Wow! has a very sweet deal available! Thru December 8th, you can use promo code PRESENT to score 70% off certificates + get a FREE $15 gift code from RedEnvelope with your purchase! This means that you can purchase a $25 certificate for $3 and get a $15 gift code to use at! Pretty sweet deal!
To get in on this deal, go here and add a $25 gift certificate to your cart. At checkout type in promo code PRESENT --which will deduct 70%--making the gift certificate just $3! Your RedEnvelope promotion code will appear on the purchase confirmation page after you place your order and will be sent to you by in an email that you will you receive within 24 hours. The promotion code will also be available in the My Account section of
To redeem the RedEnvelope $15 gift code, enter the promotion code at checkout. To enter it in the correct box at checkout--Make sure to get to the page where you enter your payment info. On this page, UNDER the "Payment info" box, is a spot you can click on to enter the gift code. After entering the gift code, click next and then it will give you your final total (after the $15 deduction) and let you enter your credit card info. Please keep in mind the gift code DOES NOT go in the promotional code boxes. I didn't realize this at first and got very confused!
The best part about this $15 gift code is that it covers shipping! I purchased this hidden message capsule valet key chain priced at just $7.99 + shipping (was originally $29.99)! After the $15 gift code, I ONLY paid a little over $2 shipped! They also have this Snowboard video game priced at just $9.99--down from $49.99! After the $15 promo code, your total will be just a little under $5 shipped! Pretty sweet deal for an item that was originally priced at $50!
Have fun shopping and let me know what you score!
***If your unfamiliar with how works, then be sure to check out this post! You may also want to read through the comments on this post if you still have questions.
Can I do it twice and combine the codes?
Don't forget to vote for Collin before 6 pm central:
I got the 1 lb. of walnut fudge & when I was processing my order, I signed up for the free shipping rebate. I paid: $3 for the $25 Gift Cert. plus a net of $3.97 for the pound of fudge plus I think I get a couple cents back for using E-bates....hope the fudge is yummy!
Thanks I hope my 4.5 year old likes the snowboard game!!! Good deal!
I just ordered a certificate and the snow board game. I'll use the game for a gift for my nephew. Perfect!
yes to 4:17anon!
I did two codes and have $30 in gift codes now, you're able to combine them at checkout- sweeeet :D
Awesome deal! 2 more presents taken care of!
Did you have it engraved? Mine with the extra $3.95 engraving charge was only $2.74 (They gave me an extra 10% off at checkout!!!). If you didn't get it engraved, it should have been free!!! ($14.98 icluding shipping-$15)
Got mine for free! Thanks for this site!!!!
I got so many christmas gifts this week, mainly for my mom and nephews but this was a great deal. I did 2 seperate orders and on the 2nd order got the snowboard game, what a cheap gift- it was 49.99 and total for it plus shipping was under $7
thanks Collin
I got the garnet earrings, $19.98 shipped! Thanks!
do you still get the gift with a $10 gift certificate?
Anon 5:12 - how did you manage the $2.47??? I can't seem go get it under $5.00
me again-- reading the 'fine print' I don't think you're allowed to use more than one of the $15 codes at the same time, even though it "goes through":
"RedEnvelope Terms and Conditions: Gift code expires Monday, January 4, 2010 at 12:00am PST. The gift code does not apply to gift cards or certificates, same-day or international deliveries, wedding or special event packages, or third-party hosted products (e.g. wine, Bose products). The gift code shall be applied at checkout and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts."
Maybe the tax is making it different totals for people in different states. I only had to pay tax of 99 cents for the keychain.
Thank you! Thank you!
I did this twice. I was able to use both $15.00 gift codes and I bought 3 of the capsule key chains. Total was $3.96 plus the $6.00 for the two $25.00 Res. Cert.
Two are for my parents and one for my grandma.
I got the Gold Hammered Circle Earrings - Carnelian for $18.98 shipped.
I was able to get an extra 10% off using a link from the Retailmenot website. I was hoping for a free shipping code, but I'll take what I can get! :)
I think I'll wear my new earrings when DH & I go out for dinner! Thanks!
YAY! This works on the $10 certificates too. I did three transactions with $10 certs, then got the Mr. Beer kit for my fiance for $49.99 at redenvelope. I used coupon code save10 and it took of $10 to put my total with shipping at $46.94, then used $45 in gift codes. I paid $1.94 to redenvelope and $2.40 to! I'm flipping out.
how much are you paying for shipping? I was told it was $10...which seems like more than what you guys are paying...just want to check :)
Shipping for me was 9.99
yahoo! the codes stack and you get the codes on the $10 GCs! Paid lesse than 4 bucks for 2 $10 GCs and a $30 ornament! thanks Hip!
I was able to combine my codes as well!! Got several gifts for $0 out of pocket.
Awesome! Got the $25 certificate for my parents and a keychain for hubby all for $9.59 total! Awesome deal!!! THANK YOU
I got the baby elephant ring holder for less than $7 shipped. Now my husband and I will have a spot for our rings! Thanks!
Thank you! I got the capsule key chain engraved for $8.18 total. I went through shopathome got a 10% coupon off + %10 cash back & used the $15 gift certificate. The breakdown for me was:
the capsule key chain:$7.99
10% off:$1.59
standard shipping:$6.99
Less Promotion code:$15.00
Does anyone happen to know if you can roll & fold money instead of the message in these?
Thanks, I combined my gift code and a $10 promotion code from the home page & the keychain (engraved) shipped was .93 cents. Thank you!
70% off of $25 is 7.50, not $3..
Anon 10:12 - A 25.00 gift card is normally priced at $10.00 so 70% off of that equals $3.00
If you are a member of its an even better deal! If you shop through them then you will receive 15% CASH BACK for all your purchases! Plus, when you get the $15 code for go through again and they will give you 6% CASH BACK! So ... in the end you almost pay NOTHING, lol and get a whole bunch! :)
anon 946: Where did you get the $10 code? I don't see it on the homepage? What is it?! Do share!!!
woohoo!! got two certificates for two restaurants in our area, dirt cheap and two codes for red envelope. got a great christmas gift for half price with the codes! Something for me and a gift too! Great deal!!Thanks!!
I did a deal with three codes and the save10 promo, but I read the customer service FAQ and it clearly states only one gift code per purchase. I wonder if they will cancel the did go through but I've come to learn that doesn't mean much. Only once it's shipped can you be sure!
First time ordering from and ordered (2) in one order...only got (1) RE giftcode:O( Still an awesome deal...just remember to place seperate orders if you want multiple RE gift codes!
Thanks Collin!
I just ordered 2 engraved sterling silver ornaments, 1 personalized christmas stocking with handprint kit, and 1 engraved sterling silver keychain for completely FREE! I also have $6.06 remaining on one of my $15 gift codes! I will also earn 15% from and 6% from
I am giving one of the Ornaments to my Grandparents for Christmas and the other to my husbands grandparents for Christmas then the stocking is for my son and the engraved keychain is for my Dad! I just knocked out a TON of gifts! And lastly, I just booked reservations for a $35 meal for my 6th Wedding Anniversary (Dec. 29th) that will only cost $16 (price includes the tip!) using one of the gift certificate!
Their engraving cost is varying for me depending on which link I use to get into it. $7.95, $4.95, & $3.95. Anyone else seeing this?
The $15 Gift Code should appear for you on the Gift Cert page that appears once your purchase goes through. The Code will be in bold and under the section where you can Print out your Restaurant gift cert.
You need to print this page out and/or write that code down to use when you link to
Did this deal twice with 3 gift codes each time making my gifts free or less than a dollar after shipping! Great deal, thanks!
Anonymous, you are right engraving costs are definetly varying for everyone and per each item. I paid $0.00 for all of my stuff, so I cant really complain, *but* it was $7.95 for the keychain (which is just about what the keychain costed!) then $3.95 for each ornament! I think the personalized stocking also had a fee, but I cannot remember how much! I had to use five $15 codes to pay for all of my stuff because of the outrageous charges for engraving!
Anon 5:12 hear
Here is my breakdown:
key chain 7.99
engraving 3.95
10% off -1.19
standard ship 6.99
total 17.74
charged 2.74
I never got charged tax, maybe since I live in Florida, and the 10% off they gave me automatically, I never had to enter a code. Iy seems strange that everyone is being charged different, but I was e-mailed a confirmation that matched the one that popped up at the end of the transaction.
Curious...does the 15 dollar code sign you up for a rewards program through red envelope?
$10 off purchase coupon code
SRCH10bucks. This can be combined with the $15 cert. This makes a great deal!
My code that I got from won't go through! It says it's invalid on Red Envelope. I'm putting the code right under the credit card payment info. where it says "gift code". Is this the wrong spot? I went through ebates and not only was supposed to get 10% off but also a free gift box. I'm gettin extremely frustrated trying to put my code in. HELP!
This was my breakdown....
Order Total
best wishes tea light holders $39.95: $19.99
magwear magnetic wristband - red: $19.95
Standard Shipping: $9.99
$10 off: -$10.00
TOTAL: $39.93
Promotion Code Amount Applied: $15.00
Promotion Code Amount Applied: $15.00
Promotion Code Amount Applied: $9.93
My order was free and spent less than $5 to get 3 $10 Mrs. Fields GCs. I went through Ebates to cash back on there and then went through Shopathome to get cashback on my Red Envelope purchase to boot!
I copied and pasted my codes into the GiftCode area. I did the $10 off in the coupon code area. It all worked for me.
To those of you who used more than one gift code in an order. I just got an email that my order (in which I used 3 gift codes) was cancelled because I wasn't supposed to use more than one per order. It was already assigned a UPS tracking number and everything and has been cancelled.
If our orders are cancelled, what are the chances we can reuse the gift codes only per order?
You can use 1 code per order. The canceled codes will be reactivated.
I did 4 separate transactions to use my four codes. I also used the $10 off code someone was kind enough to post on each order. I was able to get the snowflake guest towels, 2 monogrammed hidden message key chains and 1 magnetic wristband. I spent $6.19 oop for the wristband and the other items were free after promo and gift codes.
Jennifer and ladies (or gents) that used the $10 promo code with the $15 gift code, did your orders go through?
I have a bunch of gift codes because I failed to realize you couldn't use more than one and I don't want to make the same mistake again and have another order canceled by using a promo code with the gift code if it's not allowed.
I know nobody is probably checking this post still, but let me know if you had success please (and thank you!!)
Hi! I'm still checking this post because I was in the same situation. I ordered a lot of codes because I ddint' read the small print. My orders were shipped yesterday and I went to track them today and the compny stoped shipment. I didn't even know that was possible! I'm bummed!!!!!! Anyone else receive anything from them who stacked codes?
just curious what "stage" was it at?
If your asking what stage the shipping was in, it said "in transit" Anyone else get their package "intercepted"?
weird....mine has the billing recieved
That's what mine said first, then ended up in transit then intercepted!! AHHH!!! Let me know if you get yours. I hope you do! ;)
mine were 'intercepted' too (but I'd already been told they'd been canceled anyway)
boo :(
I still am curious if the $10 off works with the $15gc though...I have a lot of these codes to use now.
Are your codes reinstated yet? Mine still say no remaining value! : (
One of my orders was canceled and two weren't and are currently in transit. I'll let you know what happens!
I ended up getting two of my orders!!! My other two were "intercepted" Was excited to get anything!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!
so I got one of mine in the mail today (that used more than one code) but they had told me it was canceled-- do I need to return it?
I'm worried they're going to charge me the full amount if I don't?
anyone know how this works?
I got a couple of my orders too. I'm wondering the samie thing. Can they come back and charge me after the items are delivered since the coupon said you can't combine? Anyone know?
So, I haven't gotten any of mine yet, but even the order that they cancelled has been shipped and is coming now. One of the items was intercepted and then a few days later it is back on its way. I think most of it is supposed to be shipped on Monday. I'll let you know what happens. I didn't put in any credit card info or anything, everything was payed for with the promotion code, so unless they send me a bill I don't think I'll have to pay for it. At least I hope not. I guess we'll see.
the stuff that i received is for christmas gifts. Does anyone know if they can legally charge me now that they delivered it? I wouldn't be able to afford it! I want to know if I need to do more Christmas shopping! :) Thanks
Anon 9:42,
I'm wondering the *exact* same thing-- I got something for an aunt and need to ship her gifts out soon to get them to her by christmas..but I don't want to give her the red envelope gift for fear that they'll demand it back or charge me for it (poor college student-- I'm broke, that's why I was looking for deals, haha. oy.)--
If anyone has any info/theories on this I'd really appreciate it too.
Thanks all,
I got it all, even the item that was at one point intercepted. I'm so excited. I don't think they can bill you, you'd have to have agreed to that before they sent it out, I think. Hope so anyway. Has anyone called?
I'm just wondering about your intercepted items? I had mine intercepted and it says they've been delivered back to the company. Anyone get them shipped back out after they were delivered back to the company? Or is it a dead deal?
I received my 2 hidden message keychains today! I paid nothing out of pocket except for the $1.20 each for two Mrs. Fields certificates! I'm very happy!
I have an ethical question: I received a few items that I stacked coupons on. At the time, I hadn't read the fine print and didn't know it wasn't allowed! I guess I got caught up in the excitment. Looking back now i should have known it to good to be true! My question ethically now is do I send the items back, or keep them?
I've been thinking the same thing? I kind of feel bad now. It was an honest mistake, however, now that I know better I feel like I should call and fess up or something. I don't know. I'll definitely be more careful next time. I hate feeling like this.
To help answer a question from a few questions up. I had an item intercepted and then a few days later started back on its way to me, then the day of delivery got intercepted again and sent back. So, I thought I was actually going to get it but didn't. So I think once it is sent back, its over.
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