One a Day Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix (2 ct) $1.49
$1.49 EasySaver Rebate #1
Final cost FREE!
Wal-Itin Allergy Relief 30ct $6.99
$6.99 Easysaver rebate #10
Final cost FREE!
Printer cartridge Refill $7.50
$7.50 Easysaver rebate #28
Final cost FREE!
Other EasySaver Rebates Worth Doing
Hershey’s Candy 8-10 oz bags 4 for $10
Purchase 4 bags and get a $5 EasySaver rebate #25
Purchase 4 bags of Reese's Select Clusters (8-8.6oz)
Use 4 $1 coupons from the 3/1SS
Plus use 2 $1/2 EasySaver coupons (on pg 3)
Final cost 4 bags for FREE, plus a $1 moneymaker!
Glade Lasting Impressions or Wisp Starter Kits $5.99
Get a $2 EasySaver rebate on 1
(You can purchase up to 2 for a $4 rebate)
Use the $4 coupon from the 3/29SS
Final cost FREE!
Oust Air Sanitizer $2.99
Get a $1 EasySaver Rebate #20
(You can purchase up to 4 for a total of $4 back!)
Use the $2 coupon from the 3/29SS
Final cost FREE!
Physicians Formula Organic Wear Make Up Products
Purchase $10 worth and get a $10 EasySaver Rebate #6
The least expensive item is the Physicians Formula Organic Wear 100% Natural Origin Tinted Moisturizer priced at $12.99
Use the $1 coupon from the 2/22SS
Final cost $1.99
You may want to hold off on purchasing this and wait for a possible upcoming sale. That way you may be able to snag a FREE product and possibly make some money too!
Be on the look out for try me free stickers on select Organic Wear Natural Origin Mascara. Rebate form available here.
Register Reward Deals
Colgate Total Toothpaste $3.49=$3.49RR
Use the $1 coupon from here or $1.50 coupon from All You or the .75 coupon from the 3/29SS
Final cost as low as FREE, plus a $1 moneymaker!
Betty Crocker cake, brownie mix or frosting $1.50 each=$1RR (on 2)
Purchase 2 frostings for a total of $3
Use 2 $1 coupons from the 3/29RP
Final cost 2 frostings for FREE!
**There is also a .55 frosting coupon here!
Visine eye drops $3.99=$3RR (on 2)
Purchase 2 for a total of $7.98
Use 2 $3 coupons from the 1/4 or 3/15RP
Pay $1.98
Get back a $3RR
Final cost FREE, plus a $1+ moneymaker!
**There is also a $2 Visine coupon here, IE or Firefox
Revlon hair appliances, Ionic dryer or hair straightener $19.99=$10RR
Final cost $9.99!
Reach dental care, ultra clean toothbrush and floss 2/$5=$2.50RR (on 2)
Purchase 2 Ultra Clean toothbrushes or floss=$5
Use 2 $1 coupons from the 2/8RP
Pay $3
Get back a $2.50RR
Final cost .25 each!
Select Edge & Skintimate Shaving Gel $2.49-$2.99=$3RR
Final cost as low as FREE + a .50 moneymaker!
Chapstick Naturals $2.99=$1.99RR
Final cost $1!
Bayer Meter/Crest Deal
Freebies & Moneymakers
Mentos Gum is on a MegaSaver sale all month long, priced at 2/$2
You will NEED to purchase 2 or else the price will be $1.49 per pack
Use two $1 coupons from the 3/1SS
Final cost 2 packs for FREE!
FREE Glade Soy candles
Check out this post for details
Just For Men hair care products $8.29
Use the $2 coupons from here
Plus use $1.50 Easysaver coupon (on pg 11)
Pay $4.79
Plus submit for the free after rebate
Final cost FREE, plus a $3.50 moneymaker!
Other Great Deals
Schick Xtreme 3 Disposables (4 ct.) $6.99
Use the buy one get one free coupon from the 4/5SS
Use the $1 coupon from the 3/8SS for the one you're not getting free
Plus use the $2 EasySaver coupon (will take off $4)
Final cost 2 packages for $1.99!
Palmolive .99 with in ad coupon
Use the $1/2 coupon from the 3/29SS
Final cost .49!
Nair products 50% off
Purchase Nair Hair Remover Moisturizing Face Cream $2.50 (with discount)
Purchase 2 and use the $3/2 coupon from here
Final cost $1 each!
Ensure Nutrition Drink Regular (6-pk) $6.99
Buy 4 for a total of $27.96
Use one buy 3 get 1 free coupon from here
(click on take the 24 day challenge and then you'll have to register to access the coupon)
Use 3 $3 coupons from here
Pay $11.97
Then submit for the Ensure free after rebate
Final cost 4 (6-pks) for ONLY $4.98, just $1.25 per pack!
Tylenol Extra Strength 50 ct $4.99
Use the $3/2 coupon from the 4/5RP
Plus use the $1 EasySaver coupon (on pg 27)
Will take off $2
Final cost $2.49 each!
Playtex 16 or 18 Gentle Glide or Sport $3.99
Use the $1 coupon from the 3/22SS or from here
Plus use the $1 EasySaver coupon (on pg 8)
Final cost $1.99
Walgreen Jumbo pack Diapers 2 for $9
Use the $2 Walgreens Diaper coupon found in the pharmacy booklet
Final cost ONLY $2.50 per package!
Nature Made Vitamins buy one get one free
Use $1 or $2 coupons from the 1/4, 2/1 or 3/1SS
Final cost ?
Remember you can earn FREE vitamins for purchasing their products!
Plus you can get $1 back for each product purchased from The Caregivers Marketplace!
New to Walgreen's shopping?!?
Check out these posts here and here!
Still have questions?!?
Check out this Walgreen's Q&A post!
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I can't wait to stock up on diapers
In my red plum insert the frosting coupon is for the cupcake frosting, is that part of the deal?
A note on the Skintimate deal...it's only good on the *new* "cream shave" product, not the cans. They haven't made room for them yet in the shaving products aisle, so I've found them on endcaps or near the new cosmetic displays.
I've tried the cream shave -- it's different in a good way -- non-lathering gel, not "shaving cream" at all! More softening than the regular Skintimate.
I've done this deal a few times over the last week -- for the first few days, it was good on any full-size Skintimate/Edge product, then they "fixed" the register to spit out RR ONLY with the Cream Shave. The Wags I've been to (Chicagoland) don't even have the product tagged as a RR! But the deal still works -- while they last! ;-)
Oh, I was in Walgreens today and they had Seventh Generation cleaner (spray bottle) clearanced for 2.29, I know there are $2 printables around right now, .29 isn't a bad deal! Not sure if that has been posted before.
Question Hip2Save? On this coming weeks Hershey candy deal, could you buy 4 bags, use one B3G1 coupon and three $1/1 coupons?
Bliss Hersey's is actually 2/$7 this week. So I don't know that the deal would work quite as well.
Anonymous #1,
I'm not 100% positive, but I'm assuming it would be part of the deal.
Yes, that would work!:)
Anonymous #2,
You're right. I didn't see that when I looked the 1st time. I just assumed since the ad stated Hershey's candy 8-10 oz. that it would include the Bliss Chocolate. Guess I was wrong...
If the Reese's select clusters are included at this price, then the deal will still work.
On the Schick razors is it for sure the 4ct or could it be the 8ct as well?
Where do you see Reese's Select for 4/10 in the ad? It looks like it is the regular reese's that are 4/10
The soy candle link does not work any longer.
The soy candle link does not work any longer.
Anonymous ,
The Reese's aren't advertised in the ad. I'm just hoping that since the ad states " Hershey's candy 8-10 oz." that they'll be included. I'm not sure, though. If any goes today and finds out the price, then please let us know!:)
Yes, you're correct. The links not available anymore, but I like to remind everyone about this deal... so that the people who printed previously will remember to use their coupons.
Oh and in the ad for the Schick Razors it states, "4 pack Xtreme3", so for the Xtreme3 variety it's ONLY for the 4-pk.
Hip to save posted "Schick Xtreme 3 Disposables (4 ct.) $6.99
Use the $3 coupon from the 3/8SS for the one you're not getting free"...
The $3 coupon from 3/8SS is for 8ct. so that coupon won't work for this particular Schick Xtreme deal. Instead, another blogger suggested to use $1 from 3/8SS. This would make it $1.99 OOP ($1.00 each package) Still a good deal.
Foe me as well, I live in MN, they did also fix the Skintimate deal...
You are correct about the Schick deal. I will go ahead and change that.
The $1 frosting coupon doesn't work its only for cupcake frosting which wasn't for sale at my store. Also curious, the cashier rang up my free razor (from the B1G1 coupon) only as $4.99 instead of the $6.99 purchase price because I used an ES $2 coupon-Is this right? Because then your OOP is $1.99 instead of free? But is she supposed to do that?
In my opinion, that's not right. But it all depends on the cashier you get.
What I do is ALWAYS hand over the bogo coupon 1st. That way the correct amount is taken off. Then I'll hand over the $2 EasySaver coupon. Do it in that order next time and you shouldn't have any issues.
The pharmacy coupon for the WAG diapers is off regular price and it has a limit of one.
It is FRAUD to use the coupon towards diapers that are already on sale. Shame on you for promoting it that way!
You just posted something on another one of my posts regarding this. It seems quite funny that you have all this time to fill my blog up with mean comments!
Anyway, I guess I'll repeat myself again:
I disagree and think this is a grey area. Yes, the coupon does state limit of one, but so do the EasySaver coupons.
Do people follow the limits on the EasySaver coupon?
NOT usually
Does Walgreens enforce the limits?
NOT usually
Walgreens registers will TAKE the coupon on a sale item. They can program their registers not to take the coupons, but they haven't done so. My cashier personaly thinks it's great when I can save on diapers and usually has the pharmacy coupon waiting for me when I bring up the diapers.
If you don't like my site, then STOP reading it. It's pretty simple! Oh and instead of saying shame on me-shame on you! Leaving harsh comments is pretty low!
Hip2Save - Thank you so much for all you do to help us save money and know how these deals should work. I am sorry that some people give you a hard time. You are wonderful and VERY appreciated!
Yes easy savers state a limit as well and yes cashiers do allow more than one item. However, the pharmacy coupon is part of the easy saver program (which is ending at the end of this month) and it's not out with the other coupons such are weekly ads and ES books. It is meant for pharmacy customers who inquire about the prescription savings plan.
It's totally up to the stores if the will take tat coupon but corporate is cracking down on how Walgreens accepts coupons. I didn't post to start a argument. I appologize for the shame on you comment. All I wanted to do was inform your readers that the coupon wasn't allowed on the sale diapers. Whether the store they go to follows that rule is not for me to decide. Just wanted to warn them in case they do go to a store that is enforcing that limit.
I personally give every customer I help the best customer service I possibly can. I will go above and beyond what is required. For example: the other day I was helping a customer with a photo order since the photo tech was on lunch. The customer asked me approx. how much was her order going to be. It was a large order and I misquoted her. I don't work in the photo lab and made a mistake. Now the store would've adjusted the price on her order to reflect what I had quoted but I felt bad that I had misquoted her so I bought a gift card in the amount that was above what I had quoted her and stapled it to one of her order envelopes. She was so grateful and very happy that I had done this. The only reason I did it was to stick to my own personal goal of giving each and every customer the very best customer service I could.
Not all Walgreen's employees are mean or rude. Some actually care about their job and strive to do an outstanding job.
I should've written the pharmacy coupon is NOT part of the easy saver program.
I love It's Hip to Save!! Thank you for all you do and for the time it takes to post. I read that you have a young family...so I know you are busy. I really appreciate your efforts. I love this site.
I am so sorry to read the "anonymous" person's comments toward you. Obviously he or she has too much time on their hands to be so mean to you and not even have the guts to post their name. Shame on them for the attack on you. I love your blog and hope you keep up the good work!
And if you read, I apologized for the shame on you comment. I read these blogs just like anyone else. I have just about the same amount of time on my hands as everyone else that reads these blogs. The only thing different is that I aso work for Walgreens. I deal with the ads and pricing, I see what corporate sends to stores about different coupons like the diaper coupon. If your store does something different than what corporate has told them to do that's their deal. My only reason was to alert those of you that go in and try to buy the diapers and find that they aren't allowing the coupons anymore.
Who cares if I don't have my name listed you don't know me and I'm not the only one who is anonymous here. So why attack me? If you go to http://www.savvyshopperdeals.com/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/, The woman who does the videos also talks about the pharmacy coupons and states that they are for reg. priced items as well. Before you say that I'm promoting some site I'm not. I came across the videos and found them very informative.
Look at it this way: If the cash register didn't take off the sale price on an item you'd want your money back right? But what if the item rings up wrong in your favor? Would you say something? Fust food for thought.
Most of my day is spent fixing items in the computer so that they ring right. One drawback, we can't change it so that the diaper coupon doesn't work during ads. Think about all the different sizes and kinds there are that apply to that coupon. It would mess up other items in tat flyer causing them not to ring as well. Some may think the registers are programmed to work for this ad or this coupon. When in reality the ads are set up by corporate and it never fils that there is always something that doesn't ring up right. It happens, it's life.
anyways, I'm sorry for the rambling post but as I said before I apologized for the comment but in turn I do not deserve to be attacked. If you were on the receiving end you would feel the same way!
I love you blog it's very helpful. Although we should'nt be so hard on the previous poster. Yes their original comment was harsh but they did say they were sorry. Had I read their post earlier I would've saved myself some trouble yesterday. I went buy some diapers for my 8 month old son and when I went to purchase them the cashier informed me that I couldn't use the coupon from the pharmacy coupon book. The manager happen to be near and came over to see what was going on. He told me that the coupon wasn't good on the sale diapers as well. Darn it! He did tell me though that if I joined the prescription plan that I could get 10% off all Walgreens products.
When I got home I called corporate and they told me the same thing about the coupon. Oh well can't hurt for trying.
I also visit another site quite a bit and I went on there to see what they were saying about the coupon and I guess members get warnings or infractions for posting about that deal.
I do want to say to the anonymous poster that I think what you did by purchasing a gift card for that customer because you misquoted her, was awesome customer service! I'd be so happy if I was that customer.
Way to go!
Happy shopping everyone!
I have a question, I bought the Organic P/F Mascara for $9.99.. would this still apply to the $10 P/F rebate, even though I'm $0.01 under?
Wow - at my store the Wal-itin (or whatever it is called) 30 count is 13.99!!! So the 6.99 off is nice, but definitely not free. Bummer, because my husband loves that stuff. Maybe I'll road-trip out to where you are so I can get it free. ;)
I hate to tell you this, but I think you may have to purchase something else.
I would first, though, call the EasySaver 1-800 # and tell them that you're .01 under. They may just go ahead and let that purchase qualify for the $10 rebate. I would think they would considering it's ONLY a .01 difference.
i was wondering if anyone has tried the $4.00 coupon for the schick quattro along with the BOGO and the $2.00 IVC
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