Well, it looks like you may be able to get a FREE medium pizza from Papa Murphey's! Text MURPHY to 686868 and they will send you a mobile coupon for a FREE medium pizza! Yay! Please note that you may not get this coupon. It will depend on where you're located.
Let us know in the comment section if you do in fact get a FREE medium pizza coupon!
nothing for me here in iowa
i dont text these things because you ALWAYS get spam texts afterward and there is seemingly no way to unsubscribe. I've tried texting STOP and UNSUBSCRIBE and CANCEL to these numbers and I still get the texts.
Nothing in KS. Hopefully I do not get the texts you are speaking of.
If only I knew how to text!
You have to text the word MURPHY to that number and I did get a return text saying I would receive 1 free medium pizza. It also says you can opt out by replying STOP. It says it is from moneymailer.com. I'll let you know if it works when I try it. Oh yeah, and btw I live in UT.
Actually you have to reply with STOP MURPHY - that will unsubscribe you. You have to use the word STOP and the "keyword" for that offer.
Both my husband and I texted and got free pizzas...now we'll have to see if they actually want to accept the coupon! Sounds too good to be true.
Yay! It works in Iowa! :)
Yes, I got one in Wisconsin- Milwaukee area=)
I got it in MN!!! Do I just show it to them on the phone? How does it work? I hardly know how to text!
Worked here in South Dakota!!
I got it in North Carolina
I got one!! I'm from Nashville and it sent me a text right back stating I could get a free medium pizza! YAY!
I got one! It works for WA State!
Works for me in Indianapolis. I then replied with "stop murphy" and it unsubscribed me.
How do you use a mobile coupon?
worked for me in WA. replyed stop murphy to the coupon and it sent me a second text saying I was unsubscribed. It will be interesting to see if they had over a free pizza when I show them my phone. :)
Worked for me in Illinois (near St. Louis) Thanks!
YAY!!!!!! Worked in Louisiana!
Got it in San Diego, CA!!! Thanks!
Works in Columbus, OH...
now just gotta find out where murphys is, lol
here in spanish fork ut it WORKED! Free pizza for dinner tonight!! :) Thanks for sharing!
I'm in Portland, OR and I just got mine! kinda cool!
Also I just called my papa murphy's and the gal said they do take text coupons. I'm sending hubby there. Free dinner. Thanks hip2save. :) I'll report back if it actually works.
I got one here in WA! Yay! Thanks!
anybody know how much the text itself costs? is it like 9.99? lol
worked in san antonio, tx
I just went to moneymailer.com and it talks about this kind of offer and see no where that it charges you! So we shouldn't see any kind of charges for this!
I was able to get the mobile coupon here in WA. I sent the stop murphy message right away. I'll let you know if it actually get's me a pizza!
I got the coupon and headed down to Papa Murphy's to pick up a pizza for lunch. Sadly, they said they don't honor that type of coupon. I live in Southern Utah. Wondering if any other Papa Murphy's will honor it.
It worked for me in Puyallup, WA!
It worked here in St George Utah Lets see if they had the pizza over.
i recieved the coupon here in Washington State.
I called my local Papa Murphy's in central Illinois to ask if they accepted the free medium pizza text message coupon.
He told me that it was not a legitimate coupon, but he could give me $3 off the family size or $2 off a large. Large 1-toppings run $8.99.
i got one here in new jersey. but my neareset location is in utah. darn!
I am in the St Louis area and it worked.....got immediate text back with free medium pizza
I got my text msg here in WA, but it says in the text "Erie Boulder only". I guessing that means that this offer is only valid in those areas only - not anywhere else in other states. Anyone know?
Worked here in Portland, oregon
i got a strange reply...
it says Pappa Murphy's pizza (disabled) does not allow opt in.
don't know what that means..
i'm in WA.
I did this and went to local store and the manager said she could only accept printed out coupons. DH asked how he was supposed to print out a text message and told her how he got it. She whipped out her cell and did it and said "..oh" when she got the coupon. : ) And it's good on ANY medium pizza. Thanks Collin for free dinner! :)
Oh, sorry, forgot to mention i'm in Indiana
OOPS!! This was suppose to be in Texas only. A franchise down there messed up and didn't specify the state or area. Is only good down there.
the text message came BUT I called to see if they accept it and the girl on the phone said that they weren't sure where it was coming from BUT they'd take some money off of a pizza for my troubles. Hmmm...sketchy!
I just picked up my free pizza in Mill Creek, WA! Thanks for the tip!
I just used mine and got a free pizza in Utah. Worked for me. Sweet!
anon 2:44 i got the same weird reply which is,
pappa murphy's (disabled) does not allow opt in.
??? I'm in Idaho
It worked great. Showed the text message to the cashier and got my free medium pizza here in Albany, Oregon!!! Thank you!!
I got this same msg as another person that commented:...
"it says Pappa Murphy's pizza (disabled) does not allow opt in." I'm guessing it is because I have a prepaid T-Mobile cell phone??? Or, maybe the offer is not avail. in our area. I'm in NorCal.
I called both stores in Idaho Falls. The Broadway location said that the Manager is having a meeting with the Owner tomorrow to find out if they will begin taking these types of coupons. The 17th Street location indicated that it was a fake.
It didn't work for me in Texas. I sent a text this morning but nothing came back.
It worked for me but then a friend researched it and found out its a FRAUD. it was supposed to be a buy one get one free and somehow someone altered it..
I got the same message, "Papa Murphy's pizza (disabled) does not allow opt in." But I called the store first (St. Cloud, MN) to see if they accept them, they said yes. Not sure why some of us are getting the error messages! Any suggestions?
I am in northern Utah and it worked from me. I got free pizza for dinner. The rep at the store did say that they didnt know anything about this coupon but there are researching it but they would honor it for me. What great customer service!!!
I went to my TN store and just said "I have a text coupon" and she replied "for a free medium pizza?" I said, yes and she said that its a fake and they don't accept it. :( boo.
nothing in kc mo
It worked for us tonight in WA state. Called ahead to make sure our murphy's was accepting text coupons. Hubby got a free medium BBQ chicken pizza (just started making them for the summer season, yum) and had no problem walking out with a free pizza. I too have a coupon and might use it sometime too. FUN. Thanks for the free dinner.
I'm in Stayton, Oregon and I got the "Group 054-00 Pappa Murphy's Pizza(disabled) does not allow opt in" message so I'll take that as it isn't working here!
We got the message back(in KY) but our store told us it was a fraud, but that they would give us 50% for the trouble.
I just went to Papa Murphy's and was told that the text coupons were fradukant and they would not take them. I am here in Washington State, I just wanted your readres to know.
I picked up my free pizza and so did my husband no problems here in UT.
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