville Redenbacher's 100 Calorie Smart Pop
Let us know what deals you're able to score with these new coupons!
**Also, if you have a Publix nearby, you may want to head on over here and print the Kraft Publix coupons that are available!
(Thanks, CouponSavingsGame!)
so if you use the save a lot Q can you stack a manufacturer Q with it too?
What is a pink reusable bag and where do you get it from? Thanks for the coupons!!!
I'm also curious about this pink bag. . . . .
I am guessing the pink bag is one of those reusable bags specific to the Sav-a-lot store.
Awww. That is Since I have Windows7 and Use FF 3.5 my printing of coupons is not supported yet. LOL. Oh, well more coupons for everyone else. Thanks Collin!
Collin - Thank you for pointing that out!!! I had printed these earlier today, thinking I might finally have to try this store (it's in a not-so-nice area) . . . but now I can use these coupons at my usual stores, where they're already on sale! I really would not have figured this out on my own (sad, I know). So thanks!
YOu can use any MQ at most stores since most stores accept comeptitor coupons. As long as there is a proper remit to address they'll probably take it. Just ask! Can't hurt to try!
This is way off note but I was wondering did anyone have trouble using their Q for the 6 box dipped fruit from edible arrangements?!
I went yesterday & the lady said the company wasn't honoring the Q....b/c they had either already reached their goal of 5,000 fans or/& they had already spend some much money!! But she gave me some sample fruit!
ano 7:49 I had NO problems at all. You have to call the number on the certificate that you printed out and then they contact the store closest to you and you pick it up. It was really easy and made a great birthday gift for my friend!
oh my god... i went to edible arrangements last saturday and they told me I can go back on Monday to pick it up. Since they close early (5.00 p.m) everyday, I told them I'll be there to pick it up on Saturday. They gave me a receipt & I hope they honour it.
thanks! these coupons will go great with the acme spend 30 get $15 cat for your next order deal starting soon!!
Just a tip don't try and print more than two of each coupon per computer. It will still send a coupon to your printer but it's blank and reads you have exceeded your household limit. With a barcode full of zeros. no need for anyone else to waste paper or ink.
If you go to Jewel buy 6 icecreams Bryers you pay 18 plus tax and get 15 back in catalinas with the Bryers coupons you have if you use 3 you get them for just the tax
the pink reusable bags are specific to Save A Lot, their reusable bags they sell in the store are pink with a breast cancer ribbon on them (there's a Save A Lot a block from me... I shopped there almost exclusively untill I started REALLY couponing)
Has anyone tried using the Publix coupons anywhere else? They say they are manufacturer's coupons--just redeem at Publix. I'm wondering if this is the same as other various retailers that put their symbol on a coupon in hopes that you will only use it there. Just wondering!
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