If you haven't signed up to be a member of theVictoria's Secret Pink Nation yet, I would highly recommend doing so now! Currently you can login and download a 10 for $25 Pink Panties coupon! That equals out to just $2.50 per panty! (Thanks, Angela!)
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Find more Victoria's Secret Deals and Victoria's Secret Coupons at the new Hip2Save.com
Read the "fine print" of this deal on the coupon.
10 for $25 PINK Panties is the coupon. So what in the world does "Limit (3) VS PINK panties per customer, when purchasing the 10 for $25 PINK Panty Offer." mean? I must be missing something.
I don't get it, either!
Also, do you think that 2.50/each is a fair price for the quality? I haven't shopped for underwear at VS before, but I can pick up some great stuff at TJ Maxx for 1.99.
Love me some cheap draws! I usually wait til mine have worn thin before buying new ones but at $2.50 a pair, it's time to stock up!!
I wonder if it means you can do 3 transactions of the 10 for $25? That is pretty good deal if you like VS.
PINK panties are great. I have a few that I have been able to snag for free.The cheeky ones are a great fit and they definitely don't feel like thongs. They are comfortable, no panty line and best of all cheap. Yes, you can snag some at TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall for $1.99 but the quality certainly don't come close.
I think what it means is that the undies are currently on sale 7 for $25 so the coupon entitles you to 3 additional pair making them 10 for $25.
I got the same coupon in the email and it says "Maximum of ten Victoria's Secret PINK panties per order or visit. Victoria's Secret PINK Panties valued at $7.50-$10.50. Coupon printed on vspink.com must be presented and surrendered at time of purchase to receive your 10 for $25 PINK", still not bad $4 for one.
I ordered on line without any problems (other than I have to pay shipping). Plus I went threw Mypoints and earned 1 pt per dollar.
This is a great deal! You are supposed to buy new panties every 6 months or less... saw it on Oprah or something a while back. Anyway don't forget to wash panties and such by themselves in the washer with hot water.
I love these panties. I also love Frederick's... they go on sale online very often for $1.50 per pair. Check it out sometime.
I'm curious to know how you were able to order these online anonymous? I tried. I could apply the 7 for $25 code but could not figure out how to get it to accept the offer codes on my printed coupons for the 3 FREE pairs? Anyone else able to do this order online? I would love to do, but we don't have a VS where I live. Thanks.
Yes, the coupons mean your getting 10/$25 instead of 7. When they scan all 10 panties, they will scan all 3 barcodes making extra panty #1,2,and 3 free.
I'm so on my way! lol
Also, has anyone won that vs free undies game? That dang spinning slot machine type thing? I've tried and tried and couldn't get it. That would be great to win and you'll get 11 undies for $25
Plus, is there any other free coupons with purchase out there for grabs that we can take along to score even more? I had seen a coupon on another site for a free lip gloss....but I never took it because there was no ex.date. I'm wondering if it is an ongoing coupon because my sister in law printed it and she got the vs lipgloss. Anyone else use this coupon?
Heres a great website I visit before I go shopping for things other than groceries. There is a new 30% off Lady Foot Locker I'm totally going to hit up!
The code to get it online is 10PANTIES. HTH
I just did this deal and combined the 10/$25 with a $10 off any order mailer that came with my catalog. Scored 10 pairs for $23 (including $5.99 shipping!)...saved tax and a trip to the store!
Can I do this online? I signed up to be a member, but it's not showing that I'm going to get the deal. What am I missing?
I really want this deal, can you help?
- Kasi
Suh-weet! Just got my 10 panties for $25! You can use the coupon on any of their cotton panties, too. My hubby will be so happy. :)
Courtney, a little TMI ((Too much information)) lol. Anyways I was just gonna tell everyone to be on the look out I got a coupon in the male today for a free vs cotton undie any color! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! =] Happy Dance!
uhhhmmm.. i dont see the coupon... HELP!
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