Wahoo! I'm guessing most of you will be excited to know that SC Johnson has a great new $5 Rebate they're offering up! Get $5 back by mail when you purchase ANY 3 SC Johnson Products below:
• Ziploc
• Glade
• Windex
• Scrubbing Bubbles
• Pledge
• Shout
• Fantastik
• Drano
• Raid
• Off
• Saran
• Nature’s Source
The best part--You can do this rebate 3 times per household. That means a total of $15 in rebates back! Please keep in mind that each $5 rebate needs to be mailed in separately.
To receive your mail-in rebate:
1. Purchase any THREE SC Johnson products from the list above. Twin-packs and multi-packs are considered as a single product purchase.
2. Write the three UPC bar code numbers from the product packages in the space provided on the rebate form.
3. Send the original dated, store-identified cash register receipts, with the purchase prices of the products circled, along with this completed form.
All requests must be postmarked by 7/15/10 and received by 7/30/10!
(Thanks, SharpenYourScissors!)
You should be able to score some great deals on these products during this weeks Kmart Coupon Doubles promotion! Here's one deal scenario for you:
Buy 4 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags 15-20 ct 2/$4=$8
Use 2 buy one get one FREE coupon from the 8/30SS
Paying nothing, but tax
Plus, submit for the $5 rebate!
Final cost FREE + a $5 moneymaker! Yay!
**And remember you can do the above scenario two more times to make a total of $15 after the rebates!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Thanks for sharing this!
What a great Rebate and 3 times per household is awesome!! Thanks so much!!!
Laugh as you may, I don't submit rebates to often...but...I did go to Kmart several times and did the Glade deals...if I have 6 products on one receipt, how does that work since I need to submit an original receipt each entry form...so I was thinking I get $10 (2 $5 rebates) from one receipt...your thoughts?
This is awesome! Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately my Kmart doesn't participate in the doubles but I have free item coupons for Pledge, Windex and Glade which would make this a moneymaker! Thanks!
Also I didn't notice on the form what the purchase dates were? What if I bought 3 of the participating items 3 weeks ago? Can I use those?
I realize why they need the ORIGINAL receipt, but I need the original receipt for Caregiver's Marketplace... I bought diapers and Ziploc bags in one transaction yesterday at Kmart!!! :( Darn!
I wonder when the purchases have to have been made. I purchased a lot of Scrubbing Bubbles products last time Kmart had doubles...
Also, with 6 items on one receipt, maybe you can go to Kmart and have them print you a duplicate? I think some stores are able to do that if the transaction was recent.
July 2010?
Anyone know when the reciept has to be dated - I bought a ton of scrubbing bubbles products 2 weeks ago and still have the receipt I could use if the date works?
My question is the same as a lot of peoples...can I use receipts from items I purchased a while ago. There is no beginning date on the rebate - only an ending. I've "purchaed" a lot of Glade products recently and would love to make some money ;) If anyone knows, that would great. If no one has an answer, I'll probably give it a try - it's worth a shot.
It doesn't mentioned when these are to be purchased. I just purchased windex products at Target in the last week. Can I use that receipt or do I have to purchase new stuff? Dawn
Wow, thanks so much!!! I called the rebate center to ask about the start date, and they don't know. They forwarded my question to the manager and said to call back next week. I'll let you know what I find out. It would be sweet if we could use the receipts from some of the old deals, plus I have some Sense&Spray rain checks to use at Fred Meyer this week, so that alone should give me two sets of rebates.
Be careful! Yesterday I tried to use BOGO coupons at Kmart and they did not double!
I spent 40 minutes at customer service trying to return the items I purchased with a BOGO coupon...Finally, they got it and even gave me back my coupons!
Question: From what I have read on the form, this rebate does not seem to have a start date. I have a receipt from last month that just happens to have four glade products on it. Do you think I can submit it? I am wondering what the original site you got the pdf from said about start dates. Is there one?
I just called SC Johnson and the rebate is good for purchases made starting 10/1/2009.
my kmart NEVER doubles my BOGO'S... :( I always pay for one.
Anon, what number did you call? I called the one on the form itself, and they said they don't have it in their system yet.
I don't know why they would wait and start the refund deal tomorrow -10-1-09--when they already have the refund form out and available for you to fill out and send in. Doesn't make sense.
I just called the one on the form too and they told me the same thing, no data in the computer yet and don't do anything until next week!!@$&*)&^
anyone else having trouble opening the rebate? I can't seem to get it from this link or off the website. thanks!
I can't open the form either, even from the original johnson web site.
I also called the 800 number listed on the form and the rep said the rebate begins tomorrow 10/1/09.
Darn! I have been buying Glade and Ziploc items like crazy the last couple of weeks...oh well...we have until July of next year! Does anyone else besides me find this absolutely crazy?? (But in a good way of course. :)
HOW HAPPY WAS I WHEN I SAW THAT I ALREADY HAD THREE SEPARATE TRANSACTIONS WITH THIS STUFF ON IT?!?! So HAPPY I typed in all caps... LOL I had a bunch of kmart recipts already with everything on it.
Happy dance happy dance. I'm making copies and sending them out tomorrow!!!!
My Kmart does not double the value of Buy One Get One Frees
Darn it all....I guess I didn't need to worry about having it all on one receipt anyway...ugh! 10/1....
UGH if the start date is tomorrow, that STINKS!!!
The 2 Kmarts I went to this week have doubled B1G1 coupons. Same as the past 3 double coupon weeks at Kmart. It always doubles.
The cashier just needs to make sure she touches 2 products after she enters the price on the coupon. I don't understand why it would not double.
Hmmmm...if the start date is tomorrow, they better change their form or they're going to have a lot of explaining to do. People could mail receipts from any time in the past up until 7/2010 and still be following all guidelines on the form.
Your site has been a HUGE help! Thanks much for your work!
They can "say" what they'd like, however legally they don't have a leg to stand on. I've already mailed my rebates and they will be honoring their own written terms.
How about if we just be thankful for the rebate instead of complaining about the start date? Just a thought.
I just used my free coupons for Glade Fragance Collection soy based candels yesterday. I bought of them and saved $8.97 (each of them was priced $2.99). After I get $5 rebate it will be $13.97 of savings all together. Wahoooo!!
Whoo Hoo! I just bought 3 nature's source products today at Target. mine had a $1 off Target coupon on it & then some had the $1 peelies so I stacked them & got it for .99!!! Now they will be free with overage! I am going back for more! Thanks!
I just called the rebate center and they said the start date is 10/01/09 and they will not honor any requests sent with receipts from before the start date. How frustrating!
IF you havent used your products yet why dont you take them back ,then buy them again tomorrow.
I think that SC Johnson made a big mistake in not putting the receipt dates on their original mail in rebate form. I already sent mine out last night. Now I am out my receipts for other offers and my time and effort.
Do the products have to be purchased from K-mart?
WellI also sent my receipt today and just realized it will not be honored since I bought my Glade products before todays date. Well, never mind, I will snug those $15 rebate on other deals:)))
This is weird- I downloaded the form to save for later. I thought I had seen on the form the dates valid for purchases, but I looked again after reading these posts. I couldn't find it! So, I went back to the website and downloaded it again! Here's what it says-
To receive your mail-in rebate:
1. Purchase any THREE SC Johnson products from the list above between 10/1/09 through 6/30/10. Twin-packs and
multi-packs are considered as single product purchase.
2. Write the three UPC bar code numbers from the product packages in the space provided
It does not say that on the first form!
Her is what it says on the first one I downloaded-
To receive your mail-in rebate:
1. Purchase any THREE SC Johnson products from the list above.Twin-packs and multi-packs are considered as
a single product purchase.
2. Write the three UPC bar code numbers from the product packages in the space provided
I would question them if they deny your rebate based on the different forms- look at yours to see what it says!
There are Smartsource blinkies at my Kroger in MS for Buy 1 Glade Scented Oil product, get refills free!
I have reciepts from the August doubles event. I got 17 Nature Source cleaners and about 10 Glade Candle tins. Sure wish I could have submitted for a rebate!
Oh well, the prices after doubled coups was awesome anyway!
Right now Menards has scented oil candle tins for $1.97 each until Oct 25. Some of these have a $1.50 off 1 in them. So you end up spending about $1.85 for 3 candle tins and then can submit for $5 rebate.....gotta love more free candles!!!!
Is there a second page to the rebate? I searched all over the internet and there no pdf version that gives you the space to put in the UPC bar code (step 2). Do I just write it in anywhere?
Amy, I just printed out my rebate form and I think you put your 3 UPC code numbers on the dotted line right above step 3.
Have anyone got all 9 Sc Johnsons stuff on one receipt?? How do we go about to claim the rebate 3 times?? Can we photocopy the receipt??Will they accept it?
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