Don't forget that Bath & Body Works also has this coupon available: FREE item (up to a $13 value) with ANY $10 Purchase--make sure to read the exclusions! This coupon is valid all the way through December 24th, so you'll have plenty of time to make use if it!
I was recently in Bath & Body Works and all their Signature Collection body care items are buy 2, get 1 FREE. They also had all the travel size PocketBac anti-bacterial hand gels priced at just $1 each. These would make great little stocking stuffers or perfect additions to gift baskets!
(Thanks, TheThriftyCouple!)
For more Bath & Body Works Deals and Bath & Body Works Coupon visit the new
Off topic, but I wanted to let everyone know that I just got my FREE photoworks book via UPS. I know there had been some discussion that they wouldn't come through. Mine did!!
I got my photo book too the other day, its beautiful thanks H2S!
Any word on the Disney Rewards free code for today (for 5 pts)? Thanks!!!!
Annon. the disney reward for today is DARWIN
Annon. the disney reward code for today is DARWIN
Thanks so much for the heads up on the Bath & Body Works deals! It's hard to believe that I used to pay near full price there. Love your blog - Merry Christmas!
My Mother recieved her gift from her lil grandson from Photoworks today...the calender and she loved it! I have yet to see the final result, but she sounded very happy...I will have to stop by and check it out for myself!
Oooh I just love you guys...thanks on Disney code. I got some great things last week from Body & the coupons!
Okay so question. Can you combine these coupons. Free item with $10 purchase+ 20% off + buy 2 get 1 free????
Hey Im newer at shopping often online and going through sites such as Shop at Home and Ebates...I was wondering does anyone know of any other cash back sites to go through?
You can't combine both coupons on one transaction but the sale that is buy 2 get 1 free or buy3 get 2 free is just a store special. So you can use 1 coupon on that deal, like buy 3 get 2 free....use the free item coupon to get a third free thing. You will pay around $34 - $38 but if you get 3 shower gels and 3 lotions and break them into pairs, that's 3 gifts at around $12. You can mix and match the signature collection.
Hey everyone, don't forget to vote for Hip to Save at:
I was at B&BW last weekend & they had a buy 3 get 3 free sale! Plus I had a $10 off $30 or more coupon, so that made them $20 for 6 items!! I was sooo excited!
I have always been able to combine offers at B&B Works...I plan on using the the Free Item w/$10 Q, 20% Off Purchase Q and my $10/$30 Q for a super sweet deal!
I got my photobook today it's beautiful
Thanks for the online sites Steve!
April - Can you explain how you would combine all of those?
I tried on BF to combine the free w/$10, free travel item with any purchase and the spend $40 get VIP bag and they would not let me.
It all depends on the store. Sometimes, they will let you combine 2 but I Haven't been able to get 3. If you go first thing in the morning when they aren't busy, you will probably have more luck with multiple coupons.
Be careful with the free item up to $13 with a $10 purchase. I got one of the snowman figure candles which are normally about $16, and they were on sale for $10. They would not let me use this as my $10 purchase item because its "normal price" was higher. I had another coupon and still got $10 off my purchase, so was not a big deal, but I thought that was a little odd. The Bath and Body stores where I live are pretty hard to deal will and no matter what ONLY ONE COUPON at a time.
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