Wow! Kathy over at $30WeeklyGroceryChallenge just emailed about a great deal she scored at Walmart! She was able to find Del Monte Pineapple priced at only $0.99! ...AND the best part, she was also able to use the $0.75/1 coupon from Coupons.com to score each Pineapple for just $0.24! That is one amazing deal on fresh fruit!
Please remember that Walmart's prices vary quite a bit by region. This deal may not be available in your area, but if it is--let us know!
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
My Walmart just has DOLE brand :(
My Walmart doesn't even have a real grocery section. I would love to score some Pineapple! YUM!
No Del Monte here in Florida
Apparently Albertson's also has Del Monte pineapple for $1. Today is the last day to do this deal there though.
Bought one today in Georgetown, SC for $3.25. I'd love a 99¢ deal!
off topic question...has anyone printed a certificate from Hollywood movie money for Cloudy with a chance of meatballs? Now that I have the activation email the movie is not playing anywhere within a 50 mile radius!! What a waste of time! Do you have to use the certificate for that specific movie? Thanks for the help!
Mathmomof 2,
The answer is generally YES. However, read the fine print on your voucher. I too had movie money for cloudy with a chance of meatball, but it said I could use it for Studio 51 as well. If not, you could always sell it on ebay or on Craigs List.
Phoenix Albertsens has the Del Monte Pineapple on sale thru Tues, Nov 10, 2009. Earlier in the week they were not doubling coupons, but Sunday's paper says they doubling now for a limited time. That means two free pineapples for me.
I love Hip 2 Save.
Also, On the "Cloudy with Meatballs Question." I had one of these movie vouchers in the past. I called and explained that the movie wouldn't work for a family, and at a multi-plex they graciously let us view another movie.
I don't know what the official policy was, but we were able to use the certificate this way. I sent in for one too. I have not received it, but expect the same problem. Good luck
I saw Del Monte CAN Pineapple for 95 cents at Walmart in FL though...
I wish mine was that cheap! Ours is $2.97!
I wish mine was that cheap! Ours is $2.97!
For mathmomof 2 These vouchers are also good for Planet 51, which my kids are really excited to go see--my daughter was a little bummed we didn't get to go see cloudy, but 51 comes out this month and that is what my son wanted to see anyway!
I used the pineapple coupon this morning at Albertsons while the pineapple's were still 5 for $5. After I gave the cashier the coupon the register increased the coupon and I got the pineapple for free! The sale ends today though. I am going back up there later to get a few more.
My husband and I are new to this site and have tried out a couple of deals. Most seem to be AWESOME. We went to Wal-Mart so excited to get this one! Bummer though--ours only carries Dole as well! :(
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