One of my readers, Tressa, recently emailed about Target having a new system for their printable coupons and it's not something I'm excited about at all. It looks like they are now limiting you to two prints per computer and you are required to print the coupons directly from the Target site. This is what they now state under one of the questions on their help page "Many of our coupons have print limits – per guest and in total. If/when you exceed those limits, the coupon will no longer appear for you or you may receive a messaging stating “you have exceeded your household limit” or “this coupon is no longer available”." You can check out more details on this here.
On a positive note, Target just released quite a few new coupons available here and they don't expire until 12/12/09. Print what you want now and save them for a sale or pair them up with a manufacturer coupon and/or price match deal.
New Coupon Highlights:
Save $1/1 Dole bagged salad
Combine with the $1/2 coupon from here
Anyone know the regular price of bagged Dole salad?
Save $1/2 Pop Secret popcorn (3-ct or larger)
combine with the $1/2 coupons available inside Banquet Dinners
Save $1/1 Pepperidge Farm Baked Naturals crackers
Combine with the $1/1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost should be around $0.99 per box--maybe less!
Save $1/1 Pepsi product 12-pack
Soda coupons are hard to come by, so this is a great one to print!
Save $1/1 Ritz crackers
Combine this coupon with the buy Ritz Crackers, get Ritz Crackerfuls FREE (up to $3.49) from the 8/23SS
& More!
(Thanks, Tressa!)
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Does that mean they will no longer be on sites like Organic Coupons?
I heard we aren't going to be able to print at the kiosk anymore either :(
Uh Oh, I have windows7 and their site is telling me that they do not support printing under my system. Anyone have a suggestion?
Do you know if we can still use the coupons we have already printed from the generator that haven't expired yet? Thanks!
i was just in target like 2 hours ago with coupons from organic coupons and was able to use like 10 of them so i would say if you have them use them as soon as you can i found great deals using them..
Brittney in OK
I was wondering the same thing. I printed out from the site to see if they looked the same, and they do, except bigger. I wonder if they will have the new coupons on organic grocery generator?
This really makes me mad about Target coupons. Just shows they do not want happy customers.
There is a $1 off del monte canned veggies. This will go lovely with the $.45 a can veggies:)
THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope hot coupon world will somehow be able to get a program up so we can print more than one, but sounds doubtful!!! I have a very MAD face right now!
I used the $1.00 off Up and Up Baby Wipes today (5 of them, actually, same transaction) and they went through just fine.
I would imagine they will allow you to use any that you have already printed - obviously they're just trying to phase out the ability for us to print multiples.
I am fine with Target limiting prints (yes it sucks) but I would think Target would have the latest technology and allow us Windows7-ers to print coupons too. I can't even look at them, this is awful. :(
If they are only available on Target.com, how come they are still coming up on full cup site? Also, does anyone know if you can use the ones you already have? Normally, i would only print a few anyway so it probably doesn't affect me too much but i did print a bunch of the wipes coupons. What a bummer. It is a shame that people abuse the deals and get them taken away.
Off topic- check kraft first taste for a $1.25 off mousse temptations coupon!!
I have windows 7 and it won't support target cupons either. What to do???
I luckily have several computers, but I am one of those with windows 7 and it will not even let me view the coupons, much less print them!
Target's "new" coupon activator SUCKS!
Did you notice how the new coupons say limit one offer per transaction....so I am guessing that you will now only be able to use one of each coupon per transaction...so if you want to buy multiples of something you will have to check out multiple times?
um... yeah... they need to make they're system compatible with Windows 7. There are 5 computers in my house, all running windows 7. I'd really love me some Target coupons, even if they are starting to limit them. I'm totally not surprised by this, though. I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
I have just called Target.com and complained about not being able to print with Windows 7. They are writing up a ticket. Maybe if enough of us complain they will quickly fix this issue.
the coupons have always said limit 1 per transaction, but they always let me use more than 1
I went to Target this afternoon and was able to use Chex Mix coupons that I printed off Organic Coupons with no problem. I have several of the baby wipe coupons that I have been wanting to use, but the shelves are wiped out. I have been three times and they still do not have any at all. The same with the Spuds Christmas Potato Head. I don't know if they are not getting the products in or if they are flying off the shelves as soon as they get them put out, but either way it's frustrating.
Just was figuring this all out when I came back to your site and saw that you mentioned it. For those that can't print it...I went through Firefox and was able to print the coupons. I'm sad about the new system too. :(
looks like target is using the e incentive coupon generator. Similar to Bricks.
Rachel, its not a browser issue... Target's current system apparently isn't willing to play with the newest Windows operating system (Windows 7). I sent an email, so hopefully we'll get an update soon. Oh, and the coupons still available on Hot Coupon World and A Full Cup do not include the new coupons, on the previous releases.
how do i get the home made simple coupon book...looked at website and i didnt find it......please help.
why are you worried about a print limit? I just printed them twice, they are all the same barcodes etc each time i printed them...so you can copy them...since they are not unique bar codes, right?
I'm not happy with this new print limit but can you blame them? When a Target coupon comes out that nets customers a free product some couponers don't know how to limit themselves. Instead of only picking up a few and appreciating the great deal they feel the need to be greedy and clean the shelves. We're all tired of getting to the store and unable to find the great deal because of a few greedy people and apparently so are Target.
What site are you guys referring to when you mention "Organic Coupons"? I buy organic food/cleaning products/etc almost exclusively & only know of a few blogs. Does anyone have a link? TIA.
Will Target price match Fred Meyer? Ritz are on sale 3/$5 this week at Fred Meyer. If you combined the Target Q with the $1/1 manufacturer Q they'd be free, possibly with overage.
FYI....I just read Target's Coupon FAQ's on their website & it didn't mention being able to print them at the kiosk at all. That really, really sucks.
Well maybe this will stop people from being so greedy and wiping out the shelves.
Uhhh, Anon 9:50, copying coupons is fraud.
So I wouldn't go there if I were you!
Responding to Heather 09:55:00 PM
They are talking about http://www.organicgrocerydeals.com/
The site has the Target coupon generator. It is one of the places to get currently valid Target coupons when they are no longer available on the Target website.
@Anon 10:50...thanks! I actually have that page already bookmarked, but haven't really checked it out much. Off now to print some Qs before they disappear. Thanks!
i am getting so pissed at target they make everything so difficult ...walmart is so much better never have to deal with this stupid issues...they are just making it hard for families that live on a budget in today society....
Im actually ok with it. Too many people abuse it. For example, the up and up wipes. I talked to the manager today because I have only been able to get 3 packs (I have 2 toddlers so definately need them) She told me that people abused it so much, most of the stores are not even going to order more until the coupon is expired. Our target has also taken down the glade display :(
I'm with you Kristen! I love being able to print as many as I want, but my store does limit me to one per transaction, which I think is perfectly fair, so everyone (couponers and non-couponers alike!) can have a chance to have a stocked selection. I was shocked that some people were allowed to use/chose to use multiple per transaction (and I am not talking 2 or 3!), so it isn't a surprise that they placed a print limit on their coupons. Unfortunately, as usual, the few bad apples who abused the policy spoiled it for the rest of us!
I guess I don't understand how buying multiple of an item is abuse? Sure, it may be rude if you take everything, but how is using a coupon abuse? The system allows that coupon to be used on small wipes packs without any beeps. To me that means you can use 1 coupon per pack (in separate transaction or in the same if your cashier allows). Abuse would be pushing a cashier to push a coupon that beeps through when it is clearly meant for a different item. I feel that a Target not willing to stock their shelves is just being greedy and does not want to sell the $1.29 wipes for 29 cents. They would rather you pay them the $1.29.
And for those who are thinking... this person must have wiped the shelves... not at all. I bought only 5 of MANY small sensitive wipe packs (paid 29 cents each after coupon). Love their sensitive wipes!!!
They clearly set a limit on the amount of coupons you can use because so many ppl have gotten GREEDY lately. Do you really need 10 of anything?
My Target has lots of those baby wipes but its not a super Target and it's really old and small compared to others. I notice if I go to a busy store with lots of customers the shelves will get wiped out much faster. Everyone does coupons now and many of the deals are posted on all the sites so tons of readers = sell out.
Everybody has to do what they have to do. Target is going to do what is best for them, and customers are going to try to do what is best for themselves as well.
10 of one item? Not everybody is hording everything they purchase in bulk quantities. Some people are helping others that can't help themselves. And even if they are hording it is within their rights to spend their money as they see fit.
Even so, I don't think there is a clear right or wrong.
@Kimberly 10:37PM
"Do you really need 10 of anything?"
YES! That's what stockpiling is all baout and is what many people on this site come here for. And do you really need 10 packages of wipes? YES - when you have 2 kiddos in diapers and living on one income. Believe me, 10 packages of wipes is nothing. Will be gone before you know it.
However, I do agree some folks got greedy on the wipes. I saw on another coupon board a post about "how many wipes did you get?" and there were folks in there who got 40+ packs of the FREE toddler wipes. I was happy with the 6 packs of unscented wipes I got for .55c each! But over 40? Yeesh! To me, now that's greedy!
Maybe I am one of the "greedy" one but with twin girls and a 2 year old in diapers when I see a good wipes deal I jump on it. I dont clear the shelves since they are already pretty much cleared. I always make sure there is plenty for everyone. I just go back many times to get more. Whats the point of couponing if you cant get things for cheap?
See, that's just it. For one person getting 7 is ok, for another person only getting 2 is ok. There is no 'right' limit unless the coupon states, "Only one coupon allowed per person, per household, etc". Again, there is nothing like that on the coupon. Only 1 per transaction. Follow that rule and you aren't abusing the coupon. You are being a consumer and buying what you need. I could buy 100 and my daughter would probably still need more!
For those buying them just to later throw them away... please share and don't be 'greedy' as so many say. For those buying them because you need them for your little ones and got there before me...good for you and better luck next time for me. Guess I will wait for the next great wipes deal (because it's not like we won't get free wipes again!)
I was in an ST tonight at 9 trying to print some coupons from the Kiosk and it wouldn't let me. (you can do all the steps - go to target.com, click "print coupons" but the page won't load.) From reading this post I have a feeling those days are behind us. :-(
I have to say that I am a bit saddened by the new print limit on these coupons. These coupons are the reason why I shop @ Target over some other stores. I may have to reconsider that now. I am part of the greedy crowd when it comes to the Target coupons. I stocked up big time on cat/dog food and took it to the local shelter. I don't have a problem clearing the shelf for items such as those.
On the other hand, who really needs like 3o tins of Glade candles. I think people get a bit out of hand with a "good deal". There are always going to be people out there that will wipe shelves of baby, cleaning, misc products just to say they got it for free or darn close to it.
I have been looking for the wipes for days and checked many Target stores. I finally found them today and bought a lot. I am sharing them with friends and family who have also been looking for the wipes.
I did feel bad buying a lot because I normally would have only picked up a couple and maybe a couple each time I shopped at Target over the next few weeks. Since this is such a great deal I know that the shelf clearers will be taking them all. I visit one site where one member has posted about how family, friends, neighbors shop her stockpile (pay her for stuff she gets for free/cheap). I can't compete with people like that so I chose this time for this deal to make sure that we (my family, friends) will each get a couple packs of the wipes.
I have a closet full of Free items, and have not touched many of them. It is time for all of us to evaluate how and why we buy things
Yes, I tried to use the Kiosk at Target today and it said not able to do this at Kiosk.
Also, Did the chinet paper plate deal buy 2 at 4.74 ea get $5.00 gift card but all of my plates had a sticker on them that said free Chinet cups NOW and some plates had 1.00 stickers. used 2 1.00 off chinet and 2 fee cup stickers. and got a 5.00 gift card. I got 2 big packs of plates and 2 packs of glasses/cups for 2.48.
I bought two boxes one day to make sure I liked them. I'm really picky with wipes and haven't liked other off brands. But I love the Target brand. After making sure I liked them, I went back the next day and bought 8 more boxes, which was all that my Target had. I don't really care if I look greedy. I need them, and my family will use them. I miss out on enough deals because the shelves are already empty, so when there's something I really need, I get what I can. If others miss out, then they should have gotten there sooner. On the other hand, I like these wipes so much, I'm very likely to stick to this brand once the coupon expires.
It does suck that we can't print multiples anymore, but I certainly can't blame them. I still have a handful of coupons left for the wipes, and I'm sure they make enough money from non couponers that it isn't going to matter.
I also love reusing the wipes boxes. Huggies are the best because they have cute designs on them instead of the label.
I have been spending more money now that I do coupons - Yes, More. I end up giving away alot of it but since the people know I paid next to nothing for it I am not sure they appreciate it as much. It's really hard to buy the things that you need when you can have lots of things for next to nothing. My mess ups end up costing me lots of money for items I would have not bought in the past. Sometimes I can't seem to do these deals without forgetting to do something - get home to find out I forgot to use a coupon. I almost have to just do 1-3 deals at a time. Does anyone else have to do this. I am addicted and always looking for the next best deal.
We tried to warn all the greedy people about clearing shelves and we were shot down. Wonder why it took Target so long to put a stop to it. Oh well dont you feel just a little bit guilty? probably not.
Honestly I'm a little relieved that Target is putting print limits on their coupons. It's kind of frustrating when there's unfettered access to a good deal (like the wipes deal) and some have no opportunity to partake because others justify clearing the shelves. There are print limits on other internet coupons. Why is so shocking that Target would impose similar restrictions?
Re cindy in indy 11:14:00 PM
I did the same Chinet deal as you and IMHO it is better than the free wipes. I was just going in to get the plates and when I saw the sticker for the free cups 'jackpot'.
There are also Chinet plates with stickers on them for a free Chinet Salad/Side dish package when you buy the 32ct plates.
I skipped that one since I wanted the 72ct plates, but I'm going back tomorrow with hopes of doing that deal. Should be peelies left unless a peelie thief took them, each pack had a sticker on it.
I getting wipes too if there are any left. I want to try and get some more before cashiers no longer accept more than two of the same product Target coupons that should be happening shortly.
To ANON at 11:25:00 PM:
I feel that since I have been giving the same people so much lately that they expect it instead of appreciate it. My sister hasn't thanked me in a long time and I constantly give her bags and bags of free food and products. Her family is struggling, she won't do any deals herself and it is really starting to annoy me. Mostly because she lives closer to some of the stores that I get the deals at than I do.
I do the same thing - bust my rear end getting good deals and then share it will people that won't go to the trouble - I am getting tired of that myself and have decided it takes too much time away from what I should be focusing on.
If you have extras and your family doesn't appreciate it, then donate the items to a local shelter. I can guarantee everyone there will appreciate that! I have done the same in the past, and after feeling like no one that I help out cares, I started giving to my local shelters. If someone asks you what happened to the freebies, you can tell them that they are going to someone that really needs and appreciates them.
I have offered to help teach some of my friends how to score these deals, and if they don't wan to put in the effort, why should I continue to reward them with nothing? Hard work needs a pay off...and donating is a great one!
BE CAREFUL WHEN TRYING TO PRINT MORE THEN TWO PER COMPUTER! You will get that dreaded We're sorry you have exceeded your household limit and it will waste ink and paper. Just a heads up!
I have yet to print the coupons but are these coupons now saying "MANUFACTURERS COUPON" on them?
Can anyone confirm this?
I can't say that I blame them for setting a limit. Buying 20 Alphabet Pals...is that really necessary?? This person (don't know who, read it on the site) wasn't getting them because she was donating, or giving as gifts..she was SELLING them. Now that's abuse! People like that are the ones who ruin it for everyone. So think about that the next time you feel the need to clear a shelf ladies.
I'm a single mom, but I don't go clear shelfs because I can stockpile wipes for my son for dirt cheap. There's a thing called ration. There WILL be other deals on wipes my friends.
It's not just Target either. Walmart in my area has raised the price on things like the Glade Sense and Spray since they came out with the $4 off coupons..among other items. I caught Hy-vee taking coupons off of product before even putting it out.
Just printed a couple of the new coupons and they do not say Manufacturer Coupon, they say "Target Web Coupon".
As annoying as it is, I don't have a problem with shelf clearers who are using the items or giving them to family and friends. It is the shelf clearers that resell these deals that make me mad.
I use deals as a way to stretch my dollars. I give some of my extra deals to families/friends or I donate the items.
To the shelf clearers who are resellers of these deals they need to get a real job they are ruining the deals for the rest of us.
For those of you that are mad at Target for this, you have to think about it from their point of view. They are putting these coupons out there to help us save money and to attract more business. They do not do it so we can get 100 bags of Chex Mix free, 50 Leapfrog toys for 49 cents, 100 free wipes etc...
They wouldn't have to put a limit up if they weren't abused in the first place.
BTW, I went to get the Leapfrog TAG today and the shelves were cleared out. My daughter is supposed to get this for Christmas and I already got her books with another sale. Hopefully, they get it in stock again soon. (at least she isn't begging for this, it is just something I decided to get).
If you are buying a ton to share with others, just simply email your friends and tell them about the deal. They can print their own coupons and get them.
Yeah I'm totally cool with the print limit. I haven't been couponing very long but the greediness astounds me. Some pictures look like an epidoe of hoarders. In America we are so used to getting as much as we can for as little as possible. In what other country do people shop their stockpile? I can't think of one. Here's another question for those, instead of donating items to people and shelters, why not donate your time?
I'm wondering if they're talking about their coupons that are put out on Red Plum because those definitely have a limit to them. What do ya think?
I let my own guilt guide me. I have never bought more than 2 wipes per transaction or 5 Gladr candles because I would feel like I was doing something wrong. However, I don't really judge those that do. I think we all have to do what is right for ourselves and worry a little less about judging others. Yes, I am dissapointed when I go in for a deal and it's gone but it just makes the next deal all that much better. Some people have a need to collect and hoard- I have a need to purge and keep organized and minimal amounts but I still love a good deal!
I am however dissapointed that Target's new coupon printing site is not supporting Windows 7- I have been finding some other sites like that this past week too- hope that gets fixed soon. Happy Holidays folks and keep up the discussion, it is really interesting seeing all view points.
One last thought- Please consider donating items to the Ronald McDonald Houses too- they can always use toilet paper, cleaning supplies, toys etc... It's an awesome program that has helped my family and many others to have a good place to stay when your child is sick and hospitalized.
Ok- stepping off of my soapbox now too.
We tried on two Kiosk's tonight and the coupons would not print! I cannot print them at home because I have the new Windows Explorer and it isn't compatible yet!!! Sorry I just had to vent about Target!
Love the new coupon limit!! I was wondering just how long it would take them to set more stringent rules after reading some of the posts on various websites. Things had gotten way out of hand....also I'm sure they will get the windows 7 issue resolved soon.
If anyone has a problem with this system they should send their concerns to Target.
Everyone can justify their actions but what is important is that Target obviously thought too many people were abusing coupons.
I think all these comments are funny. It's just coupons people. :)
Some of the posts on this thread are so strange. I was speaking with the Target store manager recently about stacking coupons and buying multiples... trying to understand if these deals really 'cripple' Target in any way. He explained that at absolutely every managers meeting they are encouraged to educate their cashiers and staff on their coupon policy and how and why it 'helps' Target. Yes, he said 'helps'. Did you guys know that only 1 in 40 Target shoppers uses coupons and that only 1% of their shopper actually stack coupons. Target is definitely doing their research. Also, he told me last week about the print limit and do you know why they put this in place.....it's not because of so-called hoarders or shelf-clearers. It's actually because of knock off sites getting the Target coupon generator. This is not something that Target authorized and they have been fighting it for some time.
One more thing that I found interesting, the manager told me that when people clear shelves of product, it actually helps his store. The company evaluates inventory just as they do sales and if inventory is moving it shows that a store is profitable and that they are getting the necessary foot traffic needed. He also said that Target will not be changing the coupon policy because they are reimbursed more from the manufacturer than they would be if we paid full price for the item (something about the manufacturer paying a processing charge - something I wasn't even aware of)...so it works out for Target.
Did you also know that for 'new' products, Target actually works jointly with the manufacturer to simultaneously put out coupons just so that we will stack them and 'try' the product.
You guys get so emotional about this stuff. And by the way, who says that it's couponers that clear out all the shelves anyway?????
I'm just saying....Nikki
Anon 7:12 - I'm with you. It's just coupons. I don't care how many you use and I can't control it.
Whining and complaining on A COUPON SITE is crazy. Start your own blog and complain on it. H2S does this to help us stretch a dollar not to get slack from all of you that are on a couponing site even though you don't agree with coupons.
Go Figure. Get a life.
how are you guys contacting target? the only way I see to contact them is by phone
Mommacia, Anon 11:38, Anon. 11:33: I'm with you! I am shocked that it took Target this long to impose limits, and I do think it's for the best. I love this site, but the greed was really beginning to depress me.
AC: Why is 10 wipes OK but 40 outrageous? Both of these shoppers ruined the deals for everyone. And no, there's nothing wrong with a stockpile, but you build it over time--not with one trip to Target, which is what so many people do. There are so many deals in so many places that if you miss one, another really does come along, so why be greedy?
If everyone had stuck to one or two and actually purchased other needed items, too, this issue wouldn't have even popped up on Target's radar. But people flaunt it, walking away with bags of goods without spending a dime, and then brag about it. It makes me feel dirty as a couponer.
I don't see how anyone can be upset with Target for making it harder to "get deals." After all, they're a business, and it's not their job to see to it that we get free or cheap goods. I'm just thankful for the deals I've managed to snag up til now.
Some of the coupons on the target site are target coupons, and some are manufacture...I just printed del monte-target coupon, and argo corn starch-manufacture coupon.
This news is bittersweet for me.
I am new to couponing and have saved so much money this month.
We are a family of six and my DH is enlisted military while I SAH with the little ones. These deals really do make a difference in our budget -- especially the ones for items we can really use, like cereal or diapers or wipes.
I have been disappointed so many times when I've gone to Target and found that the items I went for are absolutely gone.
Chinet: GONE
Monsters Inc on BR: GONE
Baby wipes: GONE
Mr. Potato Head: GONE
You get the picture. Things are just wiped out.
I can't afford to go to Target every single day, so these deals are usually just inaccessible to me when someone has cleaned the store out of the item.
Fortunately none of those items are absolute necessities (although I'd say with 2 in diapers, wipes come pretty close!).
So, the new limit will hopefully ensure the availability of deals.
I am disappointed too, though, that I will be limited to 1 or 2 of something when there's a fantastic deal.
I bought several boxes of cereal over time (first, doing the qs + the buy 2, get 1 free) then PM'ing Wags + qs. Now we won't have to buy cereal for a little while which saves me a lot of money.
I usually buy generic cereal, so it is fun for the kids (and the DH) to have Frosted Flakes!
I do have a question, though. Someone was warned not to copy qs as it is quite illegal.
Ethically (not legally, but ethically), is this more or less wrong than printing out tons of qs because you are wealthy enough to afford several computers, or even more or less wrong than clearing out shelves just because you can?
Sorry for the novel, ladies. I am bummed, too, but I agree that there's a silver-lining to this as well. :)
well it is kind of silly to me. I am a definite stockpiler and use or give away everything I get. My store knows me very well and after the Chex Mix free bags they limited me to 4 a day. But just like the Free Bliss bars over the summer, free Chex and now free wipes, let's consider the fact that Target set the price of the product AND the coupon. . .they can add. . .they knew they were setting up a freebie. I don't mind you clearing out the shelves. . .just do it after I get there hahaha - it's just couponing fun!!!
Hi ladies -
Just wanted to say that I love a great deal just as much as everyone. Honestly, I have a family of 6 (myself, hubby, 2 teen boys, one preteen boy, and a daughter) so if you any of you see me stocking up on cereal when there's a good deal...don't think that I'm hoarding because honestly at my house, it will be gone in a week.
LOL! As one of the other readers said, the limit is fine with me, we stockpile over time not in one sitting. For instance, the other weekend I got two coupons for one free Marcal product, so I'll pick those two paper towel rolls up the next time I'm in Wal-Mart; but I won't go out and try to buy 10 more newspapers just to get the free paper towels.
The truth is that many of us are wiser and more savvy because of blogs like these and although there are some people that clear out shelves to resell or stockpile the stockpile....many of us are making ends meet.
The only complaint I have is that these new coupons Use SOOOO much paper and Ink!!! Why couldn't they just leave them the same size? Only 3 to a page and they only print in color..ugh!!! So wasteful Target!!! Lets just hope that this does not end up as bad as it seems right now! At least we have all gotten some great deals in the past, which I am so grateful for. Thanks Hip2Save!!
i was trying to find one of those Alphabet Pals for my Godson's 1st birthday ( likes the noises it makes, might as well learn) GONE!
i was upset but i bought something else and ill get over it. BUT knowing that ppl where buying ALL of them. to sell? THAT IS BAD! Yes i need money too. BUT there are also homeless and underprivlaged kids out there who might like one if you got ALOT. DONATE them! GAH i just dont think any amount of money made from selling a deal you got could amount to a childs smile who doesnt have as much to smile about as we do.
I swear hearing that really makes me cry.
tell me im not the only one who thinks this :(
I noticed last week when I printed the toy coupons from the target site that I was limited to two. I had my husband print the others I needed from his computer at work. I hope they don't upgrade to Windows 7 anytime soon!
I bought 4 boxes of wipes and 1 small bag. I like the small one for the diaper bag. So I didn't do the cheap toddler wipes or whatever that came out free. I felt like .57 cents for a whole box was a great deal. We will use those quickly and I had hoped to continue to pick up a box or two each trip like I do for the Boost Kids Essentials...This could be a bummer. I like the other sites that let you print the Target coupons because they keep them up until they expire versus Target only keeps this weeks coupons up for use.
BTW: For those ladies doing the Chinet deals. I found a coupon at Meijer on Wishbone salad dressing that if you bought salad bowls you get the dressing free! You seriously score if you find some of those.
BTW not all of us couponers are ladies ;)
Anon 7:22 is partially correct. I recently
spoke to a regional manager for my grocery store. Yes, the salesare set by the manufactors, and the store is reimbursed for the difference, plus any coupons used. However, the processing fee($.08) barely covers what it costs to sort and mail the coupons where they need to go. The coupons help boost sales and move products that THE MANUFACTORS either need to move or promote. When you're using a target coupon on a target product, target is taking the direct hit, as they are the manufactor ie the .29 wipe, free af bakery items, etc. So, I agree with what they are doing even if it makes me sad :(
Anon 11:25: It's really easy to get sucked into the coupon game. If you are spending more than you did before doing coupons, perhaps you should limit the number of deals you do. Just do the ones that you need or you can use right now. Or maybe stick to absolute necessities (i.e., cereal but no Glade tins : ) Don't worry about building a stockpile--if you coupon, it will come without even trying! (It is hard to believe, but there is always another deal!)
Be sure that you write down your list with the prices, coupons you'll be using, etc., so that when you check out, you'll know approximately what you should have paid. If the deal on the shelf doesn't seem to match your list (prices are higher or it varies in some way), don't do the deal! I can't tell you how many times I get home to double check the deal and realize it's YMMV or requires a coupon that I can't find.
Check your receipt before you leave so that you can make any adjustments before leaving the store (because if you go back later, you'll probably end up buying something else!).
If you're doing deals at a bunch of stores, try cutting back and only doing one or two stores that are coupon friendly and that you are comfortable with. Above all, don't read the deal posts for stores that you aren't or don't want to shop at.
One last thought: put yourself on a budget--and stick to it. Once you've spent your budget, no more deals! And it's probably best to avoid reading deal blogs or store ads once the budget is gone. You might also want to set a limit to how many deal-seeking trips you make each week.
It's tough--I know! Best of luck to you.
Well good thing for me here in Springfield MO is that I will still be able to print as many coupons off of the target thing as I want cause I will just print them off at school where I have access to atleast 200 computers on any given day
It is a shame that people abuse the deals and get them taken away.
Unfortunately, as usual, the few bad apples who abused the policy spoiled it for the rest of us!
If you are buying a ton to share with others, just simply email your friends and tell them about the deal. They can print their own coupons and get them.
also, there is a TRY ME FREE peelie on the Pepperidge farm boxes. Making this a possible MM! :D
FYI, I don't sell any of my stuff and only use 1 Target Q per transaction (and only do 1 transaction most trips), but unless you are prepared to criticize capitalism (and there's plenty to criticize), I fail to understand why some of you are mad at the couponers who resell and not at Target. Target and other retailers are doing the same thing: buying things in bulk dirt cheap from the manufacturer and inflating the prices, and they don't feel guilty about driving other retailers to bankruptcy; in fact, that's what they want - less competition. Is it any wonder that some individuals are following the same business model? As for why they sell instead of donate - why does Walmart pay its employees such low wages that they qualify for welfare and would rather their employee get trampled to death than spend a few bucks on organizing the line on Black Friday? Probably the same reason. Instead of getting mad at the people who are taking advantage of the system, maybe you should be getting mad at the fact that unless one is willing to spend the time and effort on couponing, things cost infinitely more than the labor and materials required to produce them.
anyone who "buys" stuff with coupons and walks away with free loot and then resells it is disgusting! You greedy people! It makes me sick to think that people who really need products who are on strict budgets cannot get the stuff because of this.
I just want to throw this one out there....does everyone really think that this will prevent the shelves from being empty when you get to the store?
Lets say there is the two coupon limit and everyone stuck to it. The coupon for wipes came out sunday and you go to the store on Wednesday. We 15 people already got their two wipes and the 30 that were on the shelf are now gone. so you are still sol. I can understand the 2 print limit, but they should change the wording on the coupon to reflect the new policy too. I do wish i could print at least one because i have windows 7. This is a tricky situation that we can clearly see that people have some views on. As far as the shelf clearing, what if there were only 7 wipes left on the shelf. I need 4 for my family and the lady next to me is buying 3 (with no coupon) are you going to tell us that we can only buy one each because we would be clearing the shelf? no, it would be like limiting everyone to only buying 1 of each thing when they go shopping. It is just not going to happen.
What about when black firday comes arounds and you get to the store at 730 and they are already cleared out of what you wanted to get, are you going to call everyone greedy?
Just because someone has a stockpile of 40 wipes doesnt mean they are greedy, in my house that would last all of about a month. Now, if they bought it all in one transaction then that is abusing the system, but if they bought a couple at a time maybe at different targets then thats another thing. We dont have money to pay bills right now, let alone to buy things, so if i can get free wipes for my baby's hineys then i am going to do it. Before you call anyone greedy, think about the whole situation.
As for the glade, people are buying ten in a transaction because it will make money. If i can turn my coupons around and get some extra cash for groceries then i will do it. It is hard to feed a family of five on one income and this is how I can help and support my family. I hope everyone will keep an open mind and happy couponing!
I can't even get the Target coupons to print from their site & I never had an issue before from the organic site & I don't have Windows 7? But I can't print Bricks coupons either! Not sure what is wrong?
I'm not sure family size or need plays any part in this coupon discussion. I mean, the coupon says "limit one per transaction"--not limit one, except for those who have a dozen children, or who have lost their job, or who are living on one income, or who are donating to charity, or who are single parents, or fill-in-the-blank. We all have our own stories. Be grateful for that one package of wipes that you won't have to buy, not upset that Target will no longer subsidize your family.
There is a BIG difference between 10 packages of wipes and 40 packages. Those who got that many wipes, either in one swoop or on several trips shouldn't be whining about being judged. Your actions WILL be scrutinized by others. It's the nature of the beast! If you want to put yourself out there by abusing the deal, regardless of how you do it, then you have to deal with the criticism. Truthfully, no one cares about your economic situation. Everyone has their hardships! Opportunists are the ones who ruin it for everyone else.
I am really shocked at how nasty some of the comments on this board are getting. Collin, do you think you could step in and reflect on this? I am thankful for what I can do for my family with saving and couponing. I can understand not having money. My husband and I almost lost our home this year and my husband was without a job. Things are rough and condemming people for getting deals is the truly shameful thing.
Nikki-Thanks for the update from the Target store manager! Target is very, very market savvy. In a down economy, they want to move inventory, especially at the end of the year. They know exactly what they are doing.
Why is it not ok to get 40 wipes in one transaction, but it's ok to get 40 wipes by going to different stores or on different days? 40 wipes is 40 wipes. Where do you draw the line? I doubt Target intended for anyone to print the coupon 40 times and go get free wipes. Thus the reason why they are replacing their coupon system... to control the people who can't control themselves.
I don't think anyone is condemning anyone for getting deals. We all want good deals! That's why we come here and why we love H2S! The issue is with ABUSING the deals.
I went into Target this morning and was happy to find wipes! The shelf was full, and I took 5. I found a Lego toy on sale for 12.99 and I used the 5.00 coupon that was online. I also grabbed a few food items. I noticed that the Up and Monsters Inc movies were stocked as well. I live in Bloomington, IN and most of the shoppers at Target are college students. I don't see too many of them running in to buy wipes and candles. I will have to agree with Nikki when she said very few people use coupons. (At least in my Target) I go in all the time, and I never see many people checking out with them. Obviously the college kids don't used them either.
There will always be banter on how many coupons is too many to use..etc...I just think that there are so many other things to worry about than how many free wipes can I score.
Looks like my shopping days at Target might be coming to an end... the Coupon Activator won't install for me. :-( Any suggestions?
Why does anyone need a stock pile when deals are always coming? Just call it like it is, hoarding.
Hey guys... for those of you using Windows 7... when you open Internet Explorer, click on the Page button, then click on Compatibility View and then reload the page... you ought to be able to print bricks coupons and the like afterwards :) HTH!!
The Pepperidge Farms Baked Naturals were $2.50 in Hartland, MI... so after $1/1 target q and $1/1 manuf q they were $.50!!!
I work for Target and find this blog to be very interesting to say the least. Here are a couple of things that come to mind when I read this:
1. Probably 99% of the people I talk to when I tell them I work for Target say, "Oh I love that Place. I shop there all the time." Me too! I came to work for this company because I loved it. And it saddens me to read on this site how many people on here rag on the store because they can't use a coupon to get a $20 item for 49 cents. Or "oh I guess I won't be shopping at Target anymore because I can't print 50 baby wipes coupons." What the hell??? Where did you shop before? I am sure before all of this coupon craze was out there you shopped at Target and thought they were a pretty great company and now with these new limits or excluding door buster ads you think they aren't a good company? Sadly mistaken!!
2. To the person who said that it is a great idea to wipe out the shelves because then the company knows to order more?? Yeah that is a good idea but only when the consumer is paying full price. Target already has amazing deals on stuff - which is generally why you shop there - and to basically be giving away wipes/glade candles/chex mix for free does not make for a profitable store.
3. Think about it this way...the more the coupons and price matching gets abused the more Target is going to have to set limitations. So do the right thing and limit yourself. I personally have never seen somebody go through the line at Safeway with 30 of the same item and use a coupon on each one only to pay pennies on the dollar. So why is it ok to do that at Target?
I love my job and I love Target. But the coupon frenzy has gotten so out of control that I am glad these new restrictions are coming into play. I hope it starts to settle everything back down and consumers realize that Target is a business and if you want it to still be there for many more years then you have to understand why these policies are in affect.
WOW to the last comment....
anyway just heads up, the ARGO coupon is a manufacturer's, not a Target coupon. So no need to print if you have MQ already.
I don't blame Target for putting these restrictions in place, I'm surprised they didn't already have them. I wouldn't have even thought a store that price matches would do so on doorbusters or BF ads. I'm surprised they did. I think they are learning alot from couponers. I wouldn't be surprised if they start putting one per customer instead of one per transaction on their coupons.
Hurrah for the the target worker who posted that! And THAT is exactly why it pains me to be associated with couponers who are crazy greedy. They really do give each and everyone of us a bad rap when we don't deserve it. We are all using coupons to save a little money, not give each headaches.
Just my opinion: I love couponing, and I get excited about doing deals just like the next person, but the attitude of "get as many as you can" shows NO class, and lack of self control. I have access to 2 Sunday papers, 2 prints on my one computer, and I am still saving a ton of money and am able to stock up on items when the deal is great! I was thrilled to be able to get 3 Up & Up wipes for .89 a piece, felt like it was a better deal for me to get more wipes and less plastic tubs by getting the bags with the top dispenser. I have 2 in diapers and one 5 year old who frequently needs hands wiped, etc., so we could easily use a lot of wipes/week, but there will always be the next deal! No need to wipe out a shelf.
I normally only clip coupons for groceries. I spend a LOT of money in Walmart - money which I previously spent in Target.
Why? Respect. I can get a great deal anywhere, with so many stores doing ad matching and honoring competitors' coupons. My local Target employees have repeatedly been offensive about my getting great deals - when I am being polite and friendly.
So, if I cannot be treated like a human being when I am getting my $20 item for 49 cents, yes, you bet they are going to lose the other hundreds of dollars I was spending later in the month.
Maybe my little few thousands of dollars a year won't make much difference in a large corporation like Target - but I'll feel better each time I don't shop there.
I really don't have a problem with Target limiting the print limit. I truly do not care what others choose to do, that is their issue. I find humor in how people justify their gluttony! Anon 11:09 you get lots of dog food, I get a lot of the Glade candles -- everyone has something they get and maybe use more than others. Why is one person more correct than another? My mother works retail and told me about a customer that cleared the shelves of the Mr. Potato Heads at her store just because she could get them for free (the person told my mother this). I was a little irritated about this, I was going to get ONE for Toys for Tots. Oh well, with the money I save with couponing I will just find another good deal, and thought why am I upset about this!? So after my rambling... really who cares? There are bigger issues in the world!
I am so glad so many of you are okay with this new coupon policy. Why is Target the bad guy for trying to save themselves money? Isn't that, in a nutshell, what ALL of us are doing? If you were a business owner and felt yourself getting taken advantage of, wouldn't YOU make necessary changes to avoid it? Why should it be different just because it is a mass chain? If you notice, the prices tend to go up on items that are redeemed in high quantities with coupons. They are making up for the cost of couponing by charging more in the long run. No one is forcing you to shop there.
Those of you that are angry... you are most likely the abusers, using coupons for items not listed, opening packages to STEAL coupons from them (you are on camera, might be why you are treated badly when you check out, Ohio!) and the like. All of us are in hard times. Doesn't mean you have to act like a freaking savage ( I have 7 kids, hubs laid off. I feel it, too. Doesn't justify stealing and greed.)
I am so glad so many of you are okay with this new coupon policy. Why is Target the bad guy for trying to save themselves money? Isn't that, in a nutshell, what ALL of us are doing? If you were a business owner and felt yourself getting taken advantage of, wouldn't YOU make necessary changes to avoid it? Why should it be different just because it is a mass chain? If you notice, the prices tend to go up on items that are redeemed in high quantities with coupons. They are making up for the cost of couponing by charging more in the long run. No one is forcing you to shop there.
Those of you that are angry... you are most likely the abusers, using coupons for items not listed, opening packages to STEAL coupons from them (you are on camera, might be why you are treated badly when you check out, Ohio!) and the like. All of us are in hard times. Doesn't mean you have to act like a freaking savage ( I have 7 kids, hubs laid off. I feel it, too. Doesn't justify stealing and greed.)
Good posts. A lot of people really take this seriously!! Target has every right to set whatever guidelines they want - we just need to adjust and play by the rules. They did have it in their old policy that the Store Manager had the right to limit the amount you are allowed to take which happened to me. No problem, gotta play by the rules. but again, they set the price of both the item and their coupon so they know what they are getting into ;) Have a great day! I'm off for more wipes and free Skinny Water at Giant ;)
I always have an eye open, like card counters in Las Vegas that I'll get dragged to the back room and roughed up by the stockboys lol
I'm not a hoarder, just a stay-at-home mom to two little boys and I have to say that 2 prints sometimes would not be enough. I just emailed target about possibly up-ing the print limit a little bit because I do buy more than 2 items of many things because I don't have a lot of other stores around me that do such great deals like my SuperTarget. My grocery stores around are so much more expensive and my WalMart has the nastiest cashiers who hate couponers. That limits my options. Target has the right to limit...and anything over 10 I find is excessive but 2? That's just not enough for me and my family. I urge others to email too.
LOVED Target before I knew that they had coupons and LOVE Target now! Oh, Anon 11/17 8:20 AM, -you must be using a color printer then, because I use a black only and they print fine! There is a setting in the print configuration that lets you select black ink only (I believe).
Also, does anyone know what zip code to use for the Dole salad $1/1 ? I'm only getting the $1 off 2 to come up! HELP!
I stand corrected. I made a comment about how my Target still had tons of wipes on the shelf...last night I ran in for bottle liners. I was curious about the wipes..from all of this controversy and man..they were GONE! Not sure if it was someone or the store got wise. Oh well, at least I got a few!
Yup--the wipes were gone at my store, too. All of them--toddler, baby, scented, unscented, regular, sensitive. I had someone check to see if there were any in the back, as someone here suggested, but nope! Can't say I'm surprised.
I realize how we can easily blame the "greedy" couponer for some of these problems, ie, coming out with lots of free items, baby wipes, cereals, etc, but we also need to give Target's ad men some of this blame for not researching and wording well the coupons they have put out there for us. We cannot be blamed for walking out of their store with free baby wipes that we only had to use a Target store coupon on. That is their mistake. Now I can apreciate the fact that they probably did finally discover this, and that their new coupons have a limit. We're all used to the limits by now.
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