Thursday, March 5, 2009

Old Navy: High Value Hidden Coupon Site

Are you ready for Old Navy round two?!?

If you missed my first post about this new Old Navy coupon site, then go on over here and check out all the details. You can also read about how much fun I had searching for those coupons here. I'm guessing the hidden coupons will be reset again sometime this evening, although, I'm not positive. My plan is to just keep checking back on to see.

If you find out where any of the high value coupons are, then please leave a comment with the location below. I will update this post as I find out where each coupon is located. I will be gone for a couple hours today, so I'm crossing my fingers I'll back in time to get in on this great deal. If not, GOOD LUCK to all of you. I hope your all able to snag those high value coupons!:)

The $75 off $100 coupon is:

In the movie, click on the boys finger at 13 seconds

In the yellow hat on the left under the rainbow and the child

The $50 off $100 coupon is:
In the purse

**Will update the above when I know.

For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new


Tess said...

I had heart palpitations when I saw this Old Navy post! I'll be checking like a crazy person for the rest of the day. Is there any way to subscribe to your site? I enjoy all of our posts =)

Anonymous said...

I love this website too and just recently subscribed. On the top right hand corner of the webpage is a place to enter your email address to subscribe.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the 2 high value coupons are gone. Do they reset them weekly?

Anonymous said...

I totally agre Tess, I have been checking all day long and will continue throughout the day.

heidi said...

Anonymous @ 12:42: the site hasn't been reset from last week yet. :)

Anonymous said...

You know I'm wondering if they will reset this week? The prices for that promotion are good til next Thursday the 12th it says on the hmmm.....

Katie said...

Looks like all of the coupons are already gone! How often do they do this?

Tess said...

thanks Carol! I was thinking too that maybe they wouldn't reset until the 12th since that's when the sale prices end. But aren't all of the coupons expiring today? So they have to motivate us to go shopping for next week, right? Not like I need much motivation ;-)

Hip2Save said...

Hi guys,

I just got back from shopping. I'm so glad the coupons haven't reset yet. I hope these will reset this evening... but we'll see.

Jen said...

I subscribed to the Old Navy Weekly site and it has a place where you can add it to your calendar...and it says the next update coming between 9-9:30 GMT (mountain time)--I'm thinking this is 8-8:30PST (11-11:30EST)?? Have you heard this??

Jen said...

Oops, sorry, meant to say on Friday 11-11:30EST time

Anonymous said...

They are gone... it says at the top of the site.

Hip2Save said...

To subscribe just enter your email address in the top right hand corner of my site, then just click the subscribe button.

Hip2Save said...


I haven't heard this yet, but you are probably correct if you got the info from I will go ahead and update the post with this info. Thanks for letting us know!

Jenn said...

The site is "having a little work done" right now!! Yippeee!!! Making progress!

Anonymous said...

I think it may be resetting now. Work is being done! :)

Anonymous said...

$50 off on handle of green purse at bottom!

Chrys said...

can't find it HELP!!!!

heidi said...

Can you clarify where the $75 one is? I don't see a yellow hat or a rainbow.

Hip2Save said...

I can't even get on the site now!:(

Anonymous said...

not getting a hat or rainbow either!! eeeeeek!!

wrightidea said...

ug! Can't find the $75 & just got kicked off when I hit refresh!

heidi said...

Or can you remember which picture the $75 coupon in?

Hip2Save said...

75 is butterfly on right shoulder of women in red and yellow shirt.

wrightidea said...

Does anyone know if you can click on one coupon & then keep searching for a better one?

Hip2Save said...

This info is coming from my friend. I have yet to even get on the site!:(

Anonymous said...

no, you only get one. unless you are ableto switch to another computer - try that!

Anonymous said...

you can swap for a better one, yes. but once you print, you're done.

wrightidea said...

I can't click on the butterfly!

heidi said...

I can't click on the butterfly either! Weird. :(

Hip2Save said...

How are you guys able to get on the site? It keeps just loading...!

Anonymous said...

I can't click on butterfly either

Chrys said...

Can't get on either, says loading

Anonymous said...

i reloaded and now i can't get back on either. GRRR! only as far as the front page, then loading....

*Diana* said...

after the "star hunting" page it just keeps loading... aaagggg

Anonymous said...

I got to print a $50 coupon, now I'm trying on my husband's laptop but it is just loading.

anyway, I couldn't click on the butterfly, and I don't see a rainbow...

good luck everybody

Audrey said...

It says the link is broken...I can't get on. :(

Tara said...

The butterfly is now gone! And I don't see a yellow hat?

Kristin Jones said...

Everything is a scandal. I can't get anything...even though they are saying that there are some left!

Hip2Save said...

People are saying the $75 coupon is in the movie?!?

heidi said...

I got the $50 coupon, but the barcode didn't print for some reason! Hopefully it will still be valid. Keep at it, everybody!

Anonymous said...

Can't get on :( :( :(

Chrys said...

still can't get on, any have a trick?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure the site is ready - I tried to print the coupon and there was no bar code on it. Then I tried to email it and it said Sorry, this coupon is gone...

Anonymous said...

Was able to get on -- couldn't find the $75, but the $50 was gone. Even the 20% was already gone! Was able to find the 5% and 10% coupons...

Chrys said...

Does anyone know how many coupons are left?

Anonymous said...

I got on and printing a $50 off 100 coupon but there is no barcode. Does anyone know what that means? The fine print says to scan a barcode...

Anonymous said...

It won't let me watch the movie! Gah!

Hip2Save said...

The $75 coupon is in the movie. You have to click around the middle for it to pop up.

Anonymous said...

Only $50 off pops up in the movie form ANd it says it's not valid

Anonymous said...

I'm only getting the $50 in the movie, not the $75

Tara said...

I found it in the movie, but after waiting forever it said SCANDAL! And I was so excited, too :(

Mommycia said...

Neither my DH's $50 nor mine have barcodes :(

Hip2Save said...

There is still 700+ $75 coupon left. I still can't get on the site, though. My friends been emailing me all this info.

Anonymous said...

ACK this is so frustrating!!!!!!

Hip2Save said...


Keep trying the deal is not dead yet!

Anonymous said...

I have a $50 off $100 but it didn't print with a barcode?!?


Jen said...

I got the $50 one but when printed it didn't have a barcode. So i chose to email it and it did have the bar code!
I had to try forever to get it to work

Kristin Jones said...

Why do you think my 5% is a scandal???

Tara said...

Is the $75 off hidden somewhere else? I've watched the movie several times, clicking at 13 seconds and it says that I got it, but then says Scandal when I try to save it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip on the e-mailing to get the barcode!!!


Love the site, just saved it as a favorite!

MCMS said...

I am trying to email it to myself, it's been 'loading' for around 4 minutes now.... I hope it works!

Anonymous said...

The $75/100 is in the movie, but it is dead. :( My husband just found it and it says 'Scandal'. We did get the 50/100 tho, so I'm happy!

Nicole said...

I can't get the video to load for me.

Hip2Save said...

I have NOT even seen the site at all this whole time!!!AHHHHH! It's so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

It says there are still like 600 of those $75 coupons left but now I'm questioning that...

Kristin Jones said...

When I couldn't get the 5%, I thought there might be a problem. I finally got the $75...if it says scandal, open up a new window and try it again. I had 17 browsers open on my computer. One finally loaded and did it! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone having any luck?

Chrys said...

415 $75 left but I can't get the movie to load now

Hip2Save said...

I've almost given up... I just can't get the darn page to load. Do you have any tricks up your sleeve about getting the page to come up?

heidi said...

I've been stuck for a while now too. I can't get the movie to play on the one I have up, and I can't get the site to load when I open more browsers!

Anonymous said...

I can't even get on the site

Chrys said...

I kept refreshing after the blue loading star went away and it didn't load.

Anonymous said...

I had the page up...but then read on another forum to close and restart your browser to try again...BIG mistake...can't even get back on the site. No tricks for that. Was lucky to get on once...
I am about ready to give up too

Anonymous said...

I'm back's slooowwwly loading.

Anonymous said...

AAAHH! It's still acting crazy. I just hit the $75 off $100, and then it went to Scandal! I'm going to keep trying. Does anyone know if they're gone?

Melinda said...

Why do these companies drive us CRAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYY?????

Anonymous said...

Try hitting your Go button (up by the URL). That's how I got mine to reload.

Chrys said...

313 left movie still not loading

Anonymous said...

187 75 off left

Chrys said...

I switch to IE from firfox, it loaded and I clicked thru the whole movie and GOT 1!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I clicked on got the coupon but it is still loading?! It's been like 5 anyone else having this problem?

Anonymous said...

They are all gone now.

Hip2Save said...

I finally go on and watched the movie and found the coupon on the boys finger 13 second in... when I clicked the coupon came up and then was gone!AAHHHH!

Anonymous said...

It now says the $75 off are gone

Kristen said...

I just called coporate and they will not do anything about it printing without a barcode
she told me that all the coupons were gone within one minute and thats why its freezing or all of a sudden saying scandal.

Anonymous said...

Is the whole thing down now? I'm not even getting the "Loading" screen.

Hip2Save said...

In my opinion, Old Navy should have been way more prepared for this. It's ridicilous that some of us weren't even able to get on.

It also makes me mad that there are sooooo many Ebay sellers just purchasing them to resell... and I'm sure quite a few are managing to get way more then one coupon! Very annoying!

Chrys said...

oh that stinks, I may not have it after all, I am trying to e-mail to myself but it's not loading the screen to do so. Thanks for the info.

Chrys said...

I totally agree with you. I read that someone purchased one from ebay and it was no good so she wasted money on a coupon someone already used. Old navy should have been more prepared!

Amanda said...

So mine printed without a barcode and I can't get it to e-mail it to me does that mean I can't use it!! :-(

Chrys said...

Yes, you can't use it, I'm having the same problem.

Amanda said...

Well I reloaded the page and now if says that I haven't found a coupon so I guess I am out of luck. I am so mad!! I'm thinking about boycotting Old Navy. I mean this was a real Micky Mouse operation if I ever saw one. What were they thinking?!?!?

Chrys said...

It's back up but you can't get any coupons.

Anonymous said...

And now it's down again. I think I'm boycotting too!

Tess said...

I'm SO frustrated! I can't get on the site and we are trying on two computers. Darnit!! I really need some new clothes!

Amanda said...

Good lets start a movement cause I'm really mad!! The site was never ment to handle the kind of traffic it needed to. Why would the coupons print without barcodes!! They should have to honor those it was their website goof not our fault.

Chrys said...

Sorry to post so much but I am soooooooo frustrated. I finally got the e-mail coupon to load. I type in everything and then it tells me scandal these coupons are gone and it locked up. I am all for boycotting them! I'll shut up

Noah'sMiMi said...

We did it!!! We got the 75 off to finally email to us! It was just a matter of trying over and over again. Thanks for the heads up about the site.

Tess said...

just in case we should get through, are both the $50 and $75 coupons in the movie??
My husband just got the movie to work but nothing is happening when he clicks on the boys finger

Hip2Save said...

I'm boycotting too!

Well, I can say that now... but by the time next week rolls around I don't know!:)

Hip2Save said...

Thanks, guys!

I never have received so many comments on one post before!:)

Anonymous said...

Great site... bummer to hear about all the problems. Rather than just sharing it hear tell old navy....

that is the customer service email. Be heard!

Tess said...

everyone is probably grouchy right now, so I thought I'd lighten the mood. I just got a coupon binder tonight and I was organizing them and randomly as my DH to check the old navy weekly page. When it popped up, I realized it had been updated, and seriously LEAPT off the couch. Coupons went flying everywhere. My husband thinks I'm nuts ;-)

Anonymous said...

when my $50 coupon printed only the middle wording printed stating the valid dates and such. the amount never printed or anything. how can i use this when the amount is not stated on there anywhere.

Anonymous said...

try to going to

Monica said...

It says they're doing a little bit of work on the site does that mean that they're gone?

heidi said...

This is still really frustrating... I'm glad I'm not the only one who got a coupon to print but without a barcode. I spent over an hour at the site last night though, so I am definitely going to still try to use it & just plead my case, but what are the chances that any employees or managers at Old Navy stores are familiar with oldnavyweekly and the problems people have had getting the coupons?

Jenny said...

So, do they change where the coupons are each week?

I found a 20% off, but the higher value ones are gone.

Hip2Save said...

Yes, they will reset the coupons next thursday at 8-8:30 PM EST.

heidi said...

I'm wondering if anyone tried using their coupons from last week that printed without a barcode. They expire today & I am headed to the mall in a bit to try, but I'm wondering what other people did.

Anonymous said...

Well I got the $75 off $100 coupon twice but once they loaded it said "scandal! this coupon is gone!" omg soooo upset that they told me i had it and then they took it away!

i did manage to get a $50 off of $100, though.

as of right now, the site is say both of these coupons are out :(