The Four Blue Bunny Give-Away winners are:
"I love your site because you save our family SO much money :)"
"I love your site because you offer such a wide selection of deal posts. Keep up the great work!"
"I love that you give me ALL kinds of coupons and match them with the sales."
"I love love love your blog! I love several things about it...Selfishly, I love how you do all the hard work for us on saving money and post the best of all deals (all the time too!) so all we have to do is look at one site (YOURS!) to find it all! It has cut our grocery budget by over 60% thanks to you!! I also enjoy reading your personal entries with pics of your kids or your vacations, etc. and it makes you seem so much more real and relatable.:) I still don't know how you do it all! Thanks so much!"
The Wanchai Ferry Prize Pack Winner is:
"I love the Smart Ones brand Chicken Enchiladas Suiza. It hits the spot everytime!"
The StonyField YoBaby Winner is:
"I love flaxseed w/ my yogurt."
I will be emailing the winners shortly to get there mailing info.
Thanks again to all of you who entered!
Plan on more fun give-aways to come!
Congratulations to all:)
Yay! I'm so excited!
Congrats to all the winners! :)
sad for me, glad for you, you lucky winners you! but hey truth is I win every day with this blog, so life is good!
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