If you love my site too, then could you please do me a gigantic favor and vote for my site over at DivineCaroline! You will need to login or register to vote. It's totally free and will only take a few minutes of your time. Again, thank you so much!!!!
Also, the contest ends and voting will be closed at 4 pm PT today, December 4th! That means there is only a few more hours to vote! Yikes! Wish me luck... I'm going to need it!
The least I could do.
Done! I figure this is the least we can do for you :)
Good luck - I am heading there right now to cast my vote for you!
You deserve this award more than any other blog I have read !!! You have helped so many of us get free or next to free gifts not to mention all of the great coupons. I hope you win. Im going to vote for you right now. lizard9256
Voted- thanks:)
You get my vote!! Thanks for all you do - my family SO appreciates you!!!
We have 4-5 hours to get votes in - with Collin's reader base I bet we could do it!
I just voted - GO VOTE!
Voted. Good Luck!! You deserve it!! Thanks for all you do!!
I voted as well. Agree 100% about your website. Love It!!!!!
Yahoo! I'm sure you'll win. My vote is yours. :)
You got it!
Voted - Thank you for all the hard work you do!!
I wish I could do more than just a vote, but I did cast one for you!
Just so you know there is also a link for It's Hip 2 Save on the site and I think someone tried to nominate and got the wrong address or something. That link already has 2 votes. Be sure you are voting for Hip 2 Save
Voted! Thanks for everything, Hip!
done, you are the BEST!
Done! You are so appreciated! Thanks a zillion thanks for all you do!!!!!
Yes, I agree... it's the very least we could do for you, for all you've done for us!!! :)
You completely derserve this!! I just voted!! You help so many people! Best wishes!
ABSOLUTELY I voted for u!!!
Done! Good luck
This is the least I can do!
Voted! Hope you win! Cuz you truly are the best! Good Luck!
Colin, award or not, you are a winner to us! We readers of your blog really appreciate the time and effort you take to find great deals and fun freebies.
Thank you!
I voted for you - you have the best site ever! I hope you win!!!
In 10 minutes you went from 11 votes to 80! Awesome! Just voted!
I just love your blog and read it all day long. I will do this right away. You deserve to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Voted for out # 1 Gal ....... Thanks for all you do Collin you are Awesome. Have a great day
Voted. You should definitely win!!!
Ok, she was just nominated yesterday it looks like! So get these votes in. She could really get up there by tonight if we get everyone voting. I will put it up on my blog.
I voted...good luck!!!
Just voted.. Hope you win!!! Hip Hip Hip2Save!
Done. I owe you at least that!! Thanks for all your hard work!!
I voted for you. Greetings from Rochester NY. i want you to know that I always check your blog. It is very informative and helpful to a single Mom like me.
Done! Best of luck! There are a lot of great frugal living blogs but you are one of the best. I hope you win. You deserve it!
~ Jennifer
Done!! Lady, you deserve the Award. I'm sure you'll get it.
I was vote 133!! I pray that you win you deserve it leaps more than any other blog I read! You are hands down the very very very very best!!
~Susan in Alabama
I voted for you...you so deserve this. Really this is the least we could do for you!!!! Good Luck : )
Voted for you!!!
Way to go!!! Just wish I had known earlier. Hope everyone votes quickly!!!
Jane in Texas
Voted as well! Thanks Collin!
I voted! your site is awesome!!!
You win im my book either way! Love you site!
You have my vote. It's up to 143...Good luck:) I predict you will be the winner.
I voted for you! Yay! Love the site!
You're already up to 161!
Im IN! I hope you win, you soooooooo deserve it! The gifts I got this year and the money I SAVED, are all due to this site!
Good luck!
I just did it!
Done! Good Luck!!
You got it! Thanks for all you do!
You got MY VOTE!!! Good luck!!!
Just signed up and voted...you're the best...we will have so many pressies under the tree and even brand new toys I can donate--thanks to your blog!
188 votes... we can do better! :)
You Got My Vote - You Should Run for President Next - Madam President Collin ;)
Yeah!! You just broke 200 votes!!
Absolutely I'll vote for you! You're up to 217 now. :-)
Hip, you got my vote. Go Girl GO!
You've got my vote!!!! You're climbing fast. I would love to see you win!!!!!!!
Woohoo!! You're already up to 6th place. WOW!! What an awesome following of readers!
voted :)
I can't believe none of us knew about this sooner... someone needs to find out when they do the nominations next year and get Collin on it early! For sure she'd win, then! You should definitely be able to finish in 4th place... but HOPEFULLY more!!! You're in fifth place now with 237 votes.
4th place!!!!
Of course I would vote for you..
Luv your site and all your hard work blessings to you and your family.
Of course I voted for you!
I've taken advantage of many of the great deals you've posted. I truly admire you for being such a wonderful advocate for those who have been treated unfairly.
This WA granny voted for you, with pleasure.
A no-brainer!
All signed up & voted (for Hip2Save, of course!!!). Good luck!
Just voted!
Good luck!!!! :)
I voted and posted it on Facebook, too! You deserve to win!
voted!! good luck, i love your site and now my whole family is addicted!! my mom saved 60.00 bucks at walgreens the other day because of you!!
Go Collin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good idea, Heather! Everyone put it on Facebook and Twitter!!! (I don't have either account, so I'm of no help...)
Yeah! You have over 300 votes now!! :O
I voted for you...like everyone has said, it's the LEAST we can do for all you do for us. Good luck!
Done! You deserve that, and more, with all the hard work you do, trying to save us a buck. Thank you SO MUCH! :)
Okay, I facebook'd it!
I voted! This is the least I can do for all you do!!
Voted for ya! Love your site, it's my favorite!!!
Thanks for all you do. I voted.
I voted too! You def. deserve it!
Voted for you! Good luck!
I just voted for you, good luck, you soooo deserve to win!!!
Just Voted! You ARE the BEST!!!
350 votes!!! We're halfway to 3rd place!!!
Just voted- thanks Collin!
so glad i didn't waste my vote on another blog i visit. i like it, but you're is far superior.
Just got my vote in under the wire. You are the best and I check your site oh 5-6 times a day. Thanks for all you do!
You need to bump this post to the top of your blog so everybody that gets on is sure to see it. I REALLY REALLY WANT YOU TO WIN!! If we had known earlier you would have had it hands down!!
Voted. Thanks you all the postings.
Totally voted for you! Love this site, Hip!!!
I voted.. I Hope everyone is spreading the word.. time is running out. HURRY if you haven't voted please do.
I registered to vote for you! I think u r gr8!
Yeah!!! 400 votes!!!!
Absolutely! 400 votes. Yay!
Done!!!! 405
Collin these other bloggers don't have nothing campaired to you! Hands down the best! I will be very mad if you don't win and shocked!
We have 3 more hours to get Collin out of 4th place!! We can do it!
create different accounts and vote more than once ;)
She should be 1st! Well atleast you are in my book.
411!!! We are on our way.Collin's wonderful job you do. You make me laugh everyday and lord know we ALL need that.
just did. we love you collin!
just voted good luck!!!
I hope you WIN!!!! You have been very lucky lately and you have a TON of Fans!!! I hope everyone votes!!! Come on it only takes a few minutes and Collin has not only saved us $$$$$ but a ton of time into helping us save!!! So go do it NOW!!!! You will be popular and everyone is doing it!! Just once come on your mom will never know! nobody is watching!!! did the peer pressure help???
I really want you to win!! Good luck.
Just passed 450 !!!!!!
I would love for you to win
I missed the vote :( I"m so sorry, Colin. I went there but I was too late :( You deserve this win and I'm so bummed that I couldn't be a part of it.
I voted! GOOD LUCK! Thanks for all the money saving tips. I LOVE your blog.
What do you mean too late? I thought voting was over at 4 pm Pacific (5 pm mountain, 6 pm central, 7 pm eastern). Is that wrong?
You deserve to win! I voted for you! Sorry, but Freebies 4 Mom's Heather Hernandez is not very nice :-(
I wish we would have known about this sooner. I would love for you to win this. With only a few hours left you need to more than double your votes, come on people and vote! :-)
C'mon vote.. 474 votes.. she still needs more! spread the word
I voted for ya! You're the best! Thanks for all you do for us.
WTG! You deserve it!
My vote is in!
I just sent out emails.. hopefully everyone will get them in time to vote! I sure hope you win, I have read alot of the other blogs that have been nominated and your the best
The very least any of us could do. Thanks!
I voted. You have almost 500 votes now! I hope you win. You have a wonderful site. I love it. Thanks so much.
Congrats on 500 votes!! Let's make it A LOT more!!
Collin only needs 183 more votes to overtake third place!!! Come on, we can do it!
votes in hipster!
of course! love this site!
Hi Collin! I voted for you and posted it on my Facebook (for more votes of course!). I love LOVE love your site so much and thanks for taking the time to post all the deals that you can find.
You got my vote!
Voted! Thank you for everything you do, you have helped me save so much money.
Looks like you were just nominated yesterday. I know with a little more time you would for sure come in 1st! Good luck! And thanks for all you do!
Wow, you were just nominated yesterday and already took over the 4 spot, Let's work on # 3. I was vote 518. Great job and Great site!!!!!.
Voted....this site ROCKS!!! 534 votes so far!
Voted! 524 votes when I was there. Keep it up, everyone!
Voted! Thank you for everything you do!!
Voted for you! I've only been "coming here" for about 2 weeks and you've saved my family lots of money already!! Thanks!
Wow I really wish we would have had more than one day. I didn't even notice it until last night and you have to submit the site for approval b4 voting begins. The good thing is this is the 2nd year they have done it, so next year Hip2save will win for sure!! Thank you for all you do Collin! Just look at how long the others have been on there waiting for votes!
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