We get this question all the time and thought we'd share some tips and insight on where to go and where to look!
- Sunday Newspaper- A no brainer were sure! Just thought we would mention it since it is where we get the majority of our coupons from. We also don't just buy one paper. When the inserts are big and the coupon's are awesome we've been known to purchase as many as twenty!:)
- Coupon Trains- Start one of these with some of your friends and family. Basically all you do is get an envelope ready with coupons you wont use and send it to a friend. Then they will go through the coupons and pick out some they want. Next they add additional coupons they already had to the envelope to make up for the ones that were taken. Last they get mailed and go on to the next person!
- Walgreen's Cosmetics Counter-We love our Walgreen's Cashier... since she has let us in on this little secret! Just go to Walgreen's and nicely ask whoever may be working behind the cosmetic counter if they have any coupons available. They usually have TONS and we're sure they'd be more then willing to give you some.
- Blinkies & Tear Pads- Blinkies are little machines that spit out coupons and tear pads have coupons attached to them. Make sure your on the look out for these at all times!
- Peelies- These are coupons and offers attached to products.
- Printable Coupons- We've noticed that most Internet coupons are usually higher value then the ones in the newspaper. The only downside is most have a limit of two. Check out our printable coupon links to the left.
- Inside Products-Make sure to check inside the products you buy. Also sometimes manufacturers will put coupons on the box so you actually have to cut them out with scissors.
- All You Magazine- This is a great magazine for building up your coupon stash. It can only be found at Walmart. You can also order a subscription online and get two free trial issues by going here. They have quite a few coupons that make the $1.97 purchase price well worth it! Check it out next time your at Walmart.
- Mailers- If you sign up with different companies they will usually mail you promotional offers and coupons periodically.
Where do you look for coupons?!? Let us know!
great job..i had and still do have a binder but i really found it to be impractical for me with my toddler in tow, so i came up with a "simpler" version, i bought a "business" card roledex at office depot during their current red tag clearance event for $3..it is size of a ladies wallet..the slits were on the inner side which made it difficult to "load" them with coupons so i snipped off th edges to make the pockets accessible from both sides, so now i read all the weekly deals.."plan my "attack", load up my weapons(coupons),get me the "loot"! and its so far worked for me..:)
If there is anyone out there that would like to start a coupon chain as suggested in this post please email me at savingsgalore@hotmail.com.
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