New Coupons Available:
Save $1/1 Propel water beverage 6-pack (500 ml)
Save $1/1 Almay Color Cosmetic
Save $1/2 Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Save $1/1 Kashi frozen entree
Save $1/1 Kashi pizza
Save $1/3 Kebbler Cookies (8.5 oz or larger)
Save $1/1 Mitchum Deodorant
Save $1/1 Purina Cat Chow
Save $1/2 Purina Cat Snacks
Save $1/1 Purina Dog Chow brand Dry Dog Food
Save $1/1 Purina Dog Snacks
Save $1/1 Revlon Colorsilk Haircolor
Save $1/1 Revlon Eye Color Cosmetic
Save $1/1 Revlon Face Color Cosmetic
Save $1/1 Revlon Lip Color Cosmetic
Save $1/1 Revlon beauty tool
Save $1/2 Starkist Pouch
Save $1/1 Tidy Cats Litter
(Thanks, CouponingToDisney!)
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I am really HATING all these manufacture coupons...I went to target tonight, and felt like I didn't get any good deals :(...I sure hope we get some target coupons soon.
You can pair the $1 Revlon with the Walgreens deal going on! Thanks Target :-)
My grocery store told me they won't take manufacture coupons from the target site. The manager told me he will not get reimbursed because they say www.target.com on the coupon. Grrrrr.
i have had a ton of problems too trying to use this at numerous other stores!
Yeah, I'm kinda boycotting Target right now too. I guess all the deals we've gotten their have finally taken there toll on the company. I'm thankful for all I've gotten and am eagerly looking for the next victim, I mean, store.
I'm trying to stay away for awhile (unless a really really good deal is announced! LOL)
Anyone having a hard time printing coupons from the target.com site? Their new software won't download on my computer. I went to Target to print them there and their computers wouldn't print coupons. I ask customer service and they said it was a permanent change there. Also, they said other customers complained about not being able to print coupons at home because of the new software.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this...
I can't get the coupons to print either. I've tried at least 20 times and it still doesn't work. I agree to the license agreement and then nothing happens. I've tried deleting it and re-installing and nothing works:(
I've also had issues with my grocery store not taking the manufacturer's coupons that are printed from the kmart site...simply because they say kmart on the side. I fought it enough until i decided to get smart and just cut the kmart edge off before going in the store. Never looked twice!
I had to turn off my firewall for the coupons to print. It starting to happen on several sites I try to print coupons. Once I am done printing I turn it back on.
i had issues getting them to print then I copied the link and opened it in a Safari browser ( its from apple) you can try opening it with firefox or another. After that i can print them on IE strange i know!
Also alot of ppl are saying that the e-sentives site ( where they are coming from ) dont work with Windows 7
Im also not shopping at Target either till this nonsense changes ! LOL
I hate Target's new coupon thingy. I had trouble printing one set so I stopped the canceled the print. When I went back, I couldn't reprint so I ended up with only 1 set of coupons instead of 2.
On another topic - what are the dates of these new coupons? Are they rolling or have a specific date? Thanks.
Hey Jodi. You're not alone. I have had trouble too, even trying to print them at the Target store. Maybe eventually they will figure out a way for us to be able to get them.
Anon 6:36am: I did the SAME thing! lol. I also had to do it with a sheet of coupons from my Marie Claire magazine a couple months ago. They said Walgreens on them, even though they were Manuf. cpns for use at ANY store. Cashiers didn't even notice.
I think that you will find that most stores will not take these coupons even though they have manufacturer on them. I checked at our Kroger this morning (who is great with coupons) and they would not take it because of the Target logo....and there's no way to cut off the Target logo like someone said they did with the Kmart logo.
Clearly these coupons are meant to be used at Target so if we try to use them elsewhere is it coupon fraud? Something to think about.
I am tired of Target providing these coupons and then after you print them find out their manu. coupons. It would be nice if they would state it on the screen before you print.
I just noticed this week my Kroger has a sign that said they will honor all competitor coupons, I'll have to ask if they will take these?
TELL TARGET IF YOU CAN'T PRINT THEIR COUPONS.They need to know we are unhappy. I e-mailed them.
I tried to use the Target Manufacturer coups at Walgreens and the LADY! at the counter said I can't use Target coups at Walgreens. I explained it was a manufacturer but she said it wouldn't scan and there was a line forming behind me.....I need to be more assertive.
I just printed a few coupons from the new target site, and I wanted to know if many people are getting grief over the target logo on the coupon. It is all over the coupon, so not as if we could cut if off..etc.
I haven't tried these yet, but I have a feeling I might be saving these for stores such as Walmart or Meijer with a u scan, I have never had issues there scanning coupons that have another store logo on it.
I used two of these coupons at Walmart yesterday. The cashier did check with the manager, and it must be fairly new as the manager said yes, they'd recently changed their policy to accept them as they are manuf. coupons even though Target is on them.
I went to Meijer today. Kellogs cereal was on sale and I had a store coupon for $2 of of 4 and I had the target manufacturer coupon for $5 off 4. I was excited, then the target coupon wouldn't scan. After 2 phone calls the cashier refused to take the target coupon. :(
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