Remember the Step2 12 Deals and 12 days promo I posted about here? Well, if you signed up, then you most likely just received an email to snag two Step2 Cafe Barista Playsets for the price of one! These are currently priced at $49.98 for two, but after the coupon code 241CAFE you can get two Step2 Cafe Barista Playsets for just $24.99 total! That makes each playset just $12.50! Please keep in mind you will have to pay $7.99 for shipping, but that's still a really sweet deal!
The Step2 Cafe Barista retails for $29.99 on Toys R Us and that's only for one! Plus, they are sold out. Amazon has this priced at $32.55 + $9.99 shipping and again that's just for one!
Hurry and get in on this deal before they sell out!
just ordered mine for $32.98, that's just $16.00 each not bad. Should be able to give at least one of these as a Christmas gift and the other for a birthday gift sometime throughout the year. Can't wait to see tomorrow's deal.
My 2 year old pretends she is drinking coffee with me every morning. This toy will be a fun addition to her kitchen!
I need a little girl to buy this for!!! all my neices are in Jr. high and highschool... doubt they would like this! lol
Thanks soooo much for posting this! I just got one for each of my neices for Christmas! One more gift checked off my frugal list! YIPPEE!
Sooo cute! I have a 2yr son, and my hubby would kick my butt if I bought that for him. Too bad I don't know any little girls!
Oh yes make sure you don't let little boys play with this...or dolls, kitchens, irons, etc. either for that matter. Might make them grow up and actually help with domestic duties and make coffee!!! Yikes!
I'm thinking train them to work at Starbucks. They have GREAT benefits!!!!!!!
Just split this with my girlfriend one for each of our kids. Awesome!
Great idea to go in on this with a girlfriend!
I am sooo excited! My friend and I bought them for our little girls for Christmas! Thank you so much, this is an awesome Christmas present!
This deal is awesome! I might snag one for my niece. That's funny Mander! My hubby is the same. I have 2 boys, & the hubby freaked when he saw our boys playing with a girls kitchen @ a friend's house. I think it's the visualization of pink that tricks their mind - not the fact that our children are learning about life experiences. I'm totally fine with it, but I'm there with you on respecting your hubby's wishes! No worries anon 10:06pm I'm sure Mander (and myself) will teach our boys to help with domestic duties... after all, there's no way I will be the only one cleaning up after 3 men in this house! LOL!!
I just got this. But I sure hope the 2 pack can be easily split into 2 gifts. IE, are there 2 separate boxes. I hope I hope.
Does anyone know the age on this? I want to buy for my 5yr old neice who loves to play kitchen and resturant but I'm woundering if she is to old??
I wouldn't think she would be too old especially if she enjoys playing "house". This is a grown up version toy too I think she would imagine she'd think this contraption is really cool!
It says ages 2 to 5.
Please remember Toys for Tots. This would make a great donation!
These are so cute my son has a birthday party to go to this will be a perfect gift for the little girl. I'm not sure what to do with the other one may put it aside for a back up gift or give it to my niece next year when she is old enough either way great deal. Toys for tots is a great program i've donated about 6 gifts this year from some of the amazon deals.
Anon 2:22....thanks for sticking up for me! haha I have no issues with my son playing with a kitchen, he is getting one for Christmas. Again, I also agree that the pink just throws off a man ( least my hubby)
Christy... Thanks for the great idea. I only needed one but now I'm getting it for sure!!
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