There's a new high value Huggies coupon available on Coupons.com: save $2/1 Huggies Overnites Diapers! This coupon should make for a sweet deal and should really come in hand for the upcoming Extra Care Buck deal at CVS!
Red Plum also released quite a few new coupons:
$1 off any 2 Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers or Lip glosses
$1 of any non-lip Burt's Bees product or gift set
$0.55 off any Tennessee Pride Product
$1 off any 2 Heluva good Sour Cream Dips
And More!
(Thanks, PrintableCouponsAndDeals!)
Other New Coupons:
Save $1/1 Tide To Go product
Just become a fan on their Facebook page
Save $0.75 on any Solo Cups, Plates or Bowls: Here and Here!
You should be able to print 2 coupons from each link.
Save $1.50 on ANY 2 Ore-Ida French Fries
This should make 2 boxes of the small Ore-Ida Microwavable fries FREE or close to it after the coupon!
Specially marked Banquet Dinners (priced around $1) have $6 worth of coupons inside:
$.75 off Slim Jim Canister
$.35 off ONE Banquet Select Recipes
$.60 on SIX. When you buy any SIX Banquet Pot Pies
$1.00 on TWO Chef Boyardee 40oz can and/or 14.5 microwaveable bowl
$.20 on ONE Hunt's Ketchup bottle of 24 oz or larger.
$.75 on ONE Banquet Boneless Chicken Bag
$1.00 on TWO ACT II Popcorn Packages (3 pack or larger)
$.35 on ONE Banquet Brown 'n Serve
$1.00 on TWO Crunch N Munch Packages (7.5 or larger)
$.60 on SIX Banquet Dinners
**All of the coupons don't expire until 2/1/2011--yes, 2011!
(Thanks, Breta!)
I am not sure if will get catalina coupon at Kroger if you buy Solo products and I need to check more info. If anyone else know about this and please feel free to jump in to add more information. Thanks!
Overnights are excluded from the CVS Huggies deal. :(
The two solo coupons don't let you print from each. You can print two from one but then on the next link it will say "you've already printed this offer".
My co-worker eats Banquet and gives me the box when he's done so I can have the coupons! Woo hoo
I didn't see the huggies coupon. What zipcode is it?
Collin, My name is BETA not Breta. LOL. I get it all the time. I don't know if there is another Beta out there. Unusual names. I am sure you get it also. You know people never getting your name right or them thinking that that couldn't possibly be you name. LOL. Anyways, hope people find all those great coupons in the banquet dinners. They don't expire till. 2011. WooHoo
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