Hurry! According to MoneySavingMadness, you may find a $3/1 California Pizza Kitchen coupon in your Kraft First Taste account! Just look in your "My offers" section! I wasn't able to find the coupon when I logged in to my account, but I'm hoping some of you will have better luck... so go log in here and let us know if you're one of the lucky ones!
UPDATE: It looks like the coupon may only be redeemable at Whole Foods.
So... i was sooo excited to actually have this coupon there and it says redeemable exclusively at whole foods markets...
We definately don't have one of these...
I was able to print it out! The offer was in the middle of the screen right after I logged in. Good Luck!
Mine too I got one!!! Thanks!
Got it!! Thanks :)
I got one too! Thanks for telling me to check because I never check that site.
ok, then I read further, that it is only good at whole foods markets... I don't have one! Darn! Anyone need two CPK q's?
I got it, but it does say redeemable exlusively at whole foods. We don't have that store anywhere near us.It also says manufacturers coupon on top too though. I am wondering if it is usable at other stores.
thanks for the heads up. this is for a new all natural crust they are trying. to be sold exclusively at whole foods.
I'm like couponing4mytacoma - I was excited to see it in my account section, but we don't have Whole Foods, either!
The CPK coupon says its a "manufacturer's coupon" at the top of the coupon next to the expiration date but several lines below the Save $3.00 it says
" Coupon redeemable exclusively at Whole Foods Markets."
Has anyone encountered this before and does this type of coupon actually HAVE to be used at the store listed if it is indeed a manufacturer's coupon?
I got mine, plus there was a "$2 off a box of wheat thins". Sweet!
I got it, too!!!!! Since this is a MQ, I wonder if it will work at other stores (i.e., Wal-Mart)???
My local Superfresh takes coupons from other stores...hopefully you have a Superfresh near you and if not, maybe one of the supermarkets near you does this, too. :)
Yeah! I got it too!
I got one in my account! It does say "redeemable exclusively at Whole Foods" but it IS a Manufacturer's coupon. I'm sure it will fly at most grocery stores.
I got it! A manufacturer's coupon redeemable exclusively at Whole Foods, the nearest one is 1 1/2 hours away. :(
Got one!!! Thanks so much! I would of never looked!
i had one!
Thanks! I was able to get both wheat thins and the pizza coupo :)
im gonna try and use it at my local grocery store, we'll see how it goes, if not, the pizza goes back.
I"m about 99% sure they can be used anywhere since it is a manufacturer coupon
hmmm.... told me the offer was gone.
Yeah, I got one! Thanks for the heads up, I forget to check that website.
got mine, I love this pizza....
Yay! Got the $3 off! How exciting! Thanks for the tip!
The coupon does say any Cailifornia pizza kitchen frozen pizza. So, i am guessing it can be used on any one and not just the one they mention.
HOW AWESOME!!! I had one! YAY!
I got one. thanks!! just hope I can use it at another store
Also $2 off Wheat Thins
it let me print 2 coupons - i hope that i can use it at Walmart
WOW I got it too.
Like Anon right above me suggested; you should be able to use it at Walmart. As per their coupon policy they DO accept competitors coupons.
I had some manufacture Qs a few weeks ago that said good only at Walgreens but target let me use them.
It was there for me too, but I've never gotten anything from this site before. This tends to happen. When you sign up for a site you can get the first coupon they offer, but after that you see offers, but when you click on them, it says "you're not eligible. Has anyone else had this happen?
i think im going to have to call my Publix to see if they will take this..they take competitors coupons, im sure they will take this.
woohoo i got the coupon i havent printed it yet but so exciting! hopefully its at a store i can use it at :)
oh i had one! :)
Yes the coupon is there but it is only for Whole Food Markets.
I got one...hopefully walmart will take it!
Got on!! Yeah!
I just signed up to become a member and there it was in the inbox. Was only able to print it off once. My local Wal-mart usually accepts these kinds of coupons!! Thanks!!
I did get the $3 off coupon! Thanks....
It's too bad Kraft didn't disclose it was exclusively for Whole Foods. I don't even have one close to me. Waste of a coupon if there is a print limit.
Got mine:)
Got it!! Thanks!! and we have a Whole foods Market:) Yeah! I'm like everybody else... I would have never looked without your reminder!
I got my coupon! yeah. I am going to try to use it at walmart first since that is closer than Whole Foods. I will let you know.....
Woo Hoo! Thanks so much Collin! I had the coupon :)
I got one also and I will definately attempt to it at another store...possibly my local target. I have a whole foods but their prices are much higher than I would pay....
Got it! Thanks! We have a Whole Foods in Orlando, but I'm going to try it at Publix first - since it is cheaper!
Dang i don't want to print if its only @ Whole Foods.. closest one is an hour away.
Hey guys! Totally off the subject, but I was hoping someone with Walgreens experience can help me out.
I just got back, and I had bought the Keebler cookies that was to be a BOGO..plus I had a $1.50 manufacturer coupon..but I don't see where the second cookie package was deducted on my receipt as free. After the cookie amount, it says BGLP. Not sure what this means but I'm figuring its like BOGO but I don't see it deducted anywhere on the slip.
ALSO..like a dummy, I had an in ad coupon that I needed to use BOTH sides of after I clipped. One side was the Progresso Soups for 4/$5 in store. I forgot to have her flip it over and scan the other side :( PLUS! I had a $1.50 coupon for it. AND!! YA it gets worse. I forgot to give her my coupons (man and in ad) for the Pedelyte (sp?) for a total of another $2.50 off.
My question is, if I take these items back..can I get it fixed? even with the manufacturer coupons I had for the soup? Or am I out of luck and should just return and get my money back. It was the only Progresso soup coupon I had. My son was throwing a fit and there was a line so I kind of spazzed and looks like I overpaid by $16 with this mistake.
Any ideas out there?
I got one too! Thanks!
I am going to look for some wholefoods deals and plan a trip up there.
just used it at walmart $3.24 got it for 24 cents. Didn't even realize it said whole foods, my cashier didn't say anything.
I just redeemed this at Wal-Mart with no problems! They were $5.75, so only only $2.75 after the coupon!
Hannah from Fort Bragg, NC
I got one too, but the Whole Foods aren't nearby. I will try Walmart. Thanks, Collin.
I got a coupon! I wish it wasn't for Whole Foods though, we don't have any in Minnesota. I was looking forward to trying these!
Just realized I have $1 Target Q for this brand. Hope I can use it there. Should be a great deal if I stack the Qs.
i got it, but don't think there is a whole foods in my area, virginia beach. :(
Ugh I don't have a whole foods market! I am sad
How exciting I got one too! I happen to have a Whole Foods close too me, but I am sure that Publix would honor this ... they seem to be good about taking competitor coupons.
I got one, too! Thanx a bunch!! For those of you that dont have a Whole Foods near you, remember Wal-Mart takes others stores coupons (it's written in their coupon policy) plus double check with your Publix or other local competitor stores to see if they will take it....I love free stuff, how bout u?
Thanks Hip2! Mine printed as a Manufacturer's Coupon good anywhere. Target sells them. I am in CA though. Also I was able to print 2!
It reads available exclusively at Whole Foods Markets not Redeemable! They sell these at Target, Food Maxx in my area of N. CA
It says it is only redeemable at Whole Foods because it is made with a special crust that only WF carries. The ones at other stores are not the same.
If anyone wants to pass along their unusable Qs, I'd love to have a few extra! Please message me at errand.runner@yahoo.com.
The coupon is good for ANY California Pizza Kitchen Pizza, not just the one with the all natural crust. And since it is a manufacturer's coupon, with the usual Kraft redemption address, and good in the USA, FPO's and APO's, it should be able to be redeemed at any store that carries this brand. The only exception might be the kind of store you run into periodically that tries to block ANY coupon use. But all the major retailers should take this. The coupons probably have that wording because Whole Food Markets is contributing to the ad campaign . . . just like coupons you get elsewhere promoting Walmart, Kmart, etc.
And thanks, Collin! Got one!
Yay! It worked.
I got it - we don't have a Whole Foods, but since it's a manf. Q I figure it's worth a try.
Yay!!! Thanks
I have used manufacturer Qs with wording like that at other stores, it depends on the store. Dillons in Wichita is pretty Q friendly. I am going to try it.
I just used two at Target tonight and the kid didn't say a word. Even with the coupon it was still $2.79.
Mitchell W.-We have 2 whole foods in MN St. Paul & MPLS locations.
I was able to print the 3.00 coupon for the california pizza yea! THANKS!
Thank you! I didn't even know about this site so I used the link to sign up and got the pizza offer right away! I don't have a whole foods either, but I will try at another store. Thanks again!
I used the coupon this morning at the commissary!! I used the self check-out (which can be annoying.. but this time went smoothly) and it took it, no problems!! i got the pizza for $1.29! Yay... thanks so much for sharing this.
Mitchell W. - There is also one in Duluth.
Hey person that had the walgreens question about going back and getting your coupons - when I was new I went back on deals like that. They can always return it and rering it for you. Tell them you are new to using coupons and play on their sympathy - go do it you will be glad you did.
Thank you 11:12..I was just wondering because I see I goofed and ended up paying the 2/$9.00 on the cookies which I would of NEVER paid for such a small bag. If I did it right, I would of paid $1.50 a bag. The soup cost me a savings of basically $5, and the drink cost me about a $3.00 savings. Not a big deal, but I still missed out.
I think I will take them back and have them redo it for me..hope they won't hate me because they have been wonderful so far lol
Thank you!
These pizzas are on sale at Kroger's for $4.99. I used the coupon without any problem. $1.99 for pizza is a great deal. Thanks for the post about the coupon.
I just signed up and I got the Q! Thanks!
oh well... got the offer but didn't realize the printer was offline, so I blew my two printing chances... :( That'll teach me
Got my pizza at Fred Meyer for .49 cents!!!
I just used this today at Target (regular one, not Super) and they took it w/no problems. They're on sale 2/$10, so I got it for $2 w/the coupon. I don't think $5 is good deal, but since I didn't know if other stores would take the coupon, I went with it. :)
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