My goal today is to go in to Walmart, snag lots of great buys and spend $50 or less. Can I do it? Watch below and see:
UPDATE: If you cannot see the video, then just copy this link into your web browser:
NEW UPDATE: Due to some technical issues the video has now moved to my personal You Tube account. If you have chosen to follow me on You Tube make sure to follow me on the link provided above or go here. Thank so much!
Here's a snapshot of what I got:

Here's two detailed pictures of my receipt:
(Remember the $187 before coupons total you saw on the video was with tax and the pre-tax subtotal was $179.19)
Hope this helps you save at Walmart!
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»I love walmart but will never go back to the one in Oaks, PA. They wont accept Internet Coupons and they are rude.
Wow what a great savings. I love your site and you give great tips. The video was great, wasn't to long.
What do you use to hold your coupons? Have you ever done a post for it, I am looking for somethign new.
Cool video...were you getting any crazy looks from other shoppers? I know I get either comments or looks on my big coupon binder. I can only image adding a video camera to it!
My Walmart is generally rude to couponers as well...but anyway... great job Collin! I'll be "tuning in" from now on!!!
Girl, you rock!!! Thanks for the video. It was fun to watch, and quite helpful for this visual learner. It's also nice to know I'm not the only one overcoming my silly embarrassment of the large coupon binder. Carry with pride! How much time does it take you on average to get through the store? (without the video) ;o)
You are my hero!!! That was awesome I love the video and you're not a dork, you're CUTE. :) Anyway, love all the great tips. So when you get the redplum, SS, and PG you cut out all coupons and put it in your baseball card folder? Because right now I just put them whole in a accordian folder and use the blogs for when to use them... but sometimes think I might be missing out on deals on the fly...
I can't believe the deals you got there, considering Walmart does not double coupons. Imagine if they did, even just the 50 cent ones...
Thanks loads for doing alot of the homework for all of us shoppers! For those of us that aren't real crazy about shopping it has put an element of "excitement" into the challenge of saving!
I LOVE your blog & video!!! I have been following you for just a few weeks & am officially hooked! I thought I was always pretty good with using coupons before, but I had a lot to learn from you & others. Thank you so much!
I have a coupon file similar to yours, but do you have any good method for getting rid of them when they expire??? I haven't really thought that far yet, but feel like it will be a big project to sort them all each month.
I love the video!! Such a great way to show newbies and current couponers how to save!! Great length!! Keep up the great work!!
If I am not mistaken, I think Colin uses a binder for her coupons. I use one as well and it works great! All you need is a regular 3 ring binder and baseball card protector sleeves. (i found mine in walmart near the front with the baseball cards. they are like a page protector,but divided into 9 sections. Works great for coupons) I found my new binder there as well. They were marked down after school started. I grabbed one that zips up so coupons or other items won't fall out. Sorry this was long...but hopefully you get the idea
LOVE the video!! Thanks so much!! I had a little trouble hearing at some points. Anyone else?
That was awesome!! I am so glad you did that! I always feel self concious about the looks people give me with my piles of coupons in the check out lines---way to be proud!!! I tried to get the clean and clear at my walmart a few weeks ago but they wouldnt take my coupons because they were for $1 and the product was only .97 My walmart SUCKS with coupons!
This is great! I am fairly new to couponing, but you've given me some fantastic tips! Love the video!
Thanks so much for this. Its hard because alot of bargain blogs don't talk about wal-mart and that's all I have within 30 miles of me. I hope you do this alot with wal-mart because it will help alot of people out. Hope this is okay- here is a link to my wal-mart deals.
i love
where is the link to the video?
AWESOME! Loving it!!! Loving it Lovin it.
So who's all in to get Collin a great Christmas present for being so awesome. :)
Love the video! I love seeing how you save money. I have alwasy had problems at Walmart with internet coupons. I wish it was that easy for me as well!
Mander- Thanks for writing about how to do the coupons. I have been keeping mine in an accordian file and always find coupons later on that I could have used at the store. Do you divide the coupons by type or what?
You did great! It was really fun to see you in action after reading your blog regularly over the past several months. Hope you do it again! :)
You did an excellent job! I was very entertained- not dorky at all! I love this idea :)
Just wondering though- did anyone say anything to you for using the camera in the store?
I dropped by Wal-Mart over the weekend only to find the Blue Bunny Sedona's aren't on roll back anymore. I'm not paying $4.50 even with a $2 coupon.
I see you checked out with a teenage boy--they're usually the easiest to deal with when using a stack of q's.
You are an amazing lady! The video was awesome. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I read your blog a few times a day! I love it!
Good job, I also had a hard time hearing but this will be very helpful to help my friend out. Thanks for taking all of your time this is very useful.
OMG Collin you are by no means a dork - you are so stinkin cute :-) Great job! I love how you put your binder in a cute purse-type bag...I'll have to find one like that!
i cant find the video. where is it?
You are so cute and funny, great video, I was captivated thru the whole thing! thanks alot Collin.
I lived ur video! Thats was such a great shopping trip! Thanks for doing the video it really helps out and I see how far those low priced qpons can go! Not ne more! Cant wait to see next weeks! Oh and I"m with Whitney on the sound had some trouble hearing some of the video.
You're so cute! :)
And I hate walmart. I refuse to go in there. I stick strictly to Publix.
Great job on the video! Thanks for all your hard work!
this totally rocks I'm amazed the guy let u use coupons at trial sizes at my wlamart they suck big time for it!!
Great job! I love your video, and didn't think you were dorky at all. ;)
Very nice video and an impressive shopping trip. I've been thrifty shopping for over 30 years now. I'm glad to see this is not a "dying art"! Hopefully, companies will see that consumers are serious about how we are spending our money and will offer coupons and other incentives to get our buck. I don't care if I buy Sparkle or Bounty paper towels -- just give me the best deal. BTW, you look way too cute when you go shopping. Love your blog! Thanks for all your hard work, but something tells me you're having a blast doing what you do!
A million THANK YOU'S for all you do. Your video was not only informative but also very entertaining. Thank you again.
ALmost everyone in my area does not coupon shop very much in any of the walmarts with-in 60 miles I know of they hate coupon shoppers and get even more mad when you show them the policy and they say - well this time only never again. And, it is embarressing as it takes so long for them to get a CSM over to help the cashier and then they want a manager and it is a mess. Walmarts are not the place to shop anyways -
Did you read the article how walmarts have a new place to wipe out many competitors during this recession - they want to get as close to a monoploly as possible with out actually doing it. This means - good-buy to most of these great coupon deals. I would avoid walmarts as much as possible, shop at the stores you see have the ads, don't take them to walmart -support your local stores and use walmart as a last stop.
Walmarts have successfully wiped out many stores in this state. These couponing things are bringing them back into the scene, taking your competior ads and coupons to walmart hurts those businesses and causes them to shut down or raise their prices again!
I love this! :)
this is great thanks
I love your video :)
Way to go!
I loved it and thought you were cute too! Thanks for all you do! I also would love to know, on average, how long are you in the stores. Do you shop every day or spend one day hitting a bunch of stores?? Inquiring minds need to know!!!
Love it love it! Can't wait to see the upcoming installments! :-)
Loved the video. The length was good.
Love your blog! I usually go to Walmart and check out using a lot of coupons (20-30 on average I'd say.) Of course I am getting the deals where the price of an item is free or cheap. Have you ever had issues checking out? Every time I do this, the cashier has to call a CSM over several times to clear out the "coupon limit" message. Any thoughts?
loved the video! posted it on my facebook wall so others can see your great savings. i would LOVE to see you do a kmart doubles video!
Wow what a great Job! I live in a rural town and the Super Walmart is the main store where I shop. Remember that you can also price match competior ads for even more savings. My Walmart does a great job and raley gives me any trouble. I shop early in the day and most of the cashiers know me and know that I am honest! Almost every week the CS Manager has to approve my order because I use so many coupons! That's how I know my trip was a sucess! Not all Walmarts are bad.
Good Afternoon! Just watched your video of savings at Walmart! I'm new to this coupon thing. Thanks for the great tips. Festive Savings! Can't wait to do the same. Thanks!
I love the video. It helped me alot. I go shopping with my little ones, but it would be nice to go by myself so i can probably get more baragains. The video help me to know what to look for.
Fun video! I had to do one once for mascara I was test marketing. Once you get going you kind of forget it's there. I guess I'm always babbling to my kids anyway. I also got those new glade things last week--three of them for $1 apiece. I put one in each of our three bathrooms and I am still freaked out every time I walk in the room and it sprays. I may have to get rid of them. They are making me WAY too jumpy!!!
I really enjoyed your video. Thanks for teaching us all something. Great Job! By the way I heard Walmart is accepting compeitiors coupons on another blog. Has anyone heard this or even tried it. My Walmart says NO WAY.
I thought your first video was well done. You packed a lot of info into 9 mins so good job! It would be fun to see one from Walgreens too should you ever decide to do a different store.
love the video!! you rock!
I hope you can do the next one from a Target experience
LOVE the video diary!! GREAT and very useful tool for us newbies!! I hate shopping at Walmart...but I feel like going there now and getting some deals! lol
I loved the video! I also love that you too call them "q-pons" like me. It seems like I live amongst "coo-pon" people! Keep it up!
Great video, Collin. You seemed so comfortable in front of the camera in a big store with people watching! I didn't think the video seemed long at all, and you had the important tips in there, like visiting the travel section. I'd love to know more how you organize your coupons, because that's my biggest problem is spotting the deals on the fly and then FINDING that coupon I know I have seen SOMEWHERE!
Yes, they accept competitor's coupons, tried it with a CVS coupon...
GREAT video! I am sure it took some effort and time to do..thanks for doing it though. I need some tips on organzing my coupons. I have my big binder that I hold a few months together in but it is busting at the seams! Any advice?
I LOVE THIS!!!!! Because of your site, my family is saving so much! We went from $200 every gracery trip to about $60! THANK YOU!
First, I see me all the way when I see you shopping with the big binder. I used to be embarassed also b/ now I pull it out w/o shame. You did great on all the deals. I honestly have not been to Walmart since May. Once my ALL you subscription started I haven't been back.
And I don't remember the Mahatna coupon? I'm getting really low on rice.
I look forward to watching more episodes.
I'm new at couponing and your video AMAZED ME!!! Can you show off your binder in a post? I have a small expandable filer and I was just telling my husband how overwhelmed I was with all the coupons I have. I'm interested in seeing your organizational style! KEEP UP THOSE VIDEOS GIRL!
Collin you did a wonderful job! I usually pass on some coupons simply because I am forced to take my 2 year old with me and its a nightmare lol. But I see you really get some great deals shopping for small sizes and travel sizes so I am in deed missing out. Next time I go without kids lol.
As for the coupons..I do realize that some are one per transaction and others are one per purchase. I'm scared to grab say 5 items with 5 coupons thinking I will get bashed at the checkout. Do you have much trouble getting more than one item with the same amount of coupons? I would love to get rid of all my multipals at once.
YOU ROCK GIRL!!!! Oh ya..and I LOVE your jeans!
Good job!! Thanks!
You were fun to watch! Great savings & you're not a dork!!! I do the binder too and get many, many looks!
OOO ps...the cashier at the wal mart took my binder when she saw it, and showed it to another cashier ( I have about 60 baseball card pages) she was shocked and the guy behind me said "I think thats smart!!!"" THANKS!
What a great idea! I love the video. It helps give me a little more self confidence when I can actually SEE someone else doing it. Thanks so much.
This is a great tutorial for coupon newbies! I do wish you'd gotten a 'normal' checker. You know, the ones who examine each and every coupon and then find reasons why they can't accept them? You would still be there, lol! ;-) Personally, I do 99% of my q shopping @ Kroger and Target. Walmart is not worth the hassle.
That was great. Where do you get all the coupons besides the internet prints? Do you order them from ebay or another service?
Tackle Target next. They are always giving me a hard time!!
Loved the video! It was not too long at all- I normally boycott Walmart because of too many bad coupon experiences there- but I can't believe all the great deals you got! It for sure motivated me to make my list today and head out shopping tomorrow!
GOOD JOB!! Very impressive, I loved seeing the huge total and then then end total that was only 50 something dollars. That young cashier was probably like "WOW, how the heck did she do that?" I would also love to see a Target shopping trip or a CVS. I didn't think it was long at all. The sound was a little hard to hear. But, I still enjoyed it. Thanks!!
Love the video. It helps to remind me the value of couponing. Great Job!
great job!...thanks for the insight...i never thought about looking for the smallest sizes...or getting a few trial sizes will eventually add up to a full size item...
wow! awesome deals!
I Loved the video, it was cute and very informative!
I think my favorite part was seeing your purse that you carry your binder in. That's a very cute purse and I think I'm going to try to find one like that, even though it would swallow me too :P
Right now I'm just carrying in my binder by itself and I think I would like it more if it didn't stand out so much. I have a problem with employees watching me, when they see me come in with it.
Thanks for your time :D
This video was a shockingly good idea. I've been slacking on coupons lately. If it's a little trial size here and there I just don't mess with it. But actually SEEING you pick up all those odds and ends at good prices gave me the motivation to print off some coupons and head to the store. Thanks!
Wow! This is awesome! I love it!
1. Could you show a few pictures of your binder and how you organize it.
2. How long did it take you to do your walmart run. I am sure longer because of the video.
3. Did you pull up any info before you went regarding their roll back prices or did you just just go?
Love your site
so now im inpsired to go to walmart. haha :)
You are toooo cute...a job well done. Thanks:)
WOW!! I loved that, it is really helpful and inspirational makes me want to shop! I cant wait for more!
What an awesome video! You totally got me excited about my next Wal-Mart trip. I haven't had to go there as much since couponing at my local grocery stores have been cheaper. Now off to make my list!
Thanks for doing this - it's great! I would love more info on your organization, how much time you devote to clipping/filing/etc. and also some info on how much time you spend in the store. It takes me about 2 hours to grocery shop (30 mins. travel time) and I think my husband is starting to think I'm meeting someone on the side! HA HA
You are SO CUTE!!! Thanks for the video, it really helped me see why I might want to print out those internet coupons especially, and why I should have coupons with me at all times.
Just AWESOME!!!! I love the way you save.
Love the video... it definitely makes me feel more confident about couponing!
You are absolutely darling! Great video. I love it!
Your blog is WONDERFUL!! Love it! I have a question- does anyone else have trouble getting sites such as to print? I have tried on 3 computers and the firewalls won't let me get to it. My husband tried everything he knew to get the firewall to accept it, but couldn't get it to work. Kills me to loose all those good coupons! Any suggestions?
That was great! Aren't coupons the BEST?!
Loved the video! Thanks so much for sharing!
Aww, that was a great video. Thanks for taking the time to put it together!
a million thank you's for doing this...I love the video idea...and I LOVE the coupon savings !!! I look forward to many more...
Great video! You're a natural in front of the camera. You did an awesome job. And, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to pronounce some of those things. :)
The cashiers at my local Wal-Mart haven't let me use coupons on trial sizes--even when it doesn't specify a certain size. One of the many reasons I have a love/hate relationship with Wal-Mart!
~ Jennifer
Job well done!! :) I never thought of trial size deodarants - thanks I learned something today!
You are soo cute! Thank you for the video. I am just a beginner and I use a small photo-album for organizing coupons alphabetically :-)
This is great! I am going to post a link on my blog! Thanks!
I love the video!! You did an amazing job !! Thank you for all the great deals you share with us. You are the BOMB !!
I needed that! Thank you! I have to coupone MORE!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing that!!!!!!
Love the video! I think the coupon binder is the best way to coupon. I don't leave home without it!
I really wish we had a Walmart like that. We have about 5 food aisles and they are VERY limited!
BTW, if you have a Kmart nearby they are doing doubles again and the Barilla is 10 for $10!
I want to watch but the video isn't showing up for me!! Is there a link I could use??
For those of you having a hard time seeing the video if you hover over the video on the main page it will show a link which will connect you over to the video on You Tube.
Loved the video, you are so cute. I use 2 different colored 12 tab file folders to organize my coupons. I separate them into food & non- food. It has worked good for me so far, but am curious about your big binder. Do they ever fall out?
I stole someones idea of writing my shopping list on the back side of a envelope & putting the q's inside.
I was curious if anyone asked you about the video. I was hassled just for writing down prices once.
I would love to see a shop at targer or meijer or CVS etc.
I usually will not go to Wal-Mart unless I can not get the item at another store. I dislike the attitude I get from them in regards to coupons. Mine also will not allow coupons to be used on trial size items. And when I did shop there I always had to wait for a CSM.
Loved the video.
thank you for all your help. The video was great.
You have and AWESOME Wal-Mart!! I drive 35 minutes to shop at Publix instead of my local Wal-Mart in this small town. After seeing the video I think I will try the one near the Publix....
Your are not a dork! I teach a coupon class at my church and I am going to show this video if you don't mind...So excited!!
FABULOUS! You make me want to go to Walmart even tho I secretly LOATHE the place.
That is awesome!!! Great blog. I stopped shopping at Walmart as well, always had problems using coupons there, it's good to see you had such success with them.
What a cool new addition to your blog. Love it! And I'm really impressed by your huge bag. :) Thanks for sharing!
awesome! you are trully the best!
Thank you for posting your video. I really enjoyed watching you use all of your coupons. Thank you also for posting all these great coupons links. I have saved so much money thanks to you.
The person that went to walmart and got the good deals.... What is her website? I cant seem to find it anywhere.
Loved it! You are a natural in front of the camera!
I've done a trip similar to yours (before I had to move). I used about $100 in coupons. One question, because of the ammount of coupons you used, did a CSM have to come and override the system to allow the transaction? I had that problem. It always takes longer when you have to get the CSM involved.
That's awesome! I"m learning a lot from you! I'm heading to the travel size section next time i've got coupons!
love it!!
LOVE the video! Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I hope that the Walmart employees were nice to you but I bet you got some strange looks LOL! But you are awesome because you are truly showing how HIP it really is to save!!!! :)
I have had trouble a time or two. Right now, I'm having trouble getting FireFox to resorted to using IE.
I don't know squat about computers, but when something is trying to keep me from a great coupon I can't help but tinker lol.
I guess maybe try and add the brinks coupon thing..or to your exceptions on your firewall? If I'm desparate..and I guess it's not the best idea maybe..but sometimes I turn off my firewall thing and then it prints..then I go back and turn it back on.
Hope you can get it to work!
This is a REALLY great video... I am brand new to this helped me a lot. We don't have Walmarts in San Francisco nearest one I think its 30 miles away :((( So sad... so i do my shopping at Target!
LOVED the Video!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep them coming. you help so many people save so much money.....
Great Job! Where are you going next week?
Great video!! I just have one question... i always get mixed up as to where to PUT the coupons that ive already matched up with savings..where do you put yours??
loved this!!
Awesome job! I really love these video's I hope you keep doing them!
Loved IT!!! Thanks so much for what you do!
awesome video!! nice hint on the travel section...i never really go there! you are a couponing pioneer! :)
what a great inspiration! I am always hesitant to shop at Walmart, because it never seems like I can get as good of deals as I can at the local supermarket, but you showed that that's just not always the case! Great video! Look forward to many more...:)
I thought the video was awesome and you are not a dork. I would be a wreck knowing everyone was watching me and also seeing myself on handled it well.
Great savings but I must say I am rather spoiled in Indiana because we do not pay tax on food. :)
I loved the video! Great job!
I love your video and your great savings :) You should be on TV :) Thank u so much for all your hard work ! Peace !
Awesome video!!! You look great and you don't look like a dork at all. :) I love your site and I have told my friend to check it out for really great deals. I have learned a lot about couponing from your site and still learning... So keep up the good work. Can't wait for next Monday...
I use the colored tabbed section dividers. I bought the style that has pockets in them. I've found it very useful when organizing coupons between stores and I have even just stuck my coupons during a shopping trip into a pocket. I never forget a coupon that way. I have my coupons in sections.
I think it works different for everybody..some go back sections in the store. I go by items, such as all beverages in one section, all snacks in another, cleaning, personal hygiene, dairy, meats..etc. I have found that to work for me. I find myself flipping sometimes, but unless you shop at just one store, it is hard to set it up according to a store. When the tabs, you can see what you need and flip it right away.
I also use a few 3 ring pencil pouches, I store paper clips, my mini scissors and a pen. I also store new coupons that I haven't put into a section in another pouch, so that I don't miss out if I happen to go to the store.
THANK YOU so much for all the hard work you put into this blog. You've saved me a TON of $ and I appreciate you sharing all the info! great video!
What part of Indiana are you in? I am in Bloomington. I rarely see any Hoosiers on here.
Thanks so much for the cool video! You did a great job...I can't get over all your savings!!!! Way to go!!! You are a true inspiration. Can I ask you a tacky question? Is this blog a paying job for you. You deserve to get paid for all the hard work you put into it. I don't even know how you manage your family plus all this. THANKS!!
I can barely hear you!!! :( Next time, stay closer to the camera! Thanks! (Or talk louder)
That was so much FUN!! LOVE IT
Love it! You need to do a Walgreens video next...that store is a little confusing!
Loved the video but, like some others said, had a hard time hearing everything. Also, the video editing cut off the very tail end of everything you said, which got a little bit annoying. But you did a GREAT job for your first time .. and I doubt I would ever be brave enough to walk around Walmart with a video cam following me around! lol
Great Job Colin. Did walmart not have an issue with you recording in their store?
Great video! I shop walmart all the time and the coupon organization I am still mastering. But I sure love the FREE stuff.
Thanks for doing all the leg work.
I will be putting a link on my blog to you video. Thanks again.
Amy from
That was awesome!!!
You Rock!!!
I could hear you fine....Maybe there is one good thing about VISTA.
I agree with Mom of Many....The audio was clear...
Thanks for the video. It was great and I look forward to more "Follow Me Monday"s!
Love it!! Great job and so helpful! I could hear you fine!!
your so darn cute - i predict fame for you - how long before the today show starts calling!!
You are adorable! I loved watching you in action, after having read your blog for a while now. Thanks so much for doing it!!
Sherryl AKA Georgia Coupon Fan
Also - I predict you will have your own show very soon! Probably on TLC!
You are so awesome! I absolutely loved the video! I can't thank you enough for all of the time and effort you put into this blog. I check it several times a day. I have saved so much money that I don't even care if the cashiers give me a hard time about the coupons! I just laugh and try to make the best of it. I even instructed one TARGET cashier how to hold the coupon correctly in order to get it to scan. By the end of the transaction, she was thanking me over and over again! PLEASE keep up the good work!!!! I won't be able to shop without you :-)
loved it! Thanks! Can't wait to see the next one :)
I probably just missed the info, but for Follow Me Mondays are you going to go to different stores? Also, could you post how you do a coupon binder. I have two accordian style coupon holders and they aren't working like I would like it.
Your video was awesome and thanks for all you do. I also see a TLC show or atleast a documentary!
I use a photo album, bought from Walmart for my coupons. Each Page has 3 slots to slip coupons in. (3 on the front 3 on the back) I mostly shop at Kroger at so I used dividers and labeled them by the store layout:
cold case dairy,
cold case meats,
meals, (this is canned goods, pasta etc.)
sauces and condiments,
snacks & crackers,
laundry & plastics,paper
baking & cereal
personal hygiene & soaps
shampoo's & conditioners
Hope this helps someone.
Your video was fantastic! Thanks for all of your hard work to share so much info with all of us. I am completely hooked on this site and you have already saved our family tons! Thank you! Thank you!
Great video! Thank-you... that was very helpful and I can't wait until next week!
Ok, so at what point are we to commit ourselves though. I'm hooked on H2S and this whole coupon craze, but for the sake of seems at this point you have a stocked pantry (that we've seen photos of) and Im sure overflow of bathroom products and cleaning supplies as well. At what point is it just plain INSANITY to spend even $50 on what we dont "need". I know for me, if I know I have a coupon for something I cant rest until I use it. Nightmares about expiring coupons and register rewards, etc. I donate items and share the wealth, but sometimes I feel like a coupon addict. I hope Im not the only one.....
Loved the VIDEO!! I think maybe the next time I go shopping at Walmart I will have someone film me so the cashier thinks they are a celb and doesn't give me any guff for my $1 Q's for .97 cent trail sizes because they have never been trained to adjust...maybe that will work :)) FUN FUN FUN...great job!! Love what you do here!!!! I check you every day many times so I don't miss out...THANKS!!!!
I loved the video. It was great seeing you do exactly what you post. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
Delightful video Collin! You covered all the different learning styles in that video. I can't wait to see next Monday's adventure! BRAVA COLLIN!
SavininPA - I cut out a number of coupons, some I use, and some I don't. I send expired coupons to groups overseas who can use them, and that way I don't feel as anxious about using EVERY coupon. Couponing can be quite addictive, but if you don't need an item or can't give/donate it to someone, even though it may cost you pennies, it's clutter and that may lead to stress.
You are sooo cute!! Great job on your video debut at Wal*Mart! I must say though - you were super brave to (1) shop at Wal*Mart and(2) tape it at Wal*Mart!! They are soooo rude to me when I shope with coupons that I avoid them like the plague. Even for the free stuff! I know, silly! But it reduces my stress - so its worth it for me. Hooray for you!! Great work!!
To Angela (and others who've shared our printing woes):
Try checking out this post this post with tips on getting finicky coupon sites to print. It has helped me print coupons that wouldn't work otherwise.
Go girl!!!!!!!
I like this video! :) it was fun to watch! honestly i was waiting...for this video! thanks a lot for all you do!
Yzelle from East Bay, Ca
Great video! Thanks for all you do to help us save our money.
Loved the video! I have a few questions for you: Do you only buy things on sale or have a coupon for? How do you organize your coupons as you shop in the store (pile them in the buggy)? I've had trouble with this, especially if shopping w/my kids. Do you pull out coupons you know you'll use before you shop and take along your binder just in case you find other deals along the way? How long does it take you to shop in Wal-Mart? Thanks for all you do!
you are so cute. i knew you would be! your blog is awesome. i've checked out a few others and i told my husband your's is a 9.5 out of 10 and the next closest is a 3. and that was before the video! way to go. you have saved my family a ton of money!
I have a pocket folder (Hannah Montana...LOL) I put in the 3 ring photo album I described above. I put the coupons I have made purchases for in one of the pockets as I'm shopping and then just pull them out at the register.
please continue to do the videos!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your video and all your awesome tips! i just started this coupon frenzy but always loved a great bargain!
Bravo! That was great. Thanks for all that you do.
Far and away there is NO ONE that even comes close to you!!
thanks so much!!
You are way to cute!!! I loved your video! Thank you for all that you do.
Thanks so much for doing this video...way cute!
You are way to cute!!!Awesome job!!! Loved the video and you blog!!!!
I'm curious did they say anything to you for making a video?
Thanks for everything that you do!
Absolutely LOVED it. I liked the length! Didn't think it was too long.
Thanks so much for the inspiring video!!! can't wait til your next one comes out!!! Thanks for all your hard work!
WOW! I love the video. None of my walmarts will take internet coupons :(
to keep them from expiring, i file my coupons by type in a way that is meaningful to me (some go alphabetically, i go by type (i.e. baby, beverage, canned, cereal/breakfast, condiment, etc.). and i have at least 4 sheets of baseball card holders in each section, some having more if it's a popular section (for example, for some reason, i have 8 sheets in the "snacks" section ;) ). Each sheet represents a month, and as the coupons expire i just pull the sheet out and move it to the back when i've cleared my coupons out of it. The expiring coupons are always up front, and the latest expiration dates are always moved in the back.
HTH someone
Thanks for the video. I am new to coupon shopping and live in Utah which has the highest rate of coupon users in the US, or so Im told. I have a few questions if you ever have time to answer them. Where do you put your binder when you are shopping? Where do you put your coupons you have purchases for while you shop? How long does it usually take you on a normal shopping trip? How long have you been coupon shopping? Anyway if you can answer and give me some tips it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again! SandySue
OMG!! That is truly amazing! We have a super WM here, but I never have been to it, just go to the "regular" one. I am now hoping to find some great deals there !
Your on my google reader but I haven't posted before. The video was so helpful and I will be sending the link along.
Hi: The video was super, but the sound was way low. I had everything turned up max and we could barely hear you, hope the sound is louder next time. The video was so great, we felt like we were right there with you. Blessings janarie8
I'm right there with ya!
Finally got to see it great job!
You are brave! I don't know that I could ever walk through walmart with a video camera and my coupons!! But THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love your blog - it helps me save a ton of money!
PS: You look great in the video and I look forward to seeing more! YOu're awesome!
It took me several tries to figure out printing from In order to print, you must download the coupon printer. When prompted, click "run" instead of "save" and that worked for me. On occasion, I have had to reinstall it (by clicking "run", not "save"), especially when printing individual coupons through the IE links on this blog.
How long did that shop take you? Even when I organize my Q's it seems like I'm in a store forever.
Did they give you any trouble for having so many in one transaction?
Elizabeth M.
Great Job!
Awesome! I think you are one of the best coupon sites!
WOW!!! Thanks for these video' is nice to actually see it for visual people!
Hi, I am a cashier for Walmart and am really sorry to read the post about the rude cashier!! I for one enjoy seeing people use coupons and don't mind at all when they are used in my line. If I have a line behind the person using the coupons, I try to get the next person excited about saving money. More often then not I see them returning using coupons themselves ;) I just wanted to share something with you. We "Ad Match". If you see something advertised at a lower price than what we have, we will match that price. Just let your cashier know where it was on sale and how much (no cheating now, we keep most other sales ads in the store). Happy shopping and keep those coupons coming!
cool video i am new to couponing whent to walmart it took about 4 hours in checkout line i gave the lady about 40 coupons and 6 or 7 was bogo free she gave me the bogo free and told me to fine price on them are i cant use them. then she gave the coupons back told me i cant use them she only used abouth bill 230
Great video! I love watching.
Do you have a list when you go into the store or are you flying by the seat of your pants.
Forgot to ask, where did you get that fabulously giant bag/purse.
I love your videos! you are so cute and it definitely makes it seem easier to handle. I have one question, i saw where you bought a frozen meal i think and it was free but you used three coupons. how do you stack them to where you get it for free?
Thanks for your video! There's a cashier at a Walmart close to me whom I LOVE! She's never annoyed when I give her my reusable bags and always says how impressed she is with what I save using a billion coupons that she has to scan!
I really have enjoyed your "follow me monday"- you have taught me so much and shown me how coupons can really really save! thanks!
I saw that nice bag at Target today for $29
I am a major coupon fanatic too! I was at Walmart one day a few weeks ago. I was writing down a few prices in the travel section to do my matchups at home. All of a sudden some rude employee came over and accused me of being a Target spy and told me I had to leave. After explaining to her what I was doing, she rolled her eyes and yelled at me again. I told the manager afterwards and who knows what happened from there. I was very upset though. Your Wal-Mart must be much nicer since you can take a video in the travel section and I can't even write down a price in mine. lol. What is funny is that I am a mystery shopper and never got caught once. Then, when I am not even doing anything they accuse me of something.
Girl, print your coupons in black and white, save your expensive color ink! :)
Can you use a coupon for more than one item. Some of the items that you get for free, if there is no limit stated on the coupon, what is stopping you from buying all of the product on the shelf. I am new to this. Can you tell me how this works?
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