In my opinion, this is definitely the month to take advantage of photo deals! Pictures make for wonderful gifts and there just always nice to have on hand!
Currently, Sears Portrait Studio is offering up a FREE Classic Photo Montage ($29.99 value) with this coupon! Plus, no sitting fee ($14.99 value). On top of that, they're also offering up 20% off your entire purchase and you combine this with the in-studio specials for even bigger savings!
**These offers are valid thru 12/31/09.
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
I went to sears last month to take advantage of the free collage and was disappointed to be told at the time of my session that 'some restrictions may apply' meant that I had to buy something. I'm still waiting to hear back from the district manager about this b/c if a purchase was necessary, it should say that.
I don't have a Sears near me,,,but I do have a Target with a Prortrait Studio. I wonder if they would price match this?????
I never have trouble using coupons at the portrait studio at Sears. I have gone several times. When you are in there ask about their membership. Its a really good deal, too.
I'm very excited to have a 20% off coupon. We have my daughters Christmas pictures taken the middle of Nov. every year at Sears. It will be nice to save a little this year. Thanks
I'm with you Anon, I think it all depends on the photograpers. This past month in October it was free. When I went in June w/same promo they told me I had to purchase a sheet?
Yes, I totally agree with Anon 8:03, we also went to get Halloween pics taken of our son last weekend with previous Sears deal and we HAD to purchase something in order to get the deal :( We did purchase a sheet of wallets for $9.99 to be able to get the free collage(the pics were too cute not to) but we were highly disappointed to have to do so.
THANK YOU! I do Sears pics once a month for my baby- my otehr 3 boys I try to do 3-4 times a year. I ALWAYS do the $9.99 pkg or cheaper. I use to get collage coupons all the time that I could combine with the package & now they are harder to come by. If you go to you are able to find offers before you go in. The studions try tell you the chepaest pkg is around $100- NOT TRUE! They have a 7.99 & a 9.99 package (I would suggest printing it from the internet & holding onto it jsut in case)! ALSO, Sears has "reorder" sales. They usually require you to buy a CD usually around $20. Then you can pick any sheets from any session in any size- usually around $3 a sheet. My Sears told me instead of the twice a year reorders they are now doing them sooner- every quarter! Whoo Hoo!
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