Here's yet another Target price match deal:
Magic Reveal Chef's Oven $24.99
Price match with the Toys R Us ad--$19.99
Use the $10/1 Target coupon from here
Final cost $9.99!
(Thanks, Christina!)
Also, I was reading through the comments on the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal deal--it looks like some of you were able to score this toy for $0.49 and some of you were not. I'm glad to hear some of you were actually able to snag this toy for so cheap, but I'm definitely disappointed that lots of you were not. I wish all the deals I post worked for everyone the same way.
...And finally when you price match at Target, make sure to bring along the Target Price Matching policy and the email stating that you can use a Target coupon when price matching. This should make your transaction go a lot smoother and help with any issues that may arise.
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new
Were you able to get one Collin?
I would love to get this for my DD , this is something on her list --I was hoping I would be able to get a good deal on it before Christmas !! I will try this in the morning. I went to favorite Target tonight to get the toy for .49 I was going to donate to toys 4 tots , but they were out. They checked my "other" walmart and said they had 14, so I will be going there in the morning :-) wish me luck !! LOL
what toys r us ad ? Is it in the Christmas Ad or the special ad ?? Im not seeing it in the special ad.
I got mine this morning & there was a lady behind me getting the same deal. There were only 2 on the shelf & I was there around 10:30 am.
THANK YOU!! I was able to get two of the Leap Frog ABC toys!! There was also a sticker on the front of mine for a free Board Book! AWESOME!! You are the best!!!
You need the Toys R Us BIG TOY BOOK for your price match
i was able to do the leapfrog deal today too! awesome
I was able to get the alphabet pal, but the cashier said the target policy was to only price match if the stores were in the same town, our TRU is 9 miles away . I explained that the assoc at the other store said my store would do it because their store was out. So then I put the second one up with 4 packages of the Up Up flushable wipes. 1.27 x 4 and 10 .49 x2 > I walked out no FLOATED out paying $2.20 . This was my first day and Dang it was good. I also managed to get BC scalloped potatoes at Target price cut to .79 - my .40 Q 1.56 for 4 boxes. Just wondering if anyone knows Target discounts .05 if you use your own target reuse bag( the cool red that was free month ago with purchase. My discount actually = the tax for the potatoes. WOW let's just say the 20$ I spent today was the most fun I've had in a long time.
It's the 2 day doorbuster toys r us add for the alphabet pal. I snagged 2. my cashier was so cute, before I could even get out the add she said "you're gonna love total will only be 1.07 with tax if you price match" the add did say the sale started at 3pm today but I did it at noon.
i am so happy with what i got!!
first target: pittsburg, ca
i got 2 alphabet pals (last 2 on the shelf) and went straight to guest services, target guy honored pricematch without blinking and scanned my two $10 target coupon right away. i asked for 1 more toy catalog and he gave me 3! total with tax was $1.07.
2nd target: brentwood, ca
i got 4 alphabet pals(there were 7 on the shelf) & 6 mr potato head xmas edition ($5.99 each). went straight to guest services and target girl asked for the manager 'coz she wanted to make sure. manager checked the ad (nov 13, 3pm, $10.49) and gave the OK. she scanned my $5 potato head manu q... and total with tax was $11.41.
all in all a good day for me!!! total for 12 toys $12.48!!! yehey!!! still feeling the coupon high. thanks so much hip2save! im unemployed but i can still give gifts to my godchildren and my mother-in-law's god children.
Anyone know what this magic reveal chef toy is? looks like something my daughters may like, but i can't tell what it does...
I tried 3 different Targets, no go. I had the coupon policy on hand, but they had one that said they do not price match doorbusters. But, they did honor my price match for Monsters, Inc and UP and took the $10 Target cpn and the manufacturers.
Just got back from TRU!!! They honored Targets Q so I got 5 alphabet pals for $.25 each after tax!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus I made a friend in line that also reads your site! Shout out to Marianne!!
I LOVE HIP2SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually read the post yesterday afternoon and called a few targets to put them on hold for todays sale! Was able to score 5 alphabet pals with no trouble at all! I am donating them to Toy's for Tots... How can you not???? Thank you for the great tip! If I can make 5 little children smile during the holidays its all worth the time and effort put forth :)
WOW Anon... did you just ask TRU if they would honor the q or does TRU usually accept competitors coupons??
for clarification: the ad at TRU is NOT the big toy book. it is a special two day doorbuster ad.
i am so sad....4 trips to target and TRU and nothing to show for it. couponing and deal hunting can be such a love hate relationship!
oooh...another one.
I was just there and got my my awesome 49cent deal at a target in MN. YEH.
I waited until 3 PM to actually follow the rules and the time of the doorbuster sale and of course, totally sold out. That's what I get for trying to do it in what I thought was the right way. Guess I should have put some on hold, didn't think of that. I just wanted one for my son, ONE! Glad other people got like twelve. Oh well, no worse off than I was this morning. I'm sure another deal will come up.
Anyone know if you could buy the leapfrog pal at one store and price match at another? I have one on hold for me at a Target that won't do it but mine by my house will. Any thoughts?
I am getting truly disgusted seeing people buy these things is mass quantities. Do you REALLY need 5 alphabet pals. I can barely keep my head above water these days and thanks to women who buy mass quantities, I can't even get 1!! Kudos to the woman who actually donated hers for a good cause!
Irritated in IL
Thanks Hip! I was able to get 2 alphabet pals, 1 LF scout, 2 up combo and 2 monsters combo all for $35!
I am happy to say I went to 2 Targets and successfuly got a few ABC toys BUT I went to a 3rd one to try my luck but they said NO because they don't match special ads like 2 days sales ONLY weekly sales, well thanks to Collin I was able to see the policy, I would like to know where it states that it's only weekly! Corporate call here I come on Monday :)
Went to Toys'R Us to get the actual ad and asked if they would take competitors coupons and she said they would if they scanned. Well of course it didn't. So, I went to Target to p.m. and the lady (who grossly wouldn't swallow her spit) said I don't think we honor doorbusters, got on her radio and her manager said NO they do not honor doorbusters. I swear it's all up to person you get. I walked up there knowing she wasn't going to do it.
*I'm in Broken Arrow, OK if that helps anyone.
Just got 5 of these! I'm donating 3 of them and giving 2 to nieces/nephews. Also, just found out the Toys R Us by me was honoring Target coupons and giving an additional 50% off for today only. So a friend of mine got the alphabet guys for .25 cents!! Yay for deals!!!!
I am so excited I got my LeapFrog deal tonight at my target! NO questions asked. They were just in shock that I only had to pay .49 for them. :)
The reason some can do this and some can not is simply what store you happen to shop at. There was a corporate guideline sent to all stores with the price match info on it that should be at the guest service desk. It says RIGHT ON THE GUIDELINE PAGE that the doorbuster and limited time ads (which teh Toys R US ad fits under both catagories) do not qualify. Please do not continue posting this kind of thing without verifying that it applies to all stores!
Well a note to Irritated
Some like buying more because they donate even if they don't state that, also some have big families!
These are great presents for others so let's not get irritated, when you can buy stuff so cheap and use it for something good let's be happy for everyone getting deals :)
Obviously people are upset about not getting a good deal, this is a comment section where others can talk about it, don't like it don't read it.
I mean that in the nicest way
but you should also realize it does not say this in the policy posted online off of this post.
Good luck everyone :D
I get it that it doesn't say that online. But it DOES say it at the service desk, so don't get mad at the store for following the most recent guideline they have.
I agree, I am sick of those that buy huge quantities and then there are not enough to go around.
As far as "don't like it, don't read it..." I guess the same applies where one shops... don't get your way, don't go shopping there.
We went to two stores today...first one completely sold out...second store had 55! Like nobody had known about the I figured they'd say no but they did it at customer service no problem...we were able to get 4 (that was the price match limit according to the target manager) We are going back in the morning to get 4 more...I really don't care what everyone has to say about it either because our store has SO many that we aren't clearing the shelves and we WILL be donating and giving them to children on our block. Thank you SO MUCH HIP!
I was able to get two!! What an amazing deal! Thanks!
I am in Salem, OR and the Target on Center St (where my mom happens to work) was honoring the door buster, but consequently ran out by 10AM. I called our other Target (Keizer Station) and had one put on hold. Went to pick it up & they wouldn't honor it. My mom told them she worked at the other Target & they had been doing it ALL day, but the mgr still said no. UGH! My mom's going to try to put a couple on hold tomorrow at 'her' Target.
Don't lie people. You that got like 5+ your just going to try to sell them on ebay! Save some for the ones that just wanted ONE for their kids!
I'm so sad my target wouldn't let me do it. I'm going to try another tomorrow and see if it works. It's so frustrating that each Target follows different rules. Did some people have luck with Toysrus taking the Target coupon?
amanda: aren't all ads for a "limited" amount of time?
To those that buy more than they need, I think that's great to the donate toys, but you are also helping other families children by leaving some on the shelves.
The 1st Target I went to was a nogo, I kinda figured they would be, they are horrible with coupons in general. But they did give me a $3 voucher for the inconvience. So, I came home, printed the policy and email and went to a 2nd target... and scored 3 alpha pals!!!! $1.61!! woo hoo! What a coupon high :) I spent the $3 on a 2nd transaction and I got Tylenol, and 5 wipe tubs :) good shopping day!
My Target has the ovens for $19.99 so I did not need to price match!!
I'm the one who got 4 today and i'm getting 4 tomorrow... and I'm not lying nor need to defend myself. I know some people are going to sell them...its just to be expected and you can't stop them...but I personally am very HAPPY my target has so many and I will be able to share an extra gift for the kids in my area...and I don't have to feel guilty because I didn't clear any shelves. :) 'Tis the seaon to be merry!
hi collin!! just thought i'd let you know that not only did i get the alphabet pal for 53 cents i also got a free board book!!! = ) thank you!!
hi collin!! just thought i'd let you know that not only did i get the alphabet pal for 53 cents i also got a free board book!!! = ) thank you!!
Bringing the price matching policy is not going to help AT ALL if the *new* policy states that Target DOES NOT match door buster and less-than-seven-day sales! The policy is that the DO NOT match in this case.
When I first discovered that Target would honor one Target Coupon and one manufacturer's coupon and I had problems at the store, I made an appointment with the "main" store manager. I sat down with him in a business like way and asked him clarify the coupon policy.
I treated it like a business meeting. During that week while he was researching my questions, Target Corp. posted their coupon policy online. I have had a few more email exchanges with him. He asked me how it was going. I told him I was scared to try couponing. He encouraged me to try it. He claimed that all their employees in the store had been retrained.
Today, I got brave. Usually I never get what I want on Black Friday because I don't go early enough.
I wanted one of these for a grandchild. I started calling Toy R Us last night to try to get an ad. I was put on hold and nicely told to call back 5 times. I did. I never got the ad.
I set my alarm and got early this morning. The ad was in my Friday paper. I was out the door before Target opened at 8:00. I had called last night and asked to put the little green guy on hold. My Target said they couldn't hold, so I was there at opening.
I went directly to the toy department. There was one on the shelf. The store manager was walking the store. The store was virtually deserted, and this is one of the busiest Targets in the country. He came up to me and called me by name and asked me if all was going well. I showed him my ad and asked if I needed to wait until the ad time. He said no, that would be fine. We talked about coupons for a bit--I don't like attention--but I behaved professionally. He stated that Target gets recompensed for every Target coupon from the manufacturer.
While this went smoothly, the person wringing up my purchse at first deliberately left off my coupon saying, that would make it cost almost nothing. I said, please include the coupon and the clerk rerang my purchase.
Obviously, management varies at store to store, and many of you have tried and been poorly treated, but this has been a real success story for me.
My store held 1 for me. after i had called EVERY store in town. I didn't even bother going to see if there were anymore on the shelf. I just got 1 for my son's birthday. that's all i needed.
The cashier ad matched in the lane and didn't even give my ad a second look (i was ad matching other things, too).
I was able to score 2 Alphabet Pals at the second Target that I went to, but the customer service lady was not too happy with me. She told me she would be reporting the issue to corporate. I had even printed the info that is on this post (thanks Collin!!!) but she told me I was mis-informed :) Oh well. I got what I went for!
I agree I'm just trying to get 1 and I can't cuz they're all sold out! So frustrating when people take a whole bunch and leave none!
It was a hassle to fight Target on this one - apparently the instore policy says no doorbusters - but their online policy doesn't mention doorbusters. I got there early grabbed on - there were 7 left, and shopped a little more - then when I went to checkout - there was a woman trying to buy the remaining 7 and BERATING the clerk telling him he was wrong and stupid and telling them how much target sucks!!!!
They eventually gave into her - I am glad I snagged my one when I did - she then told me she had already gone to 3 other targets and bought 8 more! SICK! Come on lady - leave some for moms like me who just want a good deal for our child! And there is NEVER any need to be rude to the people behing the counter - you will get more bees with honey - ladies like that give couponers a bad name!!!!!
People Crying over not getting anything is getting really annoying. Why can't people be happy for others who were able to get one or a few. Not all the deals work out. Its just the nature of couponing.
To Anonymous who said "Get up early".. I was frustrated because the door buster started at 3 PM and I didn't feel that it was right to go earlier. But in my waiting like the good girl I thought I was being, I totally missed out. I guess it all comes down to different stores honoring different things.
I also don't think that there should be comments towards Hip about verifying this will work in all stores. How in the world would she do this? We all know it is up to our stores. She is not our personal shopper. Should she be calling every store in the US? Maybe we should start paying her?
Congrats to everyone who got one of these, smoking deal!
Could I buy it from one store and price match at another? Anyone?
I agree! Too many people have their panties in a wad! Get over it! I didn't get one, and I'm not complaining! FYI: I was trying to get one just one to donate. This deal was just like any other. How many times have you gone to wags and their sold out of something???? Do you verbally attack all of the people who bought out the Kleenex tissues??? Get over it!
I didn't get one but congrats to everyone else!
this set is already $19.99 at Target. So do not need ToyRUs ad
oi! No need to get nasty! Way to get in the spirit of the season. I love this site because of all of the support and help that everyone offers to each other. If we just play nice, hip won't have to moderate comments. Just remember to treat people with respect, and we can all just get along.
My target just put up big signs at customer service saying they do price match!
The policy that Target has online does not exclude door busters. I just read through all of it.
I went tonight and was able to get the Leapfrog Alphabet toy for .49.
Thank you for posting this wonderful deal. I was able to get 1 and my coupon friend was also able to get one for her child. Please don't ever let the negative people in this world stop you from the savings that you provide many of your readers. It will be a Merry Christmas around here!!
why do people come to this site if they are going to complain about other people excited about getting good deals? thanks collin for posting super deals!!! you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walked into Target today, as I passed the Guest Services counter I saw a fellow couponer with 4 Alphs Pals on the counter. I go to the toy dept and find the shelf empty. They went to the back and got me the last one. I go to the service counter and they tell me sorry... we cant match door busters!!!! We did match the previous cust but cant match yours. Sorry. ????? I was bummed, called corporate and they sided with my store. They said something about "quantities limited" is the key word.
I had a terrible day at Target today. Not only were they sold out of the Up DVD/Blue Ray combo but I was not able to do the Glade candle deal. I was going to purchase 5 tin candle holders and 5 refill packs using 5/$1.50 and 5/free refill coupons but the cashier said I could only use one of each because the coupon stated "one per purchase". I told her I was purchasing 5 therefore I could use 5 coupons. She called her manager over who said that "per purchase" means "per transaction" and I would have to do 5 transactions if I wanted to use the coupons! Their coupon policy does not cover this subject so I called corporate right there and they also told me that "per purchase" is the same as "per transaction" and that it is up to the manager if they want to limit how many coupons are used! I tried emailing corporate when I got home and they just sent me their regular coupon policy without addressing my questions. What's going on? Has anybody else had this problem? Sorry this is so long but I don't know what else to do.
The two Targets in my town would not honor the ad. I was at a friends house in another town today and called them and explained the situation and just told them I didn't mind either way, but if they said yes over the phone I wanted them to stick to it after I dragged my 3 kids down there. (we had gone this morning and were told no close to home.) I went down to do the deal and a lady in front of me was doing it. A "manager" type told the cashier no more using the Target coupons when matching ads. I went up to the desk and told him Oh, no, I called an hour ago and was very specific explaining the deal and I need you to do it the same way after being told yes on the phone. He did do it, but would not let me get the second one I wanted for my friend who wanted one for her baby also. I don't mind when stores have a policy and stick to it, but this is frustrating that a large company like this cannot seem to get something so simple together and get everyone on the same page. (I haven't seen anything in WRITING yet that states NO DOORBUSTER ads for price matching. Maybe I have missed it.) I told the guy that I had a paper that states you can use a Target coupon when you price match. He said that this was brought to his attention just today and he doesn't care, he is not going to let people do it!! What the heck??? Who do these people think they are? Funny thing, he would price match with the ad that others wouldn't , but would not allow a coupon with it which is CLEARLY stated in their coupon policy. Sorry so long, just so frustrated. I hate having to go through all the RED tape with this store. This is why I love shopping at Walgreens where my cashiers are friendly and mine at least follow the rules that are in writing. I am however, grateful that I got one for my nephew for Christmas.
I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio,and my daughter and I were REALLY excited hoping to get 1 or 2 to donate. However, store wouldn't honor because "not regular full week" ad - Frustrated and unsure of how much this will affect Target shopping as we thought all the policies should allow - MORE disappointed for the child or 2 we would have donated it to. Thanks for all your help!
I was at Target today and they pulled out the Target Price Match policy. It states that they only price match weekly sales ads. Not 2 day sales, 1 day sales, etc. or toy catalogs i.e. toys r us big book. So, if these deals don't go through for you, don't complain. It is in black and white.
Good Luck.
I had no problem at my local Target for the ABC pal however, the Target in the town next said you couldn't use two coupons. After explaining it wasn't two coupons they honored it. My sister in Chicago was told they don't price match on doorbusters! What!! I will be sending her the policy.
I went to Target guest services to purchase another Vtech toy from the TRU ad priced at $9.99 since the Alpha Pal was sold out. The manager was called and they reviewed their policy carefully as well as the ad and determined that since the fine print on the bottom of the last page states, "Limited quantities" the price match was a no go. :( I was able to get the Santa Spud for $.99 at the register with no problem. Will be donating it a local charity. :)
I was able to get 4 of them, but not without a fight! I had a copy that you could use a coupon on a price match- the original girl said I had to PICK one or the other. I said I have a corporate letter stating I COULD do BOTH! Then at Guest Service theysaid they will NOT price match on a 2 day ad. I said SHOW ME YOUR POLICY! Well after flipping through papers they could NOT prove it & gave me 4 of them at 49 cents each! STAND YOUR GROUNDS! Make them PROVE IT! It will pay off!!! =) Couponing takes time so have your policies in hand & don't back down when you know YOU are right! =)
Great for my girlies!
Target's price matching policy has been changed so that they will no longer price match timed events, including earlybird & doorbuster specials. The updated price matching policy can be found at:
(Thank you Carrie and WendyMari at . . . well, sort of!)
Heres another idea. Target actually adjusts the price for Black Friday if you go on that day (and during the time it is a door buster) So starting today you can take a peek at the ad at and go get everything and use your coupons. Then go back on black friday later in the day and get the adjustment. Makes the easy back over 6.99
I was able to score 3 leapster toys, 2 christmas Mr. Potatoes and 2 travel size tides for 4.15. Your site is so informative thanks.
I am glad this worked for others. I unfortunately faced a very different response from the "doorbuster" excuse for not accepting the ad. The Manager came over and said that corporate had sent them an email (I am assuming all the stores) which stated that the deal could not make the item more than 50% off. I don't think I have ever been so diappointed by target. I think it's not right that they dont honor what they have said.
I am so frustrated called my target they will honour the deal but I have no idea where to go to get an add all the stores say they are out
I am in Fort Wayne, IN and my Target would not match my TRU add...they said that they dont match door busters! So frustrating when some stores will do it and others wont. I even tried talking to a manager, but the lady at customer service said that he was just up there explaining it to another person. AHH! She couldnt show me in writing that the policy said "NO DOORBUSTERS" and she even said that the policy should be more specific! I am so sad that I had such a bad experience when this was my first time trying to use coupons!
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the deals you send our way. I have had great success with Target price matching + using coupons. I was able to do the UP/Monsters Inc Blu Ray deal as well as the Alphabet Pal deal. I still can't believe I scored a brand new toy for my 18 month old for .50 cents! I know some people did not have success with this but there are some of us who have and I would not have known about these things without you. I know we are all trying to save money and make the best with what we have been given. Thank you so much for all you do!
Thanks for the gr8 deals Collin.
I got UP and Monsters Inc combo packs for $10.98 and I was able to score Handy Manny Workshop today for my 3 year old son's birthday for $59.99 after price matching and $10 Target coupon..its actual price is $89.99
Any other good deals on workshop lemme know...thank you all.
I was able to get one of the Catapillar toys for $.49. However this morning my sister was not. She said that Target told her that they are not supposed to honor "door buster" ads. Only ads running for the entire week. Just and FYI. So, if you got it before they figured this out, good for you!! If not, this may be why...
I went to my local Target and they would not honor the Alphabet Pal deal as it was a doorbuster Toys R US advert and not the regular weekly one. I was going to donate what I got as my daughter loved hers when she was young, never mind will keep trying :-)
for those that did not get a alphabet pal (or those that did) go here for the free $10.99 board book.
You just register to get one, no bar code etc required
I went back to my Target today to see if the ABC pal still worked. I was not only able to get two more but the girls in customer service were like "we need to get some of these it's a sweet deal!!" I am set for baby birthday partys! Thanks Hip. BTW I was totally prepared with my Target Policy and the email but I didn't need them. :-)
Super Target would NOT honor a door buster. I even called corporate and they said they won't honor door busters either, just weekly ads. A different Target said they would do it but they were sold out. Oh well. I really could have used that!!!!
I had the same issue, tried to price match and they would not do the door buster. The manager showed me the updated policy and it does say that now they only price match weekly ads. I had their policy from online in hand and everything but they would not budge. i will be returning the stuff I bought, two dvds that they would not match either! oh well, lucky for all of you that got it but be on the look out for the change in policy.
I brought in the copy of the policy and our Target refused to price match.
I tried 3 stores in W-Sal,NC with no luck. The first store was out, I then went to the 2nd store, they did not honor an internet copy of TRU, nor did they honor doorbuster.
Third store,I had a full newspaper add for TRU and they said they did not honor doorbuster sales. When I complained that it was not in the policy I had in my hands off the internet, she stated that their store has that policy.
Target is definitely not consistent with their policies from reading the other comments. It appears that individual stores do how they please. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
heres something else you can price match at target. The TAG learning system is in the kohl's ad for 34.99, price match at target, and you can get it for 14.99. Great deal. I did this today. Use manu Q and target Q.
Anu - which ad you are talking about?
Thanks! I got the toy for 0.49. The CS at first said they don't match 2 day sale. I then asked them to show me a written policy states only price match for 7 day sale. She then called a manager and she still insisted no matching. I asked for the paper again and she called another woman. Then took a piece of paper from a side wall and talked for 5 min with their back to me. Then the manager told the CS to price match.
When I took out the coupon, this woman called the manager again. The manager came, stared at the coupon for a while. I said I don't think their policy said no coupon after price match. She then told the CS to use the coupon.
Some people in some stores are just so mean as if I was robbing from themselves! But I did have fun shopping today.
I went to 4 Target's today all with them holding 2 at each store of the alphabet pals and not one store would honor the price match and each one proceeded to show me the policy that they do not match "timed events" or 2 day sales it is only the weekly ad that they match ugh!!! I only wanted 2!!! 1 for toys for tots and 1 for my godson as a gift! I stood my ground and came prepared with the old policy but guess they decided to change it 1st thing this morning!
I live in Madison, AL. I went to Target to price match on the leap frog alphabet pal. I was able to, but only because i got a nice manager. They had a laminated copy of their coupon policy that they brought out. It said they DO NOT MATCH DOORBUSTERS. Also, I had printed the add from the internet. They said you have to have the real ad. The customer service lady told the manager they will have a lot of mad customers on Black Friday since they do not match door buster specials. Just letting everyone know ahead of time. They probably should rethink that, because Walmart price matcher other store doorbusters.
The kohl's ad. I was at kolh's yesterday and picked up their ad and was skimming through it before I went to Target. But in my paper today, I got another copy of the same ad. HTH.
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