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Where the Wild Things Are--Deluxe Edition, Hardcover book
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I absolutely LOVE this book and have fond memories reading it as a child!
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What did you all think about the movie? Personally, it was a waste of money. We took all five kids to see it and it was a huge dissappointment!
My kids were disappointed also, my husband was so excited to take them and he said it was not at all what he thought it would be. Too bad, waste of money
I really liked the movie. I didn't read the book as a kid, it looked scary, but I really enjoy the CGI and the art direction. Spike Jonze is a little arty, so the movie could be too indie for some.
I love this book too. Can't wait to see the movie. Thanks for posting this deal.
Oh my GOSH! This was the best book EVER as a kid! I di not go see the movie and I am sorry to hear it was a downer. If you have young children, get them the book. I can't remember all of what it was about, but I do have the memory of how much I just LOVED it and read it over and over. A good read!
My kids LOVED this book. My daughter went to the movie with friends and did not like it (she is 17 now) -- but the book is always better than the movie. LOL! Every child should have this book.
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