I have some great news about the Lee jeans giveaway! If you entered the contest prior to 2:05 pm CST on December 2nd, then you can score a FREE pair of Lee Jeans! Yay! This is what is now states on the Lee Jeans Facebook page :
All entrants who submitted prior to or on December 2, 2009 at 2:05 p.m. CST that have not already won, qualify for one pair of jeans from Lee. Entrants will receive a free pair of the product originally submitted for (Men's Premium Select or Women's Slender Secret). To obtain your jeans, please send an email to lee120promo@gmail.com by December 31, 2009. We will then verify you submitted your entry on or before 2:05 p.m. CST on December 2, 2009 and send you your jeans. No substitution, cash redemption or transfer of prize except with Sponsor's permission (which may be granted or withheld for any reason) or where required by law. Sponsor in its sole discretion may award a substitute prize/prize component of equal or greater value if advertised prize/prize component is unavailable at time of awarding for any reason. Shipping may take 4-8 weeks. Please see full rules for more information.
It looks like most of us are now winners! Sweeeeeet!
(Thanks, SavingSurvivingThriving!)
saw that on my facebook and sent them an email...will be waiting to see what happens...
thanks for all your tips!
Wow Collin...thanks...I am going to send that email now:)
What if I don't remember what day I entered? Send an email anyway?
How do you check what date & time you entered?
Crap, I knew I should have entered!
I am SUPER excited! I remember signing up almost as soon as you posted it - all that online "activity" earlier this week is going to pay off!
yes, I saw on facebook as well and emailed them before I saw it on this site :) awesome deal
This sounds strange, why would lee jeans have a gmail address and not a leejeans.com email address? What info are we supposed to send?
Wow! That will be amazing if it goes through!
Somebody remind me if I did this or not.... lol
This is amazing. They have gone so above and beyond what was expected of them. This is a smart company, they know how to create customer loyalty unlike the BS that Fannie May pulled.
How do you know if you entered b4 2:00? & should you email them from like a yahoo account or from Facebook?
Sweet indeeed. This is the best ever, since I almost never win anything!
I am also wondering if you email them from facebook or if yahoo is okay. What info do you need to include?
When we email them what are we suppost to write?!
I sent mine earlier, but Im not sure which day I signed on?
If you go to your facebook page it will have when you entered and the time. Just email from your normal account they are going to do the research. I'm way excited and amazed that they are taking responsibility for changing the rules...I don't know any company that would EVER do this!!! wow!!!
I wrote them through my yahoo account and I just put my name and said that I'm pretty sure I entered in before the 2:05 deadline.
Where do u look for the time/date entered? Thanks!
Where exactly does it say the time you entered on fb?
I entered before the deadline (when they changed the rules) so I should be getting a free pair too! :)
btw- people were SO mean to LEE about the glitch in their computer system...it was really a bummer reading all the comments about LEE "cheating people". This is above and beyond for them to do!
I looked and couldn't find the exact date and time. But just the became a fan part on my profile. Since it seemed to be part of yesterdays (3rd) posts I just presume yesterday.
But I guess you could look at your became a fan section and look at any new posts above that could have a date and time. Then kind of make a guess. If it looks like it was done on the time they say, I'd send it anyway with a "I'm not sure but I'm sending in my info anyways" note.
I didn't get lucky this time. Good luck to you all
DARN...I missed this one!
On your facebook "profile" page it should have teh date you entered Lee's contest- it posted to my wall.
Go to FB and click on your picture or your name to view your "Wall". Scroll through your activity and it will say that you entered the Lee jeans contest. The bottom text of that post in fine (blue?) print will state what day and time you entered.
I emailed them from the email account I use on my fB account, and I stated the exact date and time that I entered, and what my FB display name is. Hopefully that gives them enough information to find me. :)
FYI - if you look on your FaceBook profile, it will have time and date you entered the contest, I posted this in my email to them. Help them along a little :) Hope to see some jeans soon!!!
I entered before the rule changes! Yay for a FREE pair of Lees! :-)
My entry qualified! I get free jeans because I saw the original contest info here and also the updated info here too!
Thanks so much for all of the hard work you put into your site to save others time and $$!
It's so nice to see a company do this after all the Fannie May/CSN/NASCAR issues. They made a mistake, acknowledged it, and fixed it in an extremely fair way. I bet they earn some return customers.
well I checked my profile and according to my recent activity my timing should be before cut off :) How will we know for sure? I did send an email.
just checked my time 12:22 am Dec 2nd WOOO WHOOOO . I just may have gotten the best thing FREE clothes. THANKS COLLIN again you are awesome.
sorry so excited I hit enter too quickly . Thanks Collin
wow, really? I do have to ditto what anon 1:20 said about using a gmail account. But, it's worth a try? I hope this verifies! Thanks Collin!
Hi can you tell me where to find what date and time you entered? I went to my wall and it only says that i entered the lee jeasns giveaway and then is says comment and like
You can find the time you entered on your facebook profile page. It should have a post of when you entered if you allowed it. Yay for free jeans!
I am not sure when I entered but I sent them an email anyways just now, just in case. Crossing my fingers! cool deal, thanks!!!
okay if you're still having trouble
1. log onto your FB
2. go to your name at the very top (this is your wall and has your comments and your photo's and so forth)
3. look at your comments (scroll down..maybe way down if you FB a lot and have lots of comments on your end and others)LOL
4. When you see the Lee Jeans entry "Enter to Win" logo
5. below it will have info and then a green square with i think a % sign inside it right next to it will have have date or say "yesterday" with the time. After that is the words...."comment" "Like/unlike" "enter to win"
This is what mine says
Yesterday at 1:46pm via Promotions · Comment · LikeUnlike · Enter to Win
hope this helps and makes sense!!
Wow -thanks for the info - I hardly check my FB account, so I would have never known!
holy cow!! this is awesome...wonder how the scammers are going to figure out how to order 19 of them! lol kidding...we all need to lighten up a little! lol Ok well my entry made it so wahhhh hooo!!! Thanks C!
WOW, awesome! Im so glad I check your site all the time, and signed up on Dec 1st! I sent an email and hope to recieve my Free pair of Jeans!!!!!!
The emails informing us that we won also came from a gmail account, so I wouldn't be concerned about that. Its awesome that Lee Jeans is doing this - they are definitely going above and beyond!
The date and time will only be on your facebook profile if you chose to put it into your newsfeed when you entered the contest. If you didn't put it in your feed, then there will be no time there.
Now that is customer service!!! I get the free jeans! Wooohooo!
My fb wall only says that I became a fan of lee jeans, nothing about the contest. Does anyone else just have that or did I do something wrong when I entered??
Mine said same ( became a fan). I did entered though...I went back to the promo site but it said I already entered once. I send them a email anyway to see whats going to happen!
It will only say on your facebook page when you entered the promo if you chose to publish that information. I always skip that step - wish I hadn't this time. I know I signed up, but not sure when exactly. Sent an email anyways, we'll see what happens.
My facebook profile just says that I became a fan, without saying that I entered a contest or what day/time it was. Is there something fancy I need to do to get more information from facebook? I'm not very facebook savvy, sorry!
Collin, thanks for letting us know!
Aww... too bad, I looked at my facebook page and I published at this time: Dec 2, 6:29 PM CST... I almost won! Lol.
I signed up yesterday under the new rules, but, I just checked Dec 3rd winners and my name was there! I'm doing a happy dance!
I didn't do it until yesterday. Darn.
Drats!! I can't seem to win anything!!
Maybe next time
woo hoo.. so exciting!!!!!!
Tonight is my night. Found out That the hospital is taking 50% off my bill cause I am poor (haha) .. I bought $7 in lotto tickets and won $23. and now this... man. I feel like going and buying powerball..
My Facebook page says I became a fan but doesnt say anything about entering. But I remember filling out the page where they asked your size and length, and when I try to enter now it says I already have entered. So hopefully I get a free pair!
Just checked the Dec. 3rd list and I won! Guess they will notify winners by email on monday. Thanks Collin!!!
Sweet! I checked my web browser history and I entered on Dec 1st...email sent and waiting for free jeans!
So, you had to fill out a form to qualify? Darn, I think I just became a fan. I need to read these things better.
First time commenting...long time looking...thanks for the great tips on everything...it is REALLY appreciated.
I thought I would comment to those who just have the became a fan and there is no date or time.
On the main page on the left hand side it gives you options status update, new feed etc. If you click on news feed and scroll down until you see comments from Lee Jeans. I found one that was posted on December 1st. They can't have sent you a post unless you were a fan (at least that is what I am guessing right?) So if you have a post from them before December 2nd odds are you became a fan to get the jeans.
Hope that makes sense and I hope it's right.
Thanks again for all you do on this blog...I share it with everyone!
I won yesterday! I just found out! I have never won anything before, ever. I am sooo excited!
I WON!!!! Yesterday, I recieved an email saying that I won a free pair of jeans!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!! :D
I won, too! I thought I'd entered too late, so I didn't even email them, but I got an email saying that I was a winner!
Those of us who won, let's all send really nice thank you emails back so that they know how appreciated this gesture is - they totally didn't have to do this and they should know that it has won them some great publicity.
i received an email on dec. 7 that says i won a pair of jeans! will let you know when they arrive....sweet!
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