Fisher-Price has a fantastic deal available! Currently, you can score this Holiday Giggle Elmo for just $10--down from $22! Plus, you can use code FREESHIP2 to score FREE shipping on ANY order! Amazon has the Holiday Giggle Elmo priced at $35.30, so this definitely seems like a sweet deal!
Fisher-Price also has some other great sale items available! You can go here to check them all out. These Car-nivores Hawk toys available here and here are priced at just $4.99--down from $8 and would make excellent stocking stuffers!
Have fun shopping or browsing!
(Thanks, Tressa!)
I bought this Elmo for my almost 2-yr. old son for Christmas. He LOVES Elmo! Thanks Collin and Tressa!
Thank you! I had been looking for a Elmo for my boys!
Wow... those things are still around?! My daughter (now 13) was very small 1-2 yrs old or so I think when that first tickle me elmo came out and was so hard to find to buy. It was the *toy* of that year. This year is that zhu zhu hamster. I wonder if people in marketing say, "Let's make the toy of our choice the *must have* for Christmas this year."
.... oh the drama
Well I really didn't need another toy for my son but this is so darn cute! I'll take one of the other toys and put it up for his birthday. Thanks.
Awesome! I ordered the Little People Lil Drummer Boy set. It is so cute!
I got the free Geotrax movie from one of you postings awhile ago and my 2 year old LOVES it. If you ask him what he wants for xmas all he says is Team Geotrax All Aboard....I ordered one of the small train kits. He is going to LOVE it. Thank you thank you thank you for the posting!
Just scored one for my niece! I love this site! I am spending way too much money though! but at least it's all things that I would buy normally so not going above and beyond what I can afford
Thnaks! i got one for my 3 yr old! Good deal!
My 20 month old LOVES elmo...shes getting the elmo restaurant for christmas that i got on clearance or 25 dollars...and we will not be spending Christmas at our house, we are going to see family across the country, so this is a good gift to have shipped there and then come back home with us! yay! hes so cute too
What a wonderful Christmas present!! Thanks so much!!!
Thanks got one for my 2 year old!!
Just got it for my 20 month old. Thank you!!! I almost forgot to buy toys for him...I've been so focused on the older two kids!!! I love your blog btw :)
Thank you!!!!!!
Perfect for my grandbaby!!!!
I got the Drummer boy set too for my Stepsister's 8 month old. Just need to find something for her 10 year old now!
OK... I must be blind. Where do you enter the FREESHIP2 to get free shipping?
Thank you....was needing something for my little guy....he is going to love this!!! what a great find...thank you for all your hard work!!!
Ordered 2 Elmo's and 4 of the cars for my grandbabies. The prices were great and free shipping makes it perfect! I need to stop shopping soon but it's so hard with these type of deals!
That is weird...everytime I add the elmo to my cart and go to checkout is ask me to enter my birthdate and when I do it says you must be over 18 to shop with us. Well believe me I am over 18 but just for kicks I entered my birthday as 07/15/1930 and it still said you must be 18 or older. I guess I cant get the cute little elmo...:(
i ordered several things last week and got them today. the advent calendar was ver cute!!! also, in the box was a coupon for $10 off your order of $50. the code is F28123. hope it works for you.
Thank you so much!!! I was able to buy 3 of these (one for my 22 mos. old son, the other two are for my great-nieces in Utah). No shipping fee at all...that was great!!!
I ordered 3 Elmos last week and got them yesterday. Tow of them were perfect, the third one did not work. I called Customer Service this morning and Janet the person that answered my phone call was amazing. She apologize and said she was ordering another one for me that was going to arrive in 2-3 days. when I asked how to return the one that didn't work, she said not to worry about it that I coul donate it or give to someone that did not mind having an Elmo that didn't "Giggle". Now, that's Customer Service. I am bringing my daughter to Goodwill tonight to donate it. Thanks for all the great posts.
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