Starting tomorrow, 11/12, Toys R Us will have a two day Doorbuster sales ad available--valid Friday and Saturday. You should be able to pick this ad up at your local Toys R Us. Advertised in the ad is the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal priced at $10.49! Well, check out the scenario below and find out how you can score the Alphabet Pal for just $0.49 at Target!
Deal Scenario:
Go to Target with the Toys R Us ad
Purchase the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal
Price match the Toys R Us $10.49 advertised price
Use the $10/1 Target coupon
Final cost $0.49!
What an awesome deal! I am very excited about this one!
(Thanks, SD & Nora!)
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new
For more Toys R Us Deals and Toys R Us Coupons visit the new
1 – 200 of 317 Newer› Newest»Do you have to have the actual ad, or can you print off a copy from your computer to bring in for a price match?
WOW!! Going to try that tomorrow. THANKS!!!!
I'm guessing this makes noise!? ;) Not for my house. But a great deal for anybody who's giving it away.
According to their policy you will need the actual ad, but you could try calling your Target to see if they would make an exception!
I was told at my Target that they WILL NOT be doing price matching on door busters. Good luck and report back if it works.
anyone know how much this is normally?
I don't have anyone to give this to but for .49 I will pick this up tomorrow for the Toys for Tots program!! Thanks!!
The regular price at my Target is 19.99
okay thats it! I am getting in my car and going to drive an hour away! LOL! Between this and all the other great Target deals, WOW! Its a very well needed mini vacation anyhow :)
Can't wait my baby would love this! Hopefully it works!
Okay, A little confused. I thought in one of the previous post it said you could not price match and use a target coupon???? Hmmm.. . Has that changed? Thanks So Much. I'd really like to do this deal.
Is targets price matching policy written some where so we can know if they will price match the door buster??
off the subject, but this toy is hilarious. my husband (of course) tried to spell a cuss word and it giggles when you attempt to! it's so funny... great toy for silly dads too. laughs for all ages. :-p
Target policy. I don't see door busters on there.
Just read the policy on Target's website and it doesn't say anything about not price matching on a doorbuster!
If I bought it today and brought the ad in from TRU tomorrow could I still price match? We only have one car and the hubby works :(
can we buy this today, then bring it in tomorrow to get the price difference????????????
I was told by Target customer service that you have to have the actual ad. They would not allow me to use the internet copy of the Toys R Us catalogue when trying to price match the Barbie DVD deal.
oops, i guess anon beat me to the question...
is the hard copy of this ad available at the store today??
Our target does not price match door buster deals. Just weekly ad.
I can not find the toysRus add is it going to be in tomorrows paper?
Those of you asking about using coupons with price matching.... email Target corporate and htey will respond. The answer I got was YES they take coupons with price matching for an additional discount. Carry the email with you.
Hope this works. Gonna make a trip tomorrow, can't beat these cheap christmas present. Love the toys for tots idea also. Will they let us do this transaction twice?! Well if they let me do it once, i'll have my hubby or daughter do it a second time. : )
My Target also will not do door buster price matching. Hope yours is different. Good Luck!
Target DOES NOT PRICE MATCH on door busters or "temporary" (i.e. less than a full week) deals.
I respect that you always want us to find the best deals, but the more people who abuse the price-match policy the faster they will snatch it away.
they are going to know me on a first name basis at my Target pretty soon..i feel like im there everyday, with all these deals...thankfully it is only a few blocks away from me.
dang - got one of these last week.. Might have to return it and get that $10 back =)
And Target corporate just told me that doorbusters fall under "limited quantity" on the exclusions list.
Doesn't seem right to me, but I'm not Target.
I thought that if you price matched, you couldn't use a coupon??
I just called Hillsboro Oregon Target and they do not price match door buster adds, but they do take a target coupon on top of a price match from another add.
I called Target and they said they only price match "weekly ads" and not the doorbusters and other specials, but they will allow you to use a target coupon on top of a price match.
I got a flier in mail that said that Toysrus and babiesrus will price match and take competitor coupons. So maybe instead of makeing two trip to get an add and then price match at Target(which I have done often and used coupons with it and works fine) You can just see if toysrus will take the coupon.
I just emailed them but I'll probably get back the same answer, which is no :( Bummer!
I price matched on a 12 hour sale once at Target and they had no problems with it. They said as long as I was buying the item within the 12 hours that the sale was going on it was fine. Of course we all know how inconsisent every store is....
Okay I also just emailed TRU, we'll see what happens!
I just called my Target and they said that yes, they will price match on a 2 day sale item! Yahoo! Toys for Tots and my daughter are both going to LOVE me tomorrow morning ;)!
if you have already bought the item, target policy states you have 7 days to get an adjustment.
The only problem I'm having is that I think every single person within a 5 mile radius of my Target reads this blog and if you want to get in on one of these deals you have to get there right when the store opens (which is WAY too early for me)! With the Up and Monsters Inc. deal the cashier said they were sold out of Monsters Inc. by 8:00am that morning.
Yes- it sounds like the better plan is to see if TRU will accept the Target coupon! Please report back Anon 1:18, when you hear back from TRU! Thank you!
So then if I were to buy it today and price match it with TRU, would I use the coupon today or wait til I get the TRU ad? Thanks!
Just wondering if anyone has ever used their iPhone to show an on-line price for a price match? I was thinking about doing that at Target today.
This is one of those things that I just don't see as 'right." This kind of stuff will really make Target think twice about price matching.... Just my opinion that i am tossing out there so no need to flame me.
i hope i dont kick myself for stating this, but called my store and said i can get a price adjustment(even competitor price adjustment) with 14 days. please you local charlottesvillers...don't take all of them!!! :P
Jenifer, the policy says they won't pricematch to online prices, even Target online prices!
Not sure about an internet scan of the ad, though.
Target just told me they will NOT do a price match AND allow for a coupon at the same time
Sarah, can you scan that flier and post it?
I just called customer service at Toys R' Us. They do not match competitor's ads or competitor's coupons...
I got the same Babies 'R' Us flier as Sarah. The exact wording is here: (one of the few posts on my just-started blog). Anon01:45:00, If I get a chance I'll scan the flier and add it (I'm supposed to be working - shh!)
I think I'm just going to take the flier and the Target coupon to Toys R Us tomorrow and see what happens. I'll report back and let you know if it works.
Does anyone know what time the door buster sale starts/ends? I was hoping to go during my lunch break...
this deal is for target. you buy the toy at target and price match from the tru ad. your not buying anything at tru!
what is price matching
Okay just called my local Toysrus and they said that they do accept competitor coupons. So call your local store and see. It is worth a try.
Anon 01:57:00,
I think you're replying to me. I'm afraid that Target will not price match a 2 day, limited hours ad so I want to buy the toy at Toys R Us and use the Target coupon there instead... that's why I wanted to know when they're offering the sale price. Just found out it's from 3-10 pm on Friday and 6am-1pm on Saturday in case anyone else was wondering.
My local toys r us will not accept competitor's coupons and Target will not price match a door buster. Guess I will miss out on this one.
The target website says they will match the price within 7 days of purchase. Someone on here posted the link. Just buy it with the coupons and then head over to customer service and ask to have it adjusted. The receipt does not tell you what coupon was used for what item.
my question is why would you price match this. In the target ad it says the alphabet pal is on sale 50%off making it 9.99 and then use the coupon in the same toy book or even print one off internet from target coupons at organic coupons for 10 dollard off and that makes the deal free with one cent overage. Why wouldnt that do and nobody would have to run all over trying to price match
i don't think our Target will do it. Last month, here in the Tulsa area when i tried to ad-match for a crazy-wonderful 12-hr Dr. Pepper sale my grocery store (Reasor's) was having, Target told me they only ad-match regular week-long sales and not special-event sales. :( C'mon, Target, you can do better! :)
To the last comment - In the toy mag it says 9.99, but if you look it has a "scissors" clip art, MEANING after after the target coupon it $9.99
To the last comment - In the toy mag it says 9.99, but if you look it has a "scissors" clip art, MEANING after after the target coupon it $9.99
actually, the last anon, when i've used target coupons before, they have actually changed the price. like with chex mix deal in the past...bought 1 chex mix, used a .1.00 TARGET q and the price on the receipt(BEFORE PRICE ADJUSTMENT) was changed the price of the product using a target coupon. it DOESN'T do that with manu q's but it does do that(at least for me in the past) for target q's
I just called toys r us customer service and they told me that they do not accept competitors coupons :( I hope I don't have any problems at Target tomorrow
will target accept the online form of toysrus? and does anyone have a direct link for this sale?
will target accept the online form of toysrus? and does anyone have a direct link for this sale?
It's a doorbuster. Target will NOT match this deal. Don't waste your time.
Where can you find the TRU ad? I can't find it online anywhere.
Anon 2:44...there is a link to the ad on our site. HTH!
My Target in Nevada requires the actual full add to price match. I had part of the add for Best Buy and they said I had to get the entire add before they would price match. I think it is a gamble you are going to lose if you try to do it with internet print offs or I phones. Also my Target said they do NOT price match doorbusters. I have to say it does make sense. Most doorbuster sales have VERY limited quantities. I still might call my TRU and see if they would take competitors coupons. I think you will have better luck there. Its worth a try!
Im going to call my Target, they gave me a hard way to go the other day with all my coupons and price matching ( got everything in the end though). DONT FORGET THE TOY'S R US ADD STATES fRIDAY 3PM - MIDNIGHT AND SAT 7AM - 1:00.
Good Luck!
Just got off the phone with corporate. Is this item in the target weekly ad, online ad, or toys catalogue? The rep said in order to ' Price Promise AD Match', it has to be IN THEIR Ad. So bringin a toyrus ad wont work unless i have THEIR add with the item too?
i printed off the internet and it worked just fine!!! what a great deal!
Anon 3:13, did you already do the deal at target??
I called again (because I REALLY don't want to waste gas on a 1/2 hour drive otherwise) and I spoke with a Target supervisor who assured me (again!) that my Target will indeed price match on a 2 day sale, but I will have to purchase the item on the same time as the sale price at TRU. Now that I have his name and the e-mail stating that Target coupons CAN be used with PMing, I'm set :)!
Just called target corp again, they are still saying they only price match items in THEIR ad. I dont see this item in their weekly ad, which means they wont price match.
My target will NOT pricematch on a doorbuster ad, only the weekly ad's. I just called and that's what they said... stinks....
i just called my target and they don't even have any of the toy in stock. and i priced matched for the pictureka flipper game from kmart and had no problems so i have no idea why so many are having issues.
Yeah, I wondered about door busters since it specially says from Friday 3-midnight and Saturday 7am to 1.
Will Target price match that?
It depends on the store. The target near my office stated that they will not pricematch doorbuster ads because it is a timed event - they will only pricematch weekly ads. The target near my house however has said they will pricematch the 2-day Toys R Us ad as long as it is within the time specified on the ad.
Just called my target and they said they would price match any ad as long as the dates and times applied. Just call your local target and check. I'm sure each one is different.
i'll give it a try...they worst that can happen is that they will say no, right?
sounds like this one isn't worth the work (risk/reward). Most everyone that has replied on here is saying their target will not pricematch the doorbuster deals at TRU. I don't think I'll waste the time and gas trying to figure it out.
According to Corporate (spoke with 2 reps & a surpervisor) Target SHOULD ONLY be price matchin items in their WEEKLY ad. It states that in their policy as well. So, I guess the store can make the call but if you try and call corporate they'll tell you NO, because its not in THEIR weekly ad. If the item was in THEIR ad, plus toysrus, then we could do it. So, basically a heads up but they dont just flat out price match when you bring in a competitors ad, the item also has to be in THEIR ad.
Vicki - I'm in Tulsa, OK and I went and did the same Dr. Pepper deal and they did it for me. They just said as long as I was buying it between 8-8 when the Reasors sale was going on it was fine. Which Target did you go to?
I emailed Target regarding Price Matching on Two Day/Door Buster sales, Price Adjustments after a product is bought, and using Target/Manuafactor coupons. This was the email I received in response:
Thanks for taking the time to ask us about our low price promise. -Advertised prices from any qualifying competitor with a store in your market/area will be matched.-Guest must bring in local competitor’s entire current ad or catalog. Photos, photocopies, or mobile phone versions of the ad can’t be accepted as verification of competitive pricing.-The advertised price must be valid at the competitor the day the price match is requested. -Match prices on identical items only. Confirm an identical match by comparing:Brand Size, if applicable Model number, if applicable; item number must be shown in competitor’s entire ad to qualify.-We match prices up to one week following the original purchase. Competitors’ prices must be valid the day price match is requested.-We do accept the manufacturer coupon and/or Target coupon to be used with the Low Price Promise Ad Match for a further price reduction. The coupon would need to be presented at time of check out at the register/POS and not given at the Guest Service counter. We always welcome your comments. If you ever have questions about our products or services please call our Target Guest Relations team at (800) 440-0680. We look forward to showing you what's new at Target. Sincerely, SaraTarget Guest 440-0680[THREAD ID:1-77DADB]
my target is very accommodating. I am going to give this a try b/c I really wanted to get this for dd anyways. she plays w/ it everytime I go to target.
So here is the email I got back from Target when asking if they accept coupons in conjunction with price matching:
Thanks for taking the time to ask us about coupon acceptance policy at Target.
We do accept the manufacturer coupon and/or Target coupon to be used with the Low Price Promise Ad Match for a further price reduction. The coupon would need to be presented at time of check out at the register/POS and not given at the Guest Service counter.
Also, we need the entire printed advertisement/catalog. Photos, photocopies, or mobile phone versions of the ad can't be accepted as verification of competitive pricing.
We look forward to showing you what's new at Target.
Also my Target when I called said this 2 day sale falls under an exclusion so I would not be able to price match this. Bummer.
Has anyone been able to find the actual Toys-R-Us ad? I just drove there tonight, and they do not have the one listed on the website, but the weekly one. I even asked Customer Service and they did not have the flyer for the doorbuster sales. Any help would be great, as my Target said they would honor it...
i got the ToysRUs Door Busters Mega Sale ad today in the mail with all the other weekly ads.
i just scanned the front of the ad showing the Leapfrog Alphabet Pal & emailed it to Collin. if anybody else wants it just email me...
will target price match on black friday?
Another good deal is the Mr. Potato Head, you can price match it with the Dollar General ad @ $2.50, then use the $2 IP coupon. Dollar General doesn't take IP's, so this is a great way to still get the deal. My oop was $.73, this a great way to stock up for toys to donate to toys for tots, or for an angel you might adopt from the angel tree without putting a huge burden on your budget.
I just got was 53 cents after price match and coupon. There was no problem doing both in the same transaction. Thanks!
The ad will likely be in Friday's paper.
Here's my response from Toys R Us corporate:
"Thank you for contacting the "R" Us Family. I regret to inform you that no we do not honor any other coupons accept Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us coupons. I apologize for the confusion and would like to thank you for contacting Toys "R" Us."
Sounds like some people got better answers at their local stores. On the other hand- I don't know how TRU or Target could sell it for $.49- since none of the price adjustments are reimbursements from mfr's. That means either TRU or Target has to take the hit- and probably not what they need in this economy!!!!
I just called my local TRU and they said the ads will be out at the store tomorrow, but they cannot put them out earlier.
My husband went to TRU to get the add, they looked at him like he was crazy...sorry! They did say that the add would be on their website, not there yet, and would be emailed out. Does anyone know if they will accept the print out?
I went to toys 'r' us and asked for the ad, i had to go through a few different people and it took a little convincing, but i did get an ad and i took it with me. I also wanted to let everyone know that this deal will also work at walmart because they price match as well as taking competitor it's the same deal. :-)
I too want to know about Target honoring "door buster" special prices. I called my local Target tonight to ask about price matching and they said "no, not on door busters". Hmmmm. The corporate policy doesn't exclude for that reason, as far as I can read.
I called three Targets to ask them about this deal one said "I dont know." One said "yes you can do that." And the last one said, "No we can't match a weekend sale". lol I got answers all over the board on this one. Guess I will just go and try. It can't hurt to try, and they don't really seem to have a very firm policy.
Maybe I will have to call before I head out to Toys-R-Us for the ad tomorrow, and hopefully they will have it. I got an email back from Target saying you have to have the full ad (from the store, not the internet) for them to match the price. I will get a paper tomorrow as well, hoping to get it. I can't find anything, in writing, that they won't match doorbusters. I saw that walmart has the toy on sale for $15, but I called and they do not accept competitors coupons. :-( I just hope I can find an ad tomorrow because I'd like to get a few as gifts and donate some as well. Thank you all for your feedback!
My Toys R Us told me that they no longer carry the ad in the store, you have to get it online or from your newspaper.
I'm not sure if this is a national thing or not, but it stinks for people like us who want to price match!
I emailed the Target co. to ask about this. We actually have this toy already but i would love to donate a few to Toys for Tots. Some people are getting emails for this stating that they will indeed do it. I am hoping i get one because i would really love to donate them. Its a great toy and even the 10$ is an awesome price.
Anonymous. I didn't have the actual ad, so I printed the ad off of ToysRUS and headed to Target. I ended up going to two Targets & both of them said it is policy that you "must bring the original, actual ad...not a print off from online." So to answer your question...YES.. you do need to bring the actual ad. I lost out too cause I didn't have it either. :(
TRU doorbuster ad for last week was in my paper, but of course the week I actually need it, it didn't come in the paper. Can anybody who goes and buys their paper instead of having it delivered tell me if it is in there(in Atlanta.) Not gonna be happy if I pay for a paper and Target doesn't let me use it. :-) I really want to score one of these for my daughter!
Went to Target tonight and they were already sold out of them!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and my Target said they would definitely price match, now if only they had them in stock! Looks like everyone ran out tonight and bought it and they're going to price match/adjust tomorrow with the TRU ad :(
I'm not sure this is going to work. When I did a price match last week on the Barbie DVD, the clerk made sure it wasn't a doorbuster ad from Toys R Us or else she wasn't going to allow me to do it. I'm still going to try, but won't be surprised if it doesn't work.
I did it today, bought 5 for gifts-$100 -after price match and T Q's -$2.50!!!!
I price matched, and used a target coupon.
dont forget to do it at the service desk- $.49!!!!
you can print the ad, and bring it in.
I'm just gonna try it. I have to go to Target tomorrow anyways. So we will see!
In response to Target saying that your price-matching item must be in both the Target weekly ad and the competitor's weekly ad, that's not true at my Target. I took in my Rite Aid ad and got Clorox wipes for $1.99 each. (I did this because I needed to get six to work my coupons correctly, and I knew my RA would not have six!) I walked out with six Clorox wipes for less than $8. So necessary when potty training!
My Target did say that you must have the full ad. Bummer, because I couldn't find the TRU ad at TRU this morning.
Does anyone have the SKU for the LeapFrog toy? I want to call in the morning to see if they have any...
Do I need to go to CS for a price match once after pay for it or can I ask to do it at a cashier?
I went today and got the "Biggest Big Book Ever" and there was no Leapfrog Alphabet pal in there. Was there a different ad booklet I didn't know about? Please help..
I don't think it is ethical, even if it works, to price match on a product and then use a Target coupon too. I don't think Target allows that and if the store does I am guessing the service desk employee messed up. Then, they can get in trouble and lose their job.... etc...
Just my two cents.
It is me again (the one that said it isn't ethical)
I thought about it and decided to email corporate. I guess you never know, and they may allow it. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I just got the 2 day door buster toys r us ad and at the bottom of the front and back page it states Quantities Limited. Target's corporate policy states that limited quantity items are excluded from price matching.
Still might be worth a shot though.
Good luck to everyone today, my Target sold out of them last night!
the 4 Targets in my area were already all sold out last night!
Woo hoo I was able to snag 4 of them with a total of $2.09!!
Does anyone have an email from corporate stating that they will price match a doorbuster. If so , could you please forward it to me at Thank you so much!
to Danielle the one that said that WalMart will take competitors coupons. i called them and asked and they said NO!! my target is sold out of them so i thought of WM too and they flatly said no.
I was told by one target store you needed the actual ad I went and got the ad went to another target and was told that they arent allowed to price match on doorbusters
I think this is going to be a hit or miss type thing. Some Targets are saying yes and some no. How frustrating!
i just called target corporate and they said the low price promise does not apply to door buster or short sales. also does not apply to b1g1 sales. it is only for normal weekly ads that stores put out. they also said that they DO allow TQ AND/or MQ with low price promise matching. when i called corporate they said they would call my store and clarify the policy with the management team. they were very nice. its good to know the correct policy though. I actually talked to the gal about the specific deal and she said they had received several calls about the leap pal alphabet worm and because its a 2 day sale and not in the regular toys r us ad they cant match it. She also said she can send me an email saying the policy of q usage w/ pricematching.
I was able to score one of these at my local Target this morning for FREE. The cashier gave me 50% off targets price and then with the $10 coupon it made it free. WOO HOOO.
How in the world did you convince them to give you the 50% off?!?!
I tried the deal this AM and Target said very nicly I will add that they do not to price match on a door busters so it was a no go for me....:( Thats ok I making money on the Glade deals lol
I was able to get several of these this morning- enough for my family (sons, nephews) and to donate! I am very excited!
Just got 2 for a total of $1.05!!! Thank you so much for the heads up. I do agree that this will be hit or miss. I just have a really great Target in my area that didn't question it at all. Yea!!
There were a few of us that got the deal at Target this morning! Thanks!!!
To anon Fri Nov 13, 09:17:00 AM 2009
I didn't have to convince the cashier to give me 50% off he just did it.
I just did it. The lady at customer service was so nice and excited for me! she said another lady had tried that morning but did not have the actual ad- only a print out. i got two for $1.04! Thank you so much for posting the great deals! love it!
I just did it and it was even better than I thought! Instead of entering the $10.49, the associate put in 50% off, making the toy $9.49. Then I handed them the $10 coupon and it was free! He just handed me my receipt, bagged my toy, and said thank you. It was AWESOME! I felt guilty for a few minutes- kind of like I was robbing the store. My target is great about the price matching thing and I didnt have any problem at all- even though it was a doorbuster. Good luck!
I live in California and I was able to find the TRU door buster ad in the OC Register the one that gets delivered at home.
Don't waste your time. I tried it today and Target wouldn't do it. They first said they couldn't do it because it was a door buster add, then after they agreed to do the price match they said they couldn't do the match and the coupon. Very disappointing!!!!
Target will not match a doorbuster sale. I was sad, I was amped for a great deal.
I do not like that my Target makes you buy the item first and then walk over to customer service to do the price match. They give you the difference there. Such a pain if the line is long or you have grocery perishables. They said that is a Corporate Policy.
My lucky day, worked for me. Bought 2 of them for 1.06. No problems at all the lady was kind as can be. I wish it was always this easy...
I just went to Target and they won't do the price match. It is an exclusion in their policy due to "time restriction" If there is a sale during a certain time frame, it can't be matched. It was CLEARLY stated on the rules sheet. Bummer!
Target at 26 and Van Dyke is not doing it. But it was worth the try thank you!!!! Got so free wipes away.
TRY YOUR TARGET - I just went and took the door buster paper.. I played it off as a two day sale, not pointing out it was a door buster. Plus smiled ALOT and was super "peppy" and she let me price match it, along with a few3 other things in the paper!!!! Hey its worth a try - the worst your Target can say is NO!!!
Sounds like another YMMV. If I were doing this, I wouldn't bother calling ahead. It's easy to refuse people over the phone. Instead, I'd go to Target, do some other shopping, too, so that your cashier/customer service person sees that are a paying customer, not just out to score crazy deals. I really think this helps swing YMMV deals in your favor because the managers sure don't want you to walk away from other potential purchases over a deal that falls into a gray area. And, of course, smile nicely, as so many others suggested in previous posts.
I just tried in the DFW area. I stopped by toysrus first and got the ad. I was told this wasn't a valid deal because you can't use a Target coupon with price matching. Very frustrating. It seems like these types of things just depend on your luck of the draw with whatever Target associate you get that day and the mood they are in. I even backed out of line and called corporate and they said they couldn't accept the Target coupon on a price match item b/c the coupon states not to be used with any other promotion and they consider price matching a promotion :( Frustrated.
I'm happy. Purchased 3 at one Target and 4 @ another.
I'll keep 2 and give the rest to Toys for Tots.
The first purchased went smoothly. The second purchase involved calling CS on the phone, but they honored it. It was worth the fight. And it was a cordial fight. I took the policy with me and we even pulled the same policy on line at the store. She showed me their training manual that states no price matching "timed events" like doorbusters. Still had to go through with calling CS but in the end I got 4 more for $2.19.
My lucky day...I did have to go get the actual flier (I had printed the internet TRU flier) but they held the item and followed through with a smile for grand total 52 cents! Thanks!
I called Toys R Us today and the woman told me that they just announced TODAY that they will accept other stores coupons for the holiday season. That means you can take the huge Target toy coupon book and use it at Toys R Us. In the toys r us ad there is a coupon for $10 off any $75 purchase as well.
target said the would not match because of door buster pricing. good luck to anyone that gets it to work
I just scored two from one Target, and one from another...both honored the price match!! YEAH for a good deal. thank you for posting. I hope it works for others!
Im am new to all of this and I just wanted to say how excited I am to try this out! My husband and I were just talking about how we were going to afford Christmas this year. We have a baby boy Due December 26th and a 21 month old daughter. My husband is on long term disability and I provide child care out of my home. Our budget is stretched as it is and anything to help lower the costs of items is WONDERFUL! Im super excited about this particular item bc I will be able to now get my daughter more than just a couple of toys for Christmas, bc of this great saving! THANKS!
I just scored two through my target. I called my Target yesterday to find out if they would take the coupon with the ad. I had no problem. The women at customer service was actually excited for me.
THe ad is in the newspaper. I paid for the paper to get the ad to save a long trip to toysrus. THe paper was .75 so total for two was $1.80 still a good deal.
Just an FYI I ran all over town today to get an ad and then to find the toy at Target and once I finally got it the told me they honor every ad EXCEPT the Toys R Us door busters ad so they wouldn't let me do it.
1st Target - all sold out
2nd Target - "No!" (with a crazy stare)
3rd Target - The c/s lady was very sweet and said she would but then got nervous at the last second and called the store manager who said they NEVER match 2-day sales or timed events.
Congrats to those who did get some!
Didn't work for me either - said they don't honor "door busters". Sniff.
i live in south florida and was able to score 2. 1.04 was my total they didnt even look at the date on the ad. no problems the cs was really friendly. i grabbed the last 2.
I just bought the LeapFrog for $.49
I just bought 4 today. One for my daughter and 3 for my nephews. Price is .53 for each including tax. The cashier did give me a hard time but I did call before I came. So, she could not say anything but she was not happy. I don't know why she was not happy. It was not her store :)
I got the TRU deal at target this morning! They had one left and thankfully I got it! There was no problem at all. The CS desk had a line of "pricematchers" for various items. My Target (WV) is very nice and I wanted to give them kudos for great customer service!!!
im in mcallen texas and they refused to price match on a doorbuster! :(
ugggggggghhhhhhhhhhh, drove 30 minutes to my target to find out that price matching does NOT include door busters. I can't believe that some of you actually got the deal, that's awesome for you! I am so irritated that I did all that for nothing. and of course, someone had cleaned out th .97 wipe section. (I sure wish they had a limit so one person could not clean things out.) ugh, ugh, & ugh. not trying to complain, just wish I had been given that info before. :)
Got one in Cleveland this morning. They weren't sure about it, but did it anyway.
Also noticed that the price of the toddler wipes was covered 84 cents instead of 27!
I gried today and they would NOT allow me to use the price match and the $10 off coupon together.
I went to Target @ 10am after getting the ad from Toys R Us. They were already out. I went to Walmart. They had theirs on sale for $9 used Target Q got it for FREE! :) Thanks Hip!
1) People - stop getting mad if your Target won't do it. The coupon is a Target coupon, not a manuf. coupon - it's not like they're getting paid for it. So get over it.
2) For those who did get it... WHY do some of you feel the need to buy 7,8,9 of these? Why not take two and leave some for the other bargain hunters? I can't stand when people feel the need to clear the shelves.
To the person whom ased why are some taking 5,6,7 of these - Flat Out they are just GREEDY.. They try to use it as an excuse that they will give to charity. Well I went to get my 8 month old daughter one and they were SOLD OUT.. The lady in the checkout line had 3..=( Think first people and stop being so greedy!
All Targets in the Salt Lake area are now sold out.
Just got back from Target and an hour of arguing. They state they do not price match with time limited sales. I argued how it does not state that in their policy but they wouldn't give up. Let me know if this works for anyone esle! So mad!!!!!
Anon 12:15 I agree! I tried to go last night to get my daughter one and my Target was all sold out! But I've been calling around and found a Target that has a bunch where my mom lives. So she's going to try to get one for me :)
I got three of these Alphabet Pals at Target this morning .I did not clear the shelf though. I price matched the door buster deal that Toys R Us has by bringing in the actual paper ad. I was at customer service to do it. The manager had no problem and neither did the cashier. No one said anything about not matching a door buster deal as I see others have reported. They were amazed and happy for me! She did say that they may have a limit on how many you can get this way though. Thanks Hip2Save!
why would you need more than one
I also found Target to be sold out. But they wont honor doorbuster anyways. I wish they would be consistant across the board with their policies. I wasnt allowed to do it, but people are saying they got several, very irritating
I printed off the ad ad used it at my Target this morning. Don't forget to shop for you cashier. I went to a young teenage girl. She ddn't even look at my ad and I scored two of these babies for 49 cents each!!! Wahoo! I love Target I also bought two of the UP combo packs (marked at $26.99 rand up at $19.99) for only 9.99 each off to mal in somerebates to score those for free! Thank you, thank you, thank you, hip!
I just did the price match at walmart and they also honored the target coupon. I bought one (1) for my son so that others could also get in on this deal. Please don't be greedy and think about how other people want to get a good deal for their kids. Especially when the economy is so bad!
Target #1- Sold out
Target #2- Had a ton, but refused to accept the internet ad
Target #3- Initially said no. I told them to show me in writing where it says no door busters b/c I had read the policy at the other store. After every manager in the store came over to discuss it, they finally found a weekly newsletter for employees that said the don't do door busters or timed sales however since the top of the TRU ad said 2 day sale and listed their normal hours of operation they said they could do it. Then when they realized I would only be paying .49 they started talking again and I pulled out the e-mail Collin posted earlier from Target that said it was ok and they did it!
2.5 hours later, I finally had one in hand!
Anon 12:27... why is it any of your business why people need/want more than one?! don't be such a hater!
This deal worked in UT County. Just remember this is a two day sale not just a door buster. I would love to know why the cashiers seem to treat people like criminals when someone wants to score a good deal?? I wonder if it's some sort of a power trip for them??
NOTE to those who bought multiples....If Anon at 11:11 cannot get one at her Target (please write back Anon and let us know), PLEASE consider sending her one of those that you said you were going to give to toy drives. Please pay it forward to someone who we know will really appreciate it.
Sandy in Illinois
Just got off the phone with Target corporate and they also confirmed that no Target is suppose to be matching any kind of timed sale inlcuding door busters, black Friday, or anything of that sort. That sucks...I only have one Target near me to even try! I am going to try at Walmart today.
USED A PRINT OUT, GOT 2 FOR UNDER A DOLLAR!!! Don't ask so many questions and try not to look too suspicious. I purchased other household items on top of these two and used some charm to sweetly handed over my ad to price match. These were my eaxct words; Me: "You guys price match now right?" Clerk:"Yes" Me: "Oh awesome! Cause Toys R Us has this toy for 10.49 right now and I wanted to price match that." She didn't even look at the ad. Just changed the price and after everything was rung up she took all my coupons and scanned them all in. Great day at Target! Good luck IT CAN BE DONE!!!
Okay, I just went to my Target in Valencia, CA and they stated that they will NOT accept door buster ads to price match. I had a cart full of toys that were in the ad with the target coupons, and the letter from your reader in hand. I even called the Target Guest Services at the bottom of the letter, and they said the same thing. BUMMER!!!
Doesn't work...they will NOT let you price match Door Busters deals!!! I even called corporate and they said the same thing!!!
Hey coupon girls - take the add in, and play it off as a weekly add.. If you need to take the weekly TRU add (that was in the Sunday Paper) and put them together.. When they ask to see the add hand it all over.. If they happen to pick out the door buster add just ask to see in print were they do not accept DB deals.. Most will then give it too you.. Like stated above act normal like your doing the most normal thing! B/c you are NOT doing anything wrong!
Mine didn't work this morning - stated they just got an email to not price match door busters. What a bummer. I might try another target. For those of you getting them at Walmart - I didn't know they will take competitor's coupons? Is that their policy?
all sold out. super disappointed.
I am amazed that any of you were able to buy one. The sale does not even start until 3pm. From what i understand you have to go at the time of the sale.
Our target will not price match to door busters. And they will not take an internet print off of the ad--it has to be the actual ad from toys r us.
Ummm you are doing something wrong if you are putting the new ad in with the weekly ad!
I have emailed costomer service and asked about this particular deal.. I'm waiting for a responce. I think you have all got a little out of control with this.
Hip2save is just trying to get the word out on a possible good deal. No need to get crazy mad if your target won't do it or there is no need to buy more than 2 of these. Really 6,7,8?
This is a lot of stress over one toy.
To the lady whom asked why we got the deal it didn't start till 3 -- My target told me they will price match up to 7 days of sale.. I think she meant even up to 7 days after the sale ended!!! The sale paper is dated for today and its a 2 day sale paper, so I think thats why I had no issues!!
According to my Target (and she showed me the corporate policy) they only price match regular ads, not anything that is time sensitive. So, they wouldn't price match this toy for me because it was only good at Toys R Us this afternoon and tomorrow morning. :(
Anybody want to know how "priveleges" like price matching get taken away...this is how!!! Think about it, if Target price matches this and let you use a Target coupon (not mfg's coupon for which they would get reimbursed minus a few cents)...they end up getting 0.49 for a toy that I am sure cost them more than that.
Sorry, folks, target is a business...and in order to stay in business they can't LOSE money when they sell things.
I would venture that target will look more carefully into their price matching policies and be more explicit and have more exclusions in the future.
I just want to say big thank you to Collin for all the great deals and works she does for all of us out there.
But please let us remember when it comes to scoring all these great deals that there are people out there who lost their jobs and are struggling to make a christmas for their families this year. So please try and leave some on the shelves for other families to enjoy and participate in.
Good luck to everyone who shops for great bargins but show kindness throught this season.
How are people price matching at Wal-Mart with a Target coupon?!
On hot deal days like these, I am so grateful that I don't work at Target!
Toys R Us has lots of doorbusters leading up to the holidays, so I'm sure Target corporate will learn from this, and the price match policy will be much more explicit next time.
Good luck, all.
DID WORK:)!!!!!heyyyyy
so happy the only problem is bc the target keep my paper:S i wish i could go and get some more hahha
well does work.
thanks for the tip:)
I went to target today and after talking to the manager, and him calling corporate...they still WILL NOT honor door buster ads! :(
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